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Cross server pvp and gsf


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You guys still don't get it. Good players don't want to play with the bad players. Cross server increases player pool by tying everybody together, and may make your terrible matchmaking system effective.. As an elite GSFer, I don't want to carry every team I'm on and get beat when I'm paired with two ship newbs, so having a tiered system would be much more beneficial (because I don't have to slaughter new players and force them to quit) and would decrease que times. Reorganize your data, but for a 2+ year old game, you guys keep messing up. Enjoying galactic Barbie? Good, i glad you care more about decorating than actual gameplay. You guys just don't give a damn. You'll lose your GSF population even more once star citizen drops too, and I specifically don't pvp ground because the matchmaking doesn't exist. Cross server or bust - it's like launch all over again
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You guys still don't get it. Good players don't want to play with the bad players. Cross server increases player pool by tying everybody together, and may make your terrible matchmaking system effective.. As an elite GSFer, I don't want to carry every team I'm on and get beat when I'm paired with two ship newbs, so having a tiered system would be much more beneficial (because I don't have to slaughter new players and force them to quit) and would decrease que times. Reorganize your data, but for a 2+ year old game, you guys keep messing up. Enjoying galactic Barbie? Good, i glad you care more about decorating than actual gameplay. You guys just don't give a damn. You'll lose your GSF population even more once star citizen drops too, and I specifically don't pvp ground because the matchmaking doesn't exist. Cross server or bust - it's like launch all over again


Oh dear lord, other people actually have interests besides PvP and GSF.


On a more serious note, your post makes you look incredibly elitist and people actually like the housing. It is a huge quality of life aspect to the game and is widely considered to be very successful. So while you may not like it, I and many others do. But in saying that, I do think matchmaking could use tweaks, but I am remiss to say that it will sadly never happen with the current tech.

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  • 4 months later...
You guys still don't get it. Good players don't want to play with the bad players. Cross server increases player pool by tying everybody together, and may make your terrible matchmaking system effective.. As an elite GSFer, I don't want to carry every team I'm on and get beat when I'm paired with two ship newbs, so having a tiered system would be much more beneficial (because I don't have to slaughter new players and force them to quit) and would decrease que times. Reorganize your data, but for a 2+ year old game, you guys keep messing up. Enjoying galactic Barbie? Good, i glad you care more about decorating than actual gameplay. You guys just don't give a damn. You'll lose your GSF population even more once star citizen drops too, and I specifically don't pvp ground because the matchmaking doesn't exist. Cross server or bust - it's like launch all over again


decorating is gameplay

and GSF has many cheats that make ppl stop playing it

and i agree that the game needs cross server pvp and gsf AND FPs AND OPS i'll say

Edited by Kissakias
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On a more serious note, your post makes you look incredibly elitist and people actually like the housing. It is a huge quality of life aspect to the game and is widely considered to be very successful.


It may be a huge aspect of the game, but it shouldn't be. This is Star Wars, this game should be all about stats, skills, fighting. However, I do understand why it is: people like shiny new things and "developing" stuff like that requires far less time and effort (aka money).


GSF has many cheats that make ppl stop playing it


GSF has only 1 cheat: SKILL!


For the end: X-server or... whatever!

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It may be a huge aspect of the game, but it shouldn't be. This is Star Wars, this game should be all about stats, skills, fighting. However, I do understand why it is: people like shiny new things and "developing" stuff like that requires far less time and effort (aka money).




GSF has only 1 cheat: SKILL!


For the end: X-server or... whatever!


Your defintion of what Star Wars should be is not shared by everyone including me. While I will agree to a point that the majority of the game should be about the raids, pvp, stats and whatnot I disagree with your contention that housing and non fighting content should be a large part of it.


MMO's are ever changing beasts and people enjoy themselves in different ways including playing dress up and having a house. Therefore when new decorations come out, that is content for people and that is their right.

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As an avid PVP ground pounder I support cross server for very similar reasons. (Only instead of carrying GSF I get to carry 7 derps in ground, 6 of whom don't even know what a defensive cooldown is, sigh...and I a say that as a healer, teammates' (dis)use of DCDs is very much my business.)


I won't muck up your GSF matches as it didn't take me long to figure out that the GSF UI is missing some very basic standby instruments that I've relied on to fly effectively in other games, to say nothing of joystick support.


However since cross-server is "too technically challenging," I might settle for a hidden MMR for every match played (regs or not).

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Why not roll a pvp server to start? This would, or should, give you a much better chance to group for your sports entertainment. ea loves sports.;)


You can still do the story, planet, and extra mission content on a pvp server.


Dude have you seen the state of servers. A few of them are unpopulated. There are only I think 8 servers when I believe there use to be 20. There aren't enough players doing quests, FP, PvP, or GSF. What needs to be done is not just crossover pvp, but crossover everything. SWTOR is on decline, why not make adjustments so it will make it easier for player to find each other.

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Why not roll a pvp server to start? This would, or should, give you a much better chance to group for your sports entertainment. ea loves sports.;)


You can still do the story, planet, and extra mission content on a pvp server.


"should" and "chance" are the key words here. I'm currently on a PvP server and apparently that only means Ranked WZ's. Vast ghost town planets with only 60's ganking out of boredom. Because there's no incentive to do anything else, right? I also play the pub faction as an attempt to do my part in balance (since there's no lock-out on jumping factions..), and the current pop is about 5-8 imps to every 1 pub. So if you attempt to play pub during prime time, in WZ's, good luck teaming with anyone worth a damn anyway. So, it's certainly not any better on a PvP server (The Bastion, anyway..).


So, if Bioware doesn't care to implement a faction lock or lock-out timer on fair-weathering factions.. You'd hope the player base would care, right? Because it's an MMO, right? The player base creates the community, right? Nah.. So, I feel you OP. It's extremely disappointing that there is little to no pop balance, resulting in really long queue times or just generally bad players.

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"should" and "chance" are the key words here. I'm currently on a PvP server and apparently that only means Ranked WZ's. Vast ghost town planets with only 60's ganking out of boredom. Because there's no incentive to do anything else, right? I also play the pub faction as an attempt to do my part in balance (since there's no lock-out on jumping factions..), and the current pop is about 5-8 imps to every 1 pub. So if you attempt to play pub during prime time, in WZ's, good luck teaming with anyone worth a damn anyway. So, it's certainly not any better on a PvP server (The Bastion, anyway..).


So, if Bioware doesn't care to implement a faction lock or lock-out timer on fair-weathering factions.. You'd hope the player base would care, right? Because it's an MMO, right? The player base creates the community, right? Nah.. So, I feel you OP. It's extremely disappointing that there is little to no pop balance, resulting in really long queue times or just generally bad players.


This. And what the **** is up with all these trolls trying ********* these post that attempt to improve the gameplay. THE GAME IS *********** DYING PEOPLE, WE NEED NEW IDEAS. STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO **** OFF because your perceive them as hating on the game.

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This. And what the **** is up with all these trolls trying ********* these post that attempt to improve the gameplay. THE GAME IS *********** DYING PEOPLE, WE NEED NEW IDEAS. STOP TELLING PEOPLE TO **** OFF because your perceive them as hating on the game.


Look man.. Trolling is just starting sensless drama, but with a certain technique (for those of you who know the deference between a good troll and a bad one). I do agree with you though, the game is dying, yes. But is there not something we can do about it? The player base creates the community of said server. Right? Right.. So, it would only take some people to give a sh*t.


I don't understand why you're getting upset because people give a sh*t about the game's current health and longevity. If anything, help make it better. Do your part to balance, so that people like the WZ and GSF players can actually have FUN playing instead of throwing sh*t across the room because the entire team is SO damn bad. It's corny, but it really does start with you (the player). Obviously Bioware doesn't care, so what's the next step? Take it as is and just wait for a "better" MMO to come along? OR maybe do something about it, in hopes to prolong the health of SWTOR. Certainly don't get upset that someone gives a sh*t about the game you play as well.

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Look man.. Trolling is just starting sensless drama, but with a certain technique (for those of you who know the deference between a good troll and a bad one). I do agree with you though, the game is dying, yes. But is there not something we can do about it? The player base creates the community of said server. Right? Right.. So, it would only take some people to give a sh*t.


I don't understand why you're getting upset because people give a sh*t about the game's current health and longevity. If anything, help make it better. Do your part to balance, so that people like the WZ and GSF players can actually have FUN playing instead of throwing sh*t across the room because the entire team is SO damn bad. It's corny, but it really does start with you (the player). Obviously Bioware doesn't care, so what's the next step? Take it as is and just wait for a "better" MMO to come along? OR maybe do something about it, in hopes to prolong the health of SWTOR. Certainly don't get upset that someone gives a sh*t about the game you play as well.


I complain which shows I care and I think it can be improved on, but the problem with this game's community as seen in other games (which has made me cynical), is that we have status quo who don't want things to change because they don't like readjusting or they can't be told something without it sounding grim.




2nd post, pretty much show the immature level of some people who don't like the truth. I don't care if he doesn't like the world dying, but that is fact of this game that it is and it happening because there is a lot of content that hasn't been addressed in the last 3 years since this game came out. And when people try to address it, these guys pop out and troll you for it. As I said, I'm not here to entertain them, I'm not here to sing the song they want me to sing. I'm here to tell the truth and it's going to come in the package I see fit.


You want a nicer message then ask your friend or relative to read in the nicest way possible. I'm not interest in your apathy as your apathy isn't getting anything done and if message is something you don't like well when you start paying for my account to tell me how I can word my post. (FYI, I'm not speaking directly to you, but the crowd of trolls who are displease by my post)


I have a lot of ideas, but the first thing that needs to be done is to have the devs talk to the people directly. Even WoW developers attempted to talk to their posters on forums and I don't really see that here. Rather I see a lot of in fighting being done by elites or longtime players who have become pathetic shells of their former selves. I guess they see the death of MMOs apart of life rather than making improvements. They seem to hate the game more than those who complain about it.


Should this game die due to unpopularity, that is fine. But this game shouldn't be dying that fast. Bioware can see the players are pleading to them, but to ignore their pleas for improvements is only going to shorten the lifespan of this game.

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I complain which shows I care and I think it can be improved on, but the problem with this game's community as seen in other games (which has made me cynical), is that we have status quo who don't want things to change because they don't like readjusting or they can't be told something without it sounding grim.




2nd post, pretty much show the immature level of some people who don't like the truth. I don't care if he doesn't like the world dying, but that is fact of this game that it is and it happening because there is a lot of content that hasn't been addressed in the last 3 years since this game came out. And when people try to address it, these guys pop out and troll you for it. As I said, I'm not here to entertain them, I'm not here to sing the song they want me to sing. I'm here to tell the truth and it's going to come in the package I see fit.


You want a nicer message then ask your friend or relative to read in the nicest way possible. I'm not interest in your apathy as your apathy isn't getting anything done and if message is something you don't like well when you start paying for my account to tell me how I can word my post. (FYI, I'm not speaking directly to you, but the crowd of trolls who are displease by my post)


I have a lot of ideas, but the first thing that needs to be done is to have the devs talk to the people directly. Even WoW developers attempted to talk to their posters on forums and I don't really see that here. Rather I see a lot of in fighting being done by elites or longtime players who have become pathetic shells of their former selves. I guess they see the death of MMOs apart of life rather than making improvements. They seem to have the game more than those who complain about it.


Should this game die due to unpopularity, that is fine. But this game shouldn't be dying that fast. Bioware can see the players are pleading to them, but to ignore their pleas for improvements is only going to shorten the lifespan of this game.


You can say anything however you want. It just seemed as if you thought I was trolling and I was just showing that I too, care about this games health.


As to your point.....AMEN!


+5 Cool Points


**Side Note - Wasn't there a "Cantina" event thingy? Where a Q & A was supposed to go down? Any news on that and/or link to thread?**

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. they need to must merge all NA servers into one mega server. I know people will attack me for this but its honestly the best long term solution for their content que system. and for those that RP and say well its not a RP server honestly having played on swtor RP server they are far from RP. For those that are on PvP only server well you enjoy open world pvp just flag yourself easy and done.


2. the que system with regards to wz and gsf is well WAY lacking and needs to be address. really they need to put a player ranking/score/gear score or some other identifier even server side that allows for better match making. they also need to properly bracket wz levels. not a 10 to 29 and 30 to 59. there has got to be a better way to making lvl 30 wz fun and enjoyable which means not placing 58s in their wz.


lastly people will just bash the OP but they need to do these game changes to help bring life back to the que system

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