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Before we go on a witch hunt and start making wild accusations about entire guilds exploiting when all that is known is there are a few members who've cheesed in guild, consider this: DIFFERENT GUILD, DIFFERENT RAID LEADERS. Lets be real people. Just because they have some people who were involved in exploits, it doesn't mean that the new guild will use the same tactics. The GMs, Officers, Raid Leaders are the ones that control what method is used for boss kills, not some random raid member. Until you have proof that the raid leaders from EA are infact exploiting as HMD has done, don't assume that they will just because they picked up members from HMD. Different strokes for different folks. To argue otherwise is just blowing smoke.
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Then any raid team that got the kill with those two is disqualified due to having at least one confirmed exploiters in it


Lol who are you anyway? I was in Hmd for like 5 mins. I pulled council with them once. I didn't know or understand what kind of tactics they were using. If you are saying that any boss kill that I am involved in for the rest of time is invalid, then you are a crazy person. The person in charge of this thread has already stated that he would count any kill that has been verified a clean kill as valid. We of Exit Area have provided proof of a valid kill. Your opinion, however is invalid. Get off it. Your continued posting is just making you look insane.

Edited by Baynard
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It was already stated that exploited kills will not be counted on this thread, so why continue to beat a dead horse? Give the OP time to go through all the videos and what not posted for kills so he can sort it out. Screaming about invalid kills constantly just makes you look like a 3 year old having a tantrum.
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They have had their hmd kill time nullified. Their Exit Area kill time still stands because it was proven to be free of exploitation. Anything else you wanr?


No, any hmd kills and any kills with any guild after cannot be counted because they cannot be trustee not to exploit whenever possible

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No, any hmd kills and any kills with any guild after cannot be counted because they cannot be trustee not to exploit whenever possible


So what you're saying is, evidence should not be considered but your level of trust should determine who is eligible. Yeah, umm good luck with that.

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No, any hmd kills and any kills with any guild after cannot be counted because they cannot be trustee not to exploit whenever possible


Wow, the level of stupidity here is over 90000!!!! Seriously, what makes you think the new guild would allow exploits? Do you know any of the leadership? Have you been involved in any of their events? As I see it now, you're making a big fuss over something that hasn't even happened yet. You can't expect to punish an entire guild, one that wasn't even involved in exploiting, for something some of their members did prior to joining them.

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No, any hmd kills and any kills with any guild after cannot be counted because they cannot be trustee not to exploit whenever possible


Wow, just wow. How insane are you? There is specific video evidence that says that the kill is 100% legitimate, which everyone besides you has agreed. At what point can it be proven that people in our guild can make a proper kill in your eyes? And even if the exact same HMD group did a kill that showed that they didn't use any exploits, how could you say they don't deserve to be recognized? Although i agree that an exploited kill shouldn't count, you have to say that a not exploited kill has to count, otherwise we could say that anyone who's stealthed past a boss in a flashpoint, or gotten an implant from nefra with the exploit can never be allowed to post progression and then there won't be any proper progression at all in your eyes. Do everyone a favor and climb back into the hole you crawled out of and leave progression to people who know what they are talking about.

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The troll is strong in this one.




Any hmd members part of any kill that was exploited simply cannot be allowed in a group that wants to be in a progression thread.


This is not me trolling, this is me making sure the quality and high standards of a pve progression thread are upheld to the highest degree,

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Any hmd members part of any kill that was exploited simply cannot be allowed in a group that wants to be in a progression thread.


This is not me trolling, this is me making sure the quality and high standards of a pve progression thread are upheld to the highest degree,

Who are you in the first place to make sure the standard of PVE progression is upheld to the highest degree ? that is what Taelik is doing that he is doing a great job at it. For realz watch the video before you open your mouth. Haters gonna hate anyway. You are not the first person to be jealous and start calling people out for using exploits when they haven't. Research your **** before you start accusing people.

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You are not the first person to be jealous and start calling people out for using exploits when they haven't. Research your **** before you start accusing people.



Did you miss the part where mikey admitted to exploiting in a boss fight?


and if you think i'm accusing current Exit area members of exploiting then you need to go back and reread some of the posts, all I have been saying is that any person involved in the exploited kills cannot be on a team that wants to be in a progression thread.


Simple as that.

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Did you miss the part where mikey admitted to exploiting in a boss fight?


and if you think i'm accusing current Exit area members of exploiting then you need to go back and reread some of the posts, all I have been saying is that any person involved in the exploited kills cannot be on a team that wants to be in a progression thread.


Simple as that.


Mikey admitted that HMD used an exploit to kill the boss, oh and guess what .. i admit that i killed nefra using a exploit, in fact %90 who raid in this game did. that doesn't meant that they are gonna use exploit every chance they get and if they do and don't kill it again the right way THEN you can say they should be banned. Mikey killed it the legit way. can you get that in your head ? i don't know how much more simple can you get than that, again WATCH THE VIDEO.


I'm gonna go ahead and say this too, if HMD went in and killed the right way before Exit Area had i wouldn't have said that they shouldn't get server first. the fact that they didn't is the reason everyone wanted them demoted.

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Fellas lets end this argument now please. It doesn't matter what people have done in the past. The fact is, that if a guild provides adequate proof of a boss kill (In which Exit Area DID provide), then that guild will get credit. It's as simple as that. If you are going to continue to argue, please direct it away from this thread. Thank you guys for your understanding.
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that's a disgusting viewpoint that demeans and lowers the high standard that any pve progression thread should uphold.


ANY boss kill that has a member in it who has exploited should be disqualified from a pve progression thread.



You are more than welcome to leave the thread, and not be involved if you do not like the way things are run. Your opinion has been noted. Thank you.

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Okay, I got enough laughs out of this at this point. Guess no one remembers what a complete troll Churb was and that he got banned or unsubsidized and supposedly had to use the account of the girl who was in TGO before she left the game. Guess he is back or someone is using the same screen name. Lmao.


Give it a rest. But if you keep it up I will laughing.


im insulted at being called a troll.


im doing nothing but doing my utmost to try and make sure only the highest standard of pve progression threads is upheld.

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Rule 2


I believe that Rule 2, "Screenshots of boss kills should be unedited..." should be changed.


Clearly there are very strong feelings in our progression community about what is and is not an exploit, and therefore what is and is not a verifiable and "legitimate" kill. Tealik has generously volunteered to maintain this thread for the server and I think that it is up to us, as members of The Shadowlands progression community, to make their maintenance of this thread as straight forward as we can.


Therefore, my suggestion for changing Rule 2 to the following, is made with the goal of minimizing possible future controversy over kills.


2. A video of the boss kill must be linked in your post within 24 hours of the post being made. This video must include the significant majority of the fight (i.e. forgetting to hit "record" for the opening seconds of a fight does not invalidate your kill) and include the looting of the boss.


It is impossible to predict when the next exploit will be discovered for current or future operation content. A screenshot of a dead boss is not able to provide evidence of the method used to achieve the kill, which is an important consideration in definitively recording progression. I believe that it is our responsibility to work together in our progression community to minimize future controversy by providing reasonably thorough evidence of our progress.


I understand that there may be some progression teams who do not yet have any team members recording video of their progression. However, I believe that the significant majority of the current progression teams on the server are recording and posting their kills. The historical rules of this progression thread are designed to set reasonable standards which guilds are expected to meet in order to participate in progression as equals. I think the evolution of both the complexity of operation mechanics as well as in the availability of free video recording software over the past few years requires that the "screenshot standard" be left in the past.


Rule 4


With the split of hard mode and nightmare mode lockouts, boss skipping is no longer possible. I suggest that Rule 4 be changed as follows.


4. Exploits are not acceptable for a boss kill that is expected to be counted towards progression. The identification of exploits will be performed by The Shadowlands' progression community as a whole in good faith, achieving general concensus when possible. The final decision on whether an exploit was used in a boss kill resides solely with the Original Poster of this progression thread.


Thank you for your consideration and input.

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4. The identification of exploits will be performed by The Shadowlands' progression community as a whole in good faith, achieving general concensus when possible.


I love this! The Shadowlands community is a tight knit group of highly mature, motivated, and reasonable people. I think we should perform polls whenever possible in the name of democracy. First poll will be on the legitimacy of Churb vs. Exit Area's claims, with the loser by popular vote forever shamed by the consensus of the Shadowlands community.

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I will indeed be changing up some of the rules, and looking further into how to keep this as a well structured system. The video vs. screen shot battle is one that I've thought about. If I were to force a video only rule, so that to verify exploits, then I will in fact be disregarding a large number of guilds who don't/can't do any kind of recording/streaming. This is something that will have to be thought about moving forward.
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