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Elite Gear


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You can buy an Arkanian (162) rated main had from the CZ-198 Rep vendor (over by the entrance to the two flashpoints) with Elite comms. That is the only place other than GTN, Crafter or Drops to get a main hand over 156


That many elite comms for an Arkanian MH is a major ripoff.


What jedip_enguin suggested earlier is far better.

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I actually picked up the offhand 162 IR saber for Sentinels from the Basic Comms vendor, managed to get lucky enough to RE the hilt first try, and whipped up one for my own use. Didn't have the cash to whip up a second one - was planning on trying to sell the one hilt for enough to fund making two more from what I saw on the GTN recently - but managed to crit and get two for the price of one.


No idea what goes into the 180 hilts, but I imagine it's quite a bit. If it's only one Mass Manipulation Generator, though, I might try asking someone to whip me up a pair when I get the funds. Not a big Ops guy, personally.

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That many elite comms for an Arkanian MH is a major ripoff.

To many people, Elite comms are worthless. I don't even need them for my companions any more, as might be expected with the amount of time since the last gear tier was introduced. With Basics you can at least buy Iso-5.


So, hardly a rip-off.

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Doesn't sound too bad, then, especially since I'd grind out the comms needed for the Iso-5 myself, and the credits for the MMGs. Thanks for that - I assume it's similar amounts for armorings and whatnot?


Yes. It's same for hilts/barrels, armoring, earpieces, implants, and relics.

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