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If you could equip any weapon on your characters...


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What would you give them? (heck, no need to even restrict yourself to the one in game. Want your Sith Sorcerer to have a Light Whip? Go ahead)


I'd give my Imperial Agent a lightsaber to to replace his vibroknife. Not that he can use the force in any appreciable capacity, but simply because a lightsaber would probably do more damage than a plain vibroknife, and he's taken down enough force users that he's bound to have picked up at least one.


I'd want my Power Tech BH to use an assault cannon, since the dude is all about heavy firepower, wading into battle, and basically being a living siege engine.


I'd give my Jedi Guardian a double lightsaber, mostly because I had originally rolled her as a Shadow and the double lightsaber seems like it could work pretty well on a defensive/protecting level. (But that's just my association of staff weapons as being the weapons of guards and defenders)


going out of weapons we can use in game...


My Sith Sorcerer would wield a Light Pike/Light Spear. Since the guy basically lived as a flamboyant stage magician before the Sith nabbed him, he's still big into showmanship and would want something big and impressive. (Bonus if he could somehow channel his sith lightning from his staff. The words: Large Ham apply pretty damn well to him)


That's about all I got for now. How about you guys?

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I'd give my character an operational Death Star which only he has access to (also, fix that pesky exhaustion port so it can't be blown up Ep. IV style). :p


Ultimate Upgrade for Guild Flagships, also becomes a new PVP Space mission where an enemy guild can attack you with starfighters and starships! (You can counter in kind with your guildmates, ultimate dogfight PVP!)

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Well, I wouldn't change too much... ;)


I'd give my Powertech a blaster rifle with his shield.


I'd exchange my Operative's vibroknife with a vibroblade.


I'd give my Commando a vibroknife rather than the generator.


And I'd give my Sniper a Scattergun, rather than a vibroknife.


This is my wish list. :D

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One-Four(trooper, legacy daughte of Jedi Guardian and Mercenary) : Modified blaster that could be changed into a lightsaber. But that might be a bit of a stretch, even if it would look cool...


Marock (Jedi Guardian): Blaster in off hand, lightsaber in main hand.


Lyraine (Merc): Knife from time to time, but I'll leave her with her dual blasters.


Sophria (merc) : Tech staff, bladed on each end.


Adileis (agent) : Actually using the blaster cut scenes claim she has. That should go with all my troopers and agents.


Nau'ur'dha (Sorc) /Nau'ur (Sage): Vibroblade in her off hand.


... I have a thing for blasters, I admit it.

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Marock (Jedi Guardian): Blaster in off hand, lightsaber in main hand.


And this ranks up there "good fistfighting skill tree" (sorry, but the one we got is really lame) on my list of "things I want in RPGs but they often do not have".


Seriously, Bioware, what'chu got against fisticuffs? And videogames in genera, what'chu got against sword in one hand and gun in the other? Why has only Guild Fails 2 done this?


On the note of things like Force Users with vibroknives: might be kind of a cool thing to see, some special, ancient, ritualistic knives from ancient force user rituals or something like that.


Finally, I realize for my Sith Juggernaut, I'd want a long-handle lightsaber, particularly one with a complimenting long blade. Pretty much a BFS lightsaber and for him to use it with two hands, the guy's kind of all about size an intimidation. (no, he's not compensating)

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I would also love a vibroblade spear for Qyzen and Khem.


Lightsabers are horrible weapons, being a melee type. One of the things I loved about the Republic Commando book series was that Etain ran around with a BFG she used more often than her lightsaber.


I want all of my Force Users to have some kind of gun weapon for range purposes. Especially since my JKs don't get healers until after chapter one.

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This doesn't really follow the spirit of the OP, but I really wish there were some better Techblade models in game.


It would be nice for SCORPIO, Qyzen, Torian, etc. to have the same kind of aesthetic choices as Jaesa, Xalek, Kira, etc.

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Lightsabers are horrible weapons, being a melee type. One of the things I loved about the Republic Commando book series was that Etain ran around with a BFG she used more often than her lightsaber.


I want all of my Force Users to have some kind of gun weapon for range purposes. Especially since my JKs don't get healers until after chapter one.


I always thought it was kind of funny that no force user considered using blasters a bit more, especially a sniper rifle. Their ability to predict their opponent's movements and be 'guided' by the Force should mean that while an Imperial Sniper Agent can gun someone down from a kilometer off, a Jedi or Sith sniper would be popping heads from low orbit. In another star system.

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I always thought it was kind of funny that no force user considered using blasters a bit more, especially a sniper rifle. Their ability to predict their opponent's movements and be 'guided' by the Force should mean that while an Imperial Sniper Agent can gun someone down from a kilometer off, a Jedi or Sith sniper would be popping heads from low orbit. In another star system.


You don't need a sniper rifle when you see characters doing

from a distance.
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You don't need a sniper rifle when you see characters doing
from a distance.


Throwing Rocks and Sparks are nice, but not all Force Users can pull those stunts off. Of course, picking people up and throwing them would be nice, but we don't get to use those abilities often enough.

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Operative - a blaster pistol! He's a healer, and a Twi'lek to boot, so that big ol' gun on his back does not look good to me. And it drives me nuts how he can use one in cutscenes, it is like they are mocking me. xD


Scoundrel - a vibroknife for her offhand, as I am not a fan of shotguns, magical or not.


Commando - a blaster pistol or rifle. I already use the latter, as mine is a healer, but it would be nice if it was a "fully supported" option.


And semi-OT, but I'd also love to give Zenith a side sheathed vibrosword, or even a blaster rifle. Sniper rifles clip even worse than blaster rifles do on Twi'lek; I hate that they gave one to one of the only two Twi'lek Companions in the game. And don't give me that "but he's a sniper!" excuse; Aric is one too, and he got an assault cannon. :p

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And semi-OT, but I'd also love to give Zenith a side sheathed vibrosword, or even a blaster rifle. Sniper rifles clip even worse than blaster rifles do on Twi'lek; I hate that they gave one to one of the only two Twi'lek Companions in the game. And don't give me that "but he's a sniper!" excuse; Aric is one too, and he got an assault cannon. :p


Can't you actually equip at least one other primary weapon type for companions? Like how Kaliyo can use Blaster Rifles AND blaster pistols?


You should be able to give him a blaster rifle.

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Can't you actually equip at least one other primary weapon type for companions? Like how Kaliyo can use Blaster Rifles AND blaster pistols?


You should be able to give him a blaster rifle.


You are quite right! I never did though as I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not (like how Jaesa "can" use a single bladed saber, but it's not optimal). I didn't give it much thought at the time though, as I couldn't find any blaster rifles that were a significant improvement over the sniper rifles anyway. I should really look into that when I start playing my Sage again . . . thanks for mentioning it. :)


Again on topic, I do think a Juggernaut would look awesome with a double bladed saber! I prefer the regular single bladed one for mine, but he's not meant to look very formidable. Double bladed sabers look fierce, I love the way characters hold them.

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If I could change the weapons...


- Commando would use a Blaster Rifle that doesnt harm his DPS.

- Vanguard would at least have a model of her pistol (That you see in cutscenes) on her. I would change it to match what I have Dorne using also.

- Operative would use the pistol used in cutscenes. Also the vibroknife moves would only use the knife, no magic pole sticking out of the people Im attacking.

- Bounty Hunter using a Blaster Rifle (and actually using it, not using the Flamethrower/Rocket for EVERY ATTACK)

- Scoundrel does NOT use that blasted shotgun. I hate that animation. (Why do I even have a pistol that im using if I have a shotgun, pick one or the other) I would than replace all animation to look like the Operative. (I hate Pistol Whip.)



Guardian is perfect as is.

Juggernaut is perfect as is.

Sorcerer is perfect as is

Sage is perfect as is.



Ya those are my changes I would make

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I'd give my Imperial Agent a lightsaber to to replace his vibroknife. Not that he can use the force in any appreciable capacity, but simply because a lightsaber would probably do more damage than a plain vibroknife, and he's taken down enough force users that he's bound to have picked up at least one.


You mean that piece of metal? You do know that you can't use lightsaber if you're not force-sensitive?


I'd want my Power Tech BH to use an assault cannon, since the dude is all about heavy firepower, wading into battle, and basically being a living siege engine.


You do know that Powertech is melee class?

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Pretty sure Grievous wasn't force sensitive, yet he used four lightsabers at once. That's just off the top of my head.


And Han. :eek: Well, I mean, I guess someone could be force-sensitive and not be Jedi/Sith. Then again, The Force flows through everyone, so there's no reason Joe Schmo can't pick up a lightsaber and just flick the "on" switch. Might lose a limb trying to use the thing, but I'd think anyone could wield one reasonably well with a lot of practice.

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