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Suggestion Drop-Box: A Look into Races, Companions, Unique Armors, and, well, Classes


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This is going to be one of the larger Suggestion threads you'll see in my first edition of the Drop-Box (If I get around to posting regularly, if that's what everyone wants). Because of the content I want to cover, let's start digging in!


:sy_armor:Armors and Weapons :sy_item:


Let's start with the obvious. Several armors exist in SWTOR, so this is a given. However, since new high-tier armors could be made with every new patch, I won't touch on those. However, it is an entirely different story when we talk Cartel Market Armors and Weapons. Honestly, there could be vastly more Custom Armor Sets in SWTOR. Let's get some key points down first:

  • Class Armors: This is a given. There is no way on the Cartel Market you can tell what armor best fits for what class. For example, there is no marker for Inspired for Trooper Characters on the Armor set that best fits the Trooper. But what about the more obscure Armor styles. There just isn't any way to really catch the feeling of an armor fitting the style of character. I will be using this point when I describe new armors.
  • Make Varied Styles: I may need to explain this more thoroughly. First, the various Armor styles made for the many classes are, well, generic in style. There really isn't anything that separates them from other armors in the game besides looking slightly bulkier. Try experimenting with different styles of robes, for example, like adding some elements of the Smuggler. This point, again, will return later.
  • More than One Weapon Style: What bothered me the most about the Cartel Market Weapons was that there was only one variety for each weapon type. Of course, for many weapons in SWTOR, there really isn't a need for a large variety of custom weapons. Lightsabers and their variants are easily the best weapons that use this trait, as some of the best ones are all marked as "Custom" in the loot tables. However, having more custom weapons available in the Market wouldn't hurt, either.

Now that that list is taken care of, time to talk about some requests:

  • Rouge Jedi: This was the Jedi/Smuggler crossover I mentioned previously. To start, lore-wise, there have been several Jedi who lead different lives than most other Jedi do. These "Rouge" Jedi have lead to some rather interesting characters within the Expanded Universe, most Notably Zayne Carrick during the Mandalorian Wars and Cade Skywalker in the distant future. Why not emphasize that in an Armor Set? This armor set could be based more on the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter Armor Sets, with a few characteristics of robes to signify the ideal Rouge Jedi, like a hood, a scarf, and a cape to top it all off. Also, add in a cosmetic Blaster pistol on the belt to further symbolize the Rouge feeling.
  • Adventurer's Armor: A Smuggler-Inspired Armor, this Armor set takes elements from classic western movies, as well as elements from The Expendables and Firefly. Not much needs to be explained here, as this is downright classic adventure armor.
  • Metal Assassin: Half-inspired by Raiden from the Metal Gear series, this armor set is for those who want to create the perfect Cyborg/Robo-Assassin character, and most fits Bounty Hunters, Sith Warriors, and Troopers. Do I really need to explain this?


Now that that's out of the way, time to move on to some bigger fish...


:sy_galaxy: Races :sy_galaxy:


Yes, now we're getting to bigger game! This is an absolute must for the lack of variety in SWTOR as of now, considering how vast the universe is. To that end, I won't hold back. I'm tying all the loose ends, so I won't take into account any appearances in the game. I will, however, be looking at references in the game to see probability. So, here we go:

  • Voss: I'm a bit divided on this one. The only reason I put this on the list is the fact that there is already a request in place for the species to be playable. I don't know enough about the race to really consider this, but I'm going to put it here anyway as a reference to the original thread's existence.
  • Sluissi: Now, time to start a controversy. If anyone is familiar with the Essential Guide to Alien Species should know who these guys are. This snakelike sapients have been a part of the Republic since forever, and act as the Republic's engineers and mechanics, as well as having most of the technical gabble of maintaining Starships. There really doesn't need to be a whole lot of explanation to these guys.
    The most glaring issue with making the Sluissi playable is very similar to the issue WoW has with making the Naga playable: the lack of legs. The Sluissi have a long, snakelike body, and in more ways than one resemble the Naga. However, besides that, the only other issue is movement animations and combat.
    Lorewise, I can't find any Sluissi who have fought an enemy, as their work is mostly in engineering. However, I have determined that the best fit for the Sluissi is the Smuggler and/or Trooper. However, after some extra research, there has been a Sluissi Jedi, and, as of SWTOR, this Jedi lived only 300 years ago. This race would be more exclusive to the Republic than the Empire due to their membership to the Faction from an earlier time.
    Another note I should give about these guys is that their voices are slurred and lisped, so new voice actors will probably be needed for every conversation in the game.
  • Verpine: Bet you never heard of these guys before. Maybe? Okay, enough babbling.
    The Verpine is a race of insectoids that, just like the Sluissi, build Starships. However, they are much more human-like in structure than the Sluissi, meaning they are easier to animate.
    By far the best part of the Verpine is how easily they are to implement into the game, to me at least. I can easily see these bugs being Smugglers, Troopers, Imperial Agents, and, a more exotic approach, both Jedi classes and both Sith classes. Hell, let's go all the way, and make them also act as bounty hunters.
    As far as voice is concerned, I couldn't find any references to the Verpine's speech patterns. Because of this, I really can't tell what they really sound like. To be safe, new voice actors will probably be needed...
  • Selonian: Shocking that these critters didn't make it o the final release. There's even a forum avatar with these guys on it, for crying out loud! Do I really have to explain this any further? Yes? Damnit.
    To start, available classes. I would be hard-pressed to just have them available for all classes, as they are pretty widely spaced in abilities. However, after some research, I determined that they would be more Republic-based due to the Republic's influence over Corellia. Well, ain't that a charmer...
    Another idea to influence is that they have already appeared in the game, so the fact that they already exist should be some inspiration as to what their player voices should be like or what they excel at as a reference to how the race will function. Nothing special otherwise.
  • Trandoshan: Insert racist joke here. The reactions to Oyzen Fess by the Jedi during the Consular Questline were definitely unfounded, and you gotta feel for the big guy who follows you around. Surprisingly, after some searching, I was baffled by how varied and interesting these guys really were. Most notably, although they are hunters, there have been Force-Sensitive Trandoshan in the past, even some that trained as Jedi. However, because of their reputation as Bounty Hunters, both Jedi and Sith hardly approach them as potential apprentices. That... sold it for me. I wanna be a big lizard, and I mean right now!
    When it came to choosing a species for this spot, I was divided between the Barabel and the Trandoshan as playable. Doing some reseach cemented my choice, as the Barabel weren't discovered until over 2000 years later. As always, trying to stay as lore-friendly as possible.
    To start, let's talk about available classes. The most obvious choice for the Trandoshan (and the easiest to implement) is the Bounty Hunter. However, I would not be surprised if they also fit the Trooper, as well. Smugglers would be a hard fit, as I am not entirely sure if the Trandoshan have been part of smuggling operations. Then there is the issue with the Jedi and Sith. As stated previously, there have been only three known Jedi in the EU, with Force-Sensitivity being rare among their race. However, I'd say make Trandoshan Jedi and Sith, mainly for Gameplay reasons rather than story reasons. People can easily forge their own stories as to why their character is a Jedi. :tran_angel:


As you may have guessed, there as so many races to cover that there was no way I could have covered them all. If anyone has any suggestions, please list them in your posts here.




This next section requires a whole section. You have been notified.


:sy_companion:Companions :sy_companion:


This is a given. Companions are a must for gameplay, and we will love them no matter what. To that extent, I need to bring up three points. So, let's begin:


:sy_starship: Multiple Companions :sy_starship:


I may need to explain this concept. This is more for trying to balance the game's roles than to make the game easier. To really get the gist of what I am trying to explain, we need to look at classic RPGs. In FFX and FFX-II, three party members could be out at any time, but the best arrangement is where each character complimented each other. In Xenoblade Chronicles, which has a battle system very similar to modern day MMOs, your party consists of three characters that can be out at any time. For me, the best combination for me was the Heavy Hitter (Shulk or Riki), the Bullet Sponge (Ryen), and the only healer in the entire game, Sharla. Notice the pattern.

To that extent, I'm suggesting an expansion to the current companion system. In the short time I've played SWTOR, I've noticed one glaring problem. When it comes to choosing your companion, I always seem to pull out the Tank companion for my class, just because he could take all the damage off of me while I decimate the opponent. However, as a Jedi Knight, you have no way of healing your companion during battle. And if you're facing a particularly powerful foe, your companion could die very quickly. It's fine if you are a healer yourself, healing your companion, but as DPS? Something must change.

For starters, change the maximum number of companions you can have out at once to 2, making for a three person party. That way, you have to decide what loadout you want to bring into the fray. That way, if you are playing DPS, you can have both a Tank and a healer out at the same time. It perfectly compliments and respects the role system in the game, and is also a good way to condition newer players to higher-tier group content, where knowing your role is crucial.

Now the largest issue with this system is that it could make lower level content far too easy. I agree with this notion, as it is a valid fear. There is, however, a way to compensate for this. Increasing the overall health of mobs in the overworld is by far the easiest way to fix the issue, and also encourages grouping for lower level content. As for grouping, this is an easy fix. Have the Companion number for group members fit into the maximum group size for normal content (which is four). For example, make the companion limit one each for groups of two, only one companion period for groups of three, and zero for groups of four. Easy, and is already in the game.

This idea flows perfectly into our next entry:


:sy_havoc: Story-Driven Companions :sy_havoc:


To compensate for the introduced system, add one or two (or more, if ambitious) story companions for each class, with each companion being released weeks apart from each other to allow players to kiss up to the previous companion. However to get a feel for what kinds of companions to add, we need to go over the current companion roles in the game right now. *opens Wiki"

  • Melee Tank: Anything wielding a Melee weapon that is basically a damage soaker fits in this category.
  • Ranged Tank: Just like the above, only it uses blasters and has a shield generator.
  • Melee DPS: Basically your heavy hitter, this guy will kill everything you set him/her upon with whatever melee weapon you give him/her/it.
  • Ranged DPS: These guys will used just about any gun you give them, and then kill everything that moves. Nothing more.
  • Healer: There are no Melee Healer companions in the game currently, which really sucks considering that both the Jedi Sage and the Sith Sorcerer can both be Healers. Anyways, these guys only focus on keeping you alive.

Now that that's out of the way, We can move on to possible other companion roles:

  • Priest: I'm not sure if Priest is the right word, but this was the only term I could find to describe this kind of companion. This means companions who are along the lines of the Jedi Sage and the Sith Sorcerer in terms of healing styles. They usually use melee weapons, and, just like Mages, throw magic at foes (or Force energy, in this case). Enough said.
  • Rouge/Thief: Kind of like the other DPS classes in SWTOR, these guys are Damage Dealers, but their damage is done slightly differently than other companions. First off, they do the best damage when positioned behind the enemy, with some of their abilities only working when behind the target. This would mean creating new AI to enable the use of Rouge-style companions.
  • Knight: This kind of companion is one of the few cross-breeds when it comes to companions, as they actually can be any role you set them to. For cosmetics, I would imagine them as beefed up Consulars and Inquisitors, as they seem the most fitting for this kind of companion.

Now that we have covered even more play styles, let's add something completely new:


:rak_01: Animal Companions :rak_01:


Here we go! Ever wonder why there aren't more pets? Well, there isn't really a use for them. Idea? Animal Companions.

Now, before you throw this off as another Pokemon ripoff, I will make one point clear: That isn't what I'm talking about. What I'm talking is Animal Companions, companions that fight alongside you. Feeling lucky?

The system could tie in with the companion system I suggested previously, and could also not affect the total companion limit. The difference? Animal Companions are leveled, and don't use gear, and they don't follow regular commands. In other words, they only do what they are set to do. For example, DPS Companion will only use DPS abilities, but you can't control when they use these abilities, and you can only command your pet to attack or remain passive. This also means you can't set your pet's ability stance. Overall, you would have less control over these companions, and are significantly weaker than your main companions, but they also don't take up a companion slot.

As far as Animal Pets are concerned, it was very easy to find Pets for the Sith classes. However, finding possible mandates for the Jedi proved to be a lore-challenging problem. After some searching, here is what I come up with:

  • Hississ: Also called "Dark Side Dragon", these monstrous lizards live off of the Dark Side of the Force, being creatures possessed by Dark Side energies. This would be the perfect Sith companion, as it fits every bill when it comes to their nature. I'm surprised they appeared in KotOR II, and not mentioned in SWTOR, as these critters have been a part of the lore for a long time.
  • Akk Dogs: I could see this as the opposite of the Hississ in where their loyalties lie. About 1000 BBY, these puppies bonded with the Jedi through the Force. As such, they would make perfect companions for the Jedi. However, there will need to be a lore explanation as to why they bonded to the Jedi much earlier, but I'm sure that would be an easy fix.
  • Varactyl: Mounts? Okay. Battle Pets? Do it! This is an interesting pick for me, as these creatures are already mounts in the game. Why not take it one step further, and make these same mounts your Companions!

I really can't think of any other pets that could be implemented into the system. If anyone else has any suggestions, post them here.




:sy_item: Cross-Classes :sy_blaster:


This ought to be a gimmick. This idea is to combine certain aspects of other classes to make a more unique class. These options are not necessary to the player, but they do add a small layer of story to your character. For example, you could combine the aspects of the Jedi Knight/Consular with a Smuggler, creating a Rouge Jedi (I requested an armor based on this idea), which makes it so the Knight could use some tricky abilities that the Smuggler also uses, like pulling out a leveled Blaster to shoot. Another Example is to allow Bounty Hunters to carry some Agent abilities, making a Bounty Hunter reminiscent of a Trooper, if so needed. I don't know, be a little creative.


If anyone has any ideas as to what character you want to make, feel free to list them here.




I believe I've covered everything for this edition. If anyone wants to see me cover a certain topic for a possible second edition, let me know in the comments below. Stay classy!

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I like where you are going with this...


My main alt is a Sith Assassin, but being a Role Player, I don't see her as your normal gone to school Sith either. In her Bio she had Sith abilities that remained mostly dormant, until her owner (she was a slave since birth, and he father was a Sith lord who raped her mother and left) Had powers that manifested themselves in very minor ways, until she got pressured which awakened her true "untamed" abilities. Her owner was an Empire Intelligence Official, who noticed her peculiarities, and had her trained as an OPS agent, who later specialized in assassination of "traitorous" Sith. She did get some "under the table" Force training, but officially she is not listed as a Sith lord or anything like that, but just as another very capable Operative.


For this build, I could see a mix of skills from both the Agent and Inquisitor, obviously they both stealth so you have an easy commonality. From there is a matter of figuring what Agent traits makes sense to give the Assassin to have, and what Assassin traits simlply makes no sense since she did not go thru Sith Academy proper.



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This is going to be one of the larger Suggestion threads you'll see in my first edition of the Drop-Box (If I get around to posting regularly, if that's what everyone wants). Because of the content I want to cover, let's start digging in!


:sy_armor:Armors and Weapons :sy_item:




Cosmetic requests. No concerns or disagreements. Request away.


:sy_galaxy: Races :sy_galaxy:

  • Voss: No problems. Meets all criteria needed.
  • Sluissi: Issue here is that they deviate far too much from a traditional humanoid. Additionally can't find proof they speak galactic basic. Does not meet Bioware criteria.
  • Verpine: Again the issue with the Verpine is that they deviate from humanoids. Additionally can't find proof they speak galactic basic. Does not meet Bioware criteria.
  • Selonian: Borderline on body structure, could probably be worked. They do speak Basic. Meets all criteria needed, but more likely they will go with Bothans.
  • Trandoshan: They speak galactic basic and would pose issues with armor models. Does not meet Bioware criteria.


In general, no issues with suggestions, but Bioware has generally implied that only species capable of speaking galactic basic will be added. Additionally, only reasonable to expect that any new races added will have to use the existing armor models, so exotic body structures (such as lower-half snake) are pretty much ruled out.


:sy_companion:Companions :sy_companion:


Companions. Continue to expect shared companions similar to Treek and HK-51. I am thinking a new one comes with Game Update 3.0


:sy_starship: Multiple Companions :sy_starship:


Strongly disagree with multiple companions. Single companions are already very powerful in solo PVE and the game is balanced around having a single companion out. As such, I don't think it is necessary or prudent to redesign and rebalance existing content based on having 2 companions out; increasing health across the board wouldn't work.


As for having a tank companion out, probably more wise to use a dps companion to increase your total dps to kill something before it kills you or your companion.


:sy_havoc: Story-Driven Companions :sy_havoc:


See above points regarding new companions.


:rak_01: Animal Companions :rak_01:


See above points regarding multiple companions.


:sy_item: Cross-Classes :sy_blaster:


Some interesting idea for level cap addition... would be tough to balance, but it would allow more character customization. Definitely don't see this being added for level 55 or lower, but maybe at level 56 you can choose a cross class thing that gives you maybe 2 passive changes and 1 active change... however, can you accidentally create an overpowered flavor of the month? How would this affect viability of classes in operations? Would certain combinations be so far ahead of others that the "weaker" combinations aren't considered for progression teams?


Honestly, in concept this idea has potential, but the devil is in the details...

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Finally getting back to this topic. And... damn it, I forgot what I was going to suggest. Uh... guess I'll go with responses...


Cosmetic requests. No concerns or disagreements. Request away.




In general, no issues with suggestions, but Bioware has generally implied that only species capable of speaking galactic basic will be added. Additionally, only reasonable to expect that any new races added will have to use the existing armor models, so exotic body structures (such as lower-half snake) are pretty much ruled out.




Companions. Continue to expect shared companions similar to Treek and HK-51. I am thinking a new one comes with Game Update 3.0




Strongly disagree with multiple companions. Single companions are already very powerful in solo PVE and the game is balanced around having a single companion out. As such, I don't think it is necessary or prudent to redesign and rebalance existing content based on having 2 companions out; increasing health across the board wouldn't work.


As for having a tank companion out, probably more wise to use a dps companion to increase your total dps to kill something before it kills you or your companion.




See above points regarding new companions.




See above points regarding multiple companions.




Some interesting idea for level cap addition... would be tough to balance, but it would allow more character customization. Definitely don't see this being added for level 55 or lower, but maybe at level 56 you can choose a cross class thing that gives you maybe 2 passive changes and 1 active change... however, can you accidentally create an overpowered flavor of the month? How would this affect viability of classes in operations? Would certain combinations be so far ahead of others that the "weaker" combinations aren't considered for progression teams?


Honestly, in concept this idea has potential, but the devil is in the details...


Whew! What a response. Okay, now that you mention it, I need to respond to the holes:


"In general, no issues with suggestions, but Bioware has generally implied that only species capable of speaking galactic basic will be added. Additionally, only reasonable to expect that any new races added will have to use the existing armor models, so exotic body structures (such as lower-half snake) are pretty much ruled out."

Alright, I see what you are getting at with this one, but I may need to clarify what I was saying for some of these.


Voss: I'm glad you agree with me.

Sluissi: Now, I'm no game designer, but I've already stated that the issue with the Sluissi is similar to the issue with introducing the Naga as a playable race in WoW. There are certain technical issues when dealing with strange and awkward shapes, i.e. Naga-like races. This is why I don't expect to see these guys anytime soon.

Another note with the Naga from WoW, one of the Devs really did want to see the Naga as a playable race. In a sense, he's implying that they're working on it.

Verpine: I somewhat disagree with you on this one. Sure, it is somewhat exotic, and that there is no evidence saying they speak basic. However, that is none. That doesn't mean never. It can be implied that they do speak basic, there just hasn't been any know appearances known to most. However, because of the exotic shape (and a possible trilled speech pattern), I don't expect to see these guys as part of a patch. I will get around to this.

Selonians: I agree and disagree. Sure, they do speak basic, even though their body structure is a bit off, and I do agree that they may add Bothans to SWTOR. It won't rule out the possibility. Some of the forum posts I've seen seem to suggest that there are a few Selonians in-game already. I'm not sure, but I can't confirm this because I'm not at that level as of yet.

:tran_mad: Trandoshan: I completely disagree with you on this part. First off, Trandoshan are already in the game, as NPCs, and as a companion that follows the Consular. Considering there is already a Trandoshan Companion, that also makes it so he can equip gear, as well, and he does. The code is already there, as Oyzen (the follower in question) can wear every piece of armor you give him. However, I do agree with the fact that few, if any, Trandoshan speak basic (there was one where it was implied that a Trandoshan can speak Basic, which showed in Star Was: Legacy). This can easily be fixed. However, it will require some labor on Bioware's part. This is yet another race that might be included in a future expansion, as mentioned previously with the Verpine. Patches just add extra tibbits here and there, but full blown expansions add a great deal of content, with voice acting, mechanics, locations, and the whole bit. As a side project, perhaps, for the possible expansion, could work on implementing player voice work for possible odd player races, like the Trandoshan, as well as working out classes and other things. That's my thought, at least...


"Companions. Continue to expect shared companions similar to Treek and HK-51. I am thinking a new one comes with Game Update 3.0"

Perhaps, perhaps not. I'm kind of hoping that they separate future general companions between the two factions. I'm okay with the fact that Treek and HK-51 can be access by both Factions, but future companions should draw a sharp line in their loyalties. That's just me, though. I just like the faction/class separation for Vanilla companions.


"Strongly disagree with multiple companions. Single companions are already very powerful in solo PVE and the game is balanced around having a single companion out. As such, I don't think it is necessary or prudent to redesign and rebalance existing content based on having 2 companions out; increasing health across the board wouldn't work.


As for having a tank companion out, probably more wise to use a dps companion to increase your total dps to kill something before it kills you or your companion. "

I... see where you're coming from. Balance is always important. I just thought it would be a bit more RPG-like for Solo Players. Perusal, there is that dangling OP sign hanging over this idea. As such, I usually view survivability as more important than overall power in RPGs. Maybe I've played ESO for a bit too long...

I think it would make more sense if it debuffed you instead of buffing enemies. Originally, I was thinking of making it so the player and his companions suffered a stat debuff if more than one Companion was out. In Xenoblade Chronicles, Enemies were generally more powerful than your individual characters in order to deal with balancing issues with multiple party members. Then I thought: "People want to feel superior in all aspects". That glaring Debuff on their characters would likely turn off most players. I don't know how it would work without breaking the game. Perhaps you could give some inspiration? I want to keep emphasis on group rules.


"Some interesting idea for level cap addition... would be tough to balance, but it would allow more character customization. Definitely don't see this being added for level 55 or lower, but maybe at level 56 you can choose a cross class thing that gives you maybe 2 passive changes and 1 active change... however, can you accidentally create an overpowered flavor of the month? How would this affect viability of classes in operations? Would certain combinations be so far ahead of others that the "weaker" combinations aren't considered for progression teams?


Honestly, in concept this idea has potential, but the devil is in the details..."

Truthfully, this idea was more for story reasons rather than gameplay. I totally understand where you come from in this aspect. However, the idea behind this is to, besides adding a story element to your character, mix up the gameplay a tiny bit, but not in a gameplay-breaking manner. Perhaps choosing some basic elements, like a basic ability, or adding a minor heal to a class that originally doesn't gain such an ability in progression, but adding a cooldown to not make it overpowered. Honestly, to decide, I would allow one offensive ability (an ability that does damage, like charged shot), one defensive ability (an ability that guards against damage), and one support ability (an ability that heals yourself or another, or applies a buff), plus a tiny collection of class-related passives (minor percentage boosts or class-related ability boosts not available to the chosen crossed-class). Certainly more than your suggesting, but they're abilities that are generally much weaker compared to the origin class.


As I was writing the Trandoshan response, an idea sparked in my head...


:sy_companion: Voice Packs :sy_companion:

I know I should have posted this in another thread (more likely to be seen in the Cartel Market Suggestion Page), but I couldn't express the need for it enough.

To explain what I mean by voice packs, we need to look at the default voices for each of the classes. It really irked me that, no matter what species you played, your character sounds exactly the same, with only male/female variants and the overall voice of the class you play. And, really, it's kind of disappointing, really.

The idea behind Voice Packs is to customize the tone, pitch, and style of the voice you're character uses. It won't affect the game, but it could provide for some humorous exchanges if need be.

An example for one such pack could be a reference to the "Rouge Jedi" I explained previously. This "style" could come in a few variants to add variety, and combines the reasoning of a Jedi and mixing it in with some of the humor present in the Smuggler Archetype. Another example could be a much more sinister Trooper voice, with fewer laughs and carries a more serious tone. These are just a few examples, but the work could be just as similar as to add voices for new races.

Also, another note, there should be voice packs for alien languages. That'll tie in with the alternate voices for some of my suggestions previously.


Just a thought. I've rambled enough already...

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Another idea just came up, and I wanted to point it out, before I go on, that the original idea I found is linked here. Now that is settled, let's continue.


:rak_01: Advanced Rakghoul :rak_09:


Feeling lucky, punk? After some searching, I came across this strange request, and was rather unusual considering the circumstances. Lorewise, only Lokin was able to create an alternate Rakghoul state in which he is in control. However, that doesn't mean that someone else didn't have a similar idea.

As far as races go, I would imagine this as more of a Gameplay ability rather than a playable race. What I mean by this is, well, Rakghouls are probably not the most vocal of races, and basing an entire race on the switch between the alternate forms can prove troublesome when trying to balance classes.

To start, perhaps your character could be given the choice on whether to try and acquire the ability, much like how Lokin acquired his alternate form. That should enable the transformation state.

Second, pros/cons:

  • Pros: You'll have an increased speed, a stronger Hand-to-Hand combat, and some natural armor. Combat regeneration could also be enabled. You also could gain some extra poisonous passives, and a new, independent tree to customize your form.
  • Cons: Your abilities would be rather limited in your altered state, meaning you would have fewer attack options, even fewer defense options, and next to no healing options other than in-combat regen. And, despite the natural armor, your character would be even squishier than before.

I really can't say much more. I might make another Drop-Box with some expanded discussions. Stay tuned...

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4 a new species I have asked 4 this 1...




4 multiple companions I thought of this compromise...


multiple active companions available but only whilst soloing heroics/flashpoints which returns 2 single active companion upon completion of heroic/flashpoint - {heroic+2=1 additional comp} {heroic+4/flashpoint=2 additional comps}


And 4 cross-classing I would like a slightly different way...


1 of the main reasons I still play the KOTORs is the weapon specializations r all available, though the ability 2 heal ur toon or ur comp is still appealing so I would propose an 'end of chapter 3' unlock that makes most non-specialized weapons available 2 all classes (I say most because only Jedi/Sith can use Lightsabers)...


Knight/Warrior = Vibrosword spec + standard melee attack 4 Pistol/Rifle wielding classes*

Consular/Inquisitor = Standard Heal 4 all classes**

Republic Trooper/Imperial Agent = Blaster Rifle spec + standard ranged attack (rifle) 4 all classes

Smuggler/Bounty Hunter = Blaster Pistol spec + standard ranged attack (pistol) 4 all classes***


...and as u probably noticed there r some holes in the way I would like cross-classing 2 b done, here r the 1's I noticed when I wrote it out...


*Doesn't do anything 4 the Consular/Inquisitor

**Would become pointless 4 any advanced class that has the heal ability

***Pistol would clip with a sheathed lightsaber

Plus 2 new weapon slots would have 2 b added 2 allow easy access 2 the 2 weapon types that would be gained by each class...


K/W/C/I = Blaster Rifle + Blaster Pistol RT/IA = Vibrosword + Blaster Pistol S/BH = Vibrosword + Blaster Rifle


...Ultimately though, I do like ur ideas. There r just some things I would like done a little different :o


As 4 a class I would have liked 2 b in the game, it would have been something closer 2 Revan or the Exile in the KOTORs since I like 2 run around with a VB/LS in 1 hand and a BP in the other:D

Edited by Mlnvifun
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Bump. For obvious reasons.

You're an impatient narcissist?


Classes? No need. All roles covered, and then some.


Races? Togruta and Voss are probably the only realistic options.


Companions? I'm sure we will get new CM companions at some point.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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You're an impatient narcissist?


Classes? No need. All roles covered, and then some.


Races? Togruta and Voss are probably the only realistic options.


Companions? I'm sure we will get new CM companions at some point.


... What?

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