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Anyone think today's patchnotes will be solid?


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I think we're gonna maybe see some bug fixes. Maybe not the sab probe one, but at least the little guys that got added this patch might get fixed.


I very much doubt any of those fixes will be called out in the patch notes.


I somewhat doubt any of those fixes will be included in the actual patch.


I expect 2.10 is all about the third flashpoint in Forged Alliances, which they are rushing out so that the "surprise reveal" can happen for most players before they announce 3.0, which is probably called "Return of *****". I simply don't think fixes for minor GSF bugs (and let's be honest--while negligent, the 2.9 GSF bugs had marginal impact on gameplay) would make the cut given their crunch schedule and the focus on GSH and Forged Alliances.


I also expect 2.10 will include some tweaks for conquest. The devs did say, at least, that they were going to adjust conquest objectives in 2.10 to encourage playing well/winning in PvP. Hopefully this includes GSF as well, as that would cut down on self-destructers.

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Yeah, I'm with Nemarus on this one sadly. I would love to be wrong and see the devs are giving GSF some attention. But as of this moment, I have a lack in faith in what te devs are able to do until 3.0 hits, and I find that quite disturbing.
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No, and I'm hesitant to think anything big will come with 3.0 (in regards to GSF). They didn't even have the balance fixes they stated were coming, why would I think anything else would be?


Also as far as what's done to warzones: a win is still a repeatable 500 points, so (if I cared about warzones) I'd be ok with that.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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No, and I'm hesitant to think anything big will come with 3.0 (in regards to GSF). They didn't even have the balance fixes they stated were coming, why would I think anything else would be?


Also as far as what's done to warzones: a win is still a repeatable 500 points, so (if I cared about warzones) I'd be ok with that.




The 5 objectives they listed are NOT always available, just like all 4 GSF objectives are not always available. The only one that is always available is The Killing Fields, which they changed to a one-time "finish ten matches" that you can't repeat--not even across multiple characters. All of the other objectives--including the ones that are now repeatable single-match, are only available on a few Conquest events, assuming they haven't changed objective scheduling.


This means that there will be some Conquest Events where warzones will only offer 3000-6000 points for your legacy. And that's it. No way to get any more than that, even on alts.


If the same thing happened to GSF's "complete a match" objective (Conquer the Stars), it'd be a disaster for any guilds that want to use GSF as a significant leg of their conquest efforts.


Now, if BioWare has totally rejiggered their objective/event matrix with these changes, then maybe it's an improvement that we want cloned for GSF. But I doubt it.

Edited by Nemarus
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Now, if BioWare has totally rejiggered their objective/event matrix with these changes, then maybe it's an improvement that we want cloned for GSF. But I doubt it.


Ah. I get it. In that case, they need to retool conquests quite a bit. I'm also rather sympathetic to allowing guilds that aren't massive the opportunity to actually conquer planets. There's plenty of other issues, there doesn't need to be any more.

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The patchnotes don't mention GSF at all. They could fix the bugs, but really, who knows.


Judging by the "fixes" we've "seen" in the last few patches, I highly doubt that. At the moment, I have a feeling the only changes made to GSF are by accident and those balance passes they said will come "in the next few patches" will come around version 6.66.

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The tooltips are still busted, ion missile is unchanged. EMP field still claims 4500. Did anything change under the hood? Sadly, we have to wait for some guy to go diff XML files, which is not the sort of thing that happens on the official forums. Dataminers can spoil games sometimes, but when stuff happens like "the EMP field tooltip stays at 4500 but the effect shrinks to 3000m, nothing about anything in patch notes", a literal stealth nerf, it's pretty clear why they are needed.



It appears to me (just logging in and inspecting stuff) that GSF was totally unaltered by this patch, and our glaring bugs still glare.

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