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Cross-faction gossip


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So I play on the Ebon Hawk server, where both the Republic and the Empire have GSF chat channels. I play as an Imperial (you may know me as X-nine), and I can easily drown hours upon hours into talking with that lovely bunch of pilots. But one thing we spend a lot of time talking about is other faction pilots who we want revenge on for killing us over and over again.


My personal nemesis is a scout named Taisetemnia (or something).


But I started wondering: What does the enemy faction say about us in THEIR channel?


So I made this thread for that very reason: To talk to the other faction pilots about what we think of them.




PS: If you're in the Republic on the Ebon Hawk server... I hope you have very "nice" things to say about me! :D

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So I play on the Ebon Hawk server, where both the Republic and the Empire have GSF chat channels. I play as an Imperial (you may know me as X-nine), and I can easily drown hours upon hours into talking with that lovely bunch of pilots. But one thing we spend a lot of time talking about is other faction pilots who we want revenge on for killing us over and over again.


My personal nemesis is a scout named Taisetemnia (or something).


But I started wondering: What does the enemy faction say about us in THEIR channel?


So I made this thread for that very reason: To talk to the other faction pilots about what we think of them.




PS: If you're in the Republic on the Ebon Hawk server... I hope you have very "nice" things to say about me! :D


Sorry... Never saw your name mentionned ;).. We are more joking around than anything else...

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Well.. I, myself, like to 'rant' about Bot our dear programed Aimbot. Excellent for RailSheeps... But far less for MissilesSheeps, TorpedoesSheeps, MinePo(o)pers, DronePo(o)pers, BattlePo(o)pers, MissilesGoats, Short and Long range Laser Strikes, TankyGoats, CattleScout, TensorPoints, SportsBolts and BattleDives. :p
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So I play on the Ebon Hawk server, where both the Republic and the Empire have GSF chat channels. I play as an Imperial (you may know me as X-nine), and I can easily drown hours upon hours into talking with that lovely bunch of pilots. But one thing we spend a lot of time talking about is other faction pilots who we want revenge on for killing us over and over again.


My personal nemesis is a scout named Taisetemnia (or something).


But I started wondering: What does the enemy faction say about us in THEIR channel?


So I made this thread for that very reason: To talk to the other faction pilots about what we think of them.




PS: If you're in the Republic on the Ebon Hawk server... I hope you have very "nice" things to say about me! :D


Not sure about other servers, but TEH has a thread specifically for this in our server forums:




Tais, the guy you hate, is one of the best Scout pilots on the server. He doesn't fly much else. You may also know him as Friendlygurl and Yuuko-san on Pubside, or Nimaru on Imp side (not Nemarus! That's me on Pubside). Yuuko-san is pretty much everyone's nemesis. I've seen so many people think "Oh, Yuuko-san had it out for me." it's silly. Yuuko-san has it out for everyone, but especially easy, non-evasive targets. The best you can do against him is be squirrely and time-consuming. If you're lucky, he'll see more easy prey and switch off of you. If you're not, then at least you bought the rest of your team some time.


It's probably not worth it to fight back though. He always flies an Evasion-heavy Battlescout Running Interference. You aren't going to kill him quick, and if you somehow come close, he'll often have Aimbot/Renegade-one with him as backup. You're probably safest in a Dronecarrier, protected by tons of Seeker Mines and a railgun drone. Or fly the one build that can outrun any other.


Most pilots fly both sides, or did before conquest, anyway. I probably won't be on Nemarus (Republic) much more now that his ships are mastered, and now that I want all my flying to contribute to Eclipse Squadron's conquest points.


Speaking of which, why haven't you joined Eclipse Squadron yet? :D

Edited by Nemarus
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I had a nemesis. Key word had.


I got to the point where he would search me out, and I would search him out.


The thing is about a nemesis. They make you better, or they make you shy away.


Long story short, he invited me to his guild, which on our server, Harbinger, is one of the most active and sought after on the Imp side.

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What I like to do is raise hell on one side or the other then log and switch over to the other side and complain about myself just to see if anyone is annoyed with me lol. But alas most people know my toons on the Harbinger on both sides now hehe. And besides just look at my sig not real hard to figure it out lol. Edited by SithAceI
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I generally try to observe the old saying "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" and so shy away from talking about other pilots in the chat channels or forums unless it's to complement them. I sometimes join the debates but otherwise I really don't talk much save to any of my guild mates that may be on.
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I generally try to observe the old saying "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all" and so shy away from talking about other pilots in the chat channels or forums unless it's to complement them. I sometimes join the debates but otherwise I really don't talk much save to any of my guild mates that may be on.
It's wise of you.


Not so long ago there was an individual who plays on both side, who asked (while in Rep side) what is told about his Imperial toon.

He was quite boasting about the fact that on Empire side his Rep character would be told to be focused because he's dangerous... You get the picture.

He wanted me to say "how he's told about on this side", and was so insistant that I understood he was waiting for me to praise him.


It was embarassing because I don't see him as someone special, and I've never seen anyone saying he was threatening. The rare instance I saw focuses called on him was because "he's playing Gunship".


I escaped the situation by saying it's told "he snipes, beware". I did not lie per se, but it was barely true, since he's barely told about.

Hopefully he seemed happy with that statement.

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I'm Mas'el on Pub and Kintajo on the Imp.




I know you!! LOL!




You are good!


Hehe I would hope you know a fellow guild mate at least on pub side! I think we are guildies imp also but I am not sure lol!


As are you my friend and I try to avoid those who can kill me lol!

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I play Kantherian Pub side. I really enjoyed mixing things up with several of the Imp Pilots. I don't think I really had a nemesis or anything as I don't really feel that I was that much of a threat to really warrant one. I used to play around with Aker and his people a lot on Imp side in matches against one another where they would chase me like crazy.


I like the dogfighting aspect of things. Turning and angling for an advantage or rushing through tight obstacles. Skill vs. skill was always something I enjoyed. But with the return of bomberball my enjoyment of the game has once more gone out the window so I hung up the keys to collect cob webs again.


I certainly enjoyed the competition while it lasted though!

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Most of the good pilots on T3-M4 are playing both sides and know each other, there isn't much talk about gsf in fleet chat or somewhere. Every now and then someone complains about gsf being p2w or how op some ships are but overall there aren't enough people playing gsf to start gossipping.
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So I play on the Ebon Hawk server, where both the Republic and the Empire have GSF chat channels. I play as an Imperial (you may know me as X-nine), and I can easily drown hours upon hours into talking with that lovely bunch of pilots. But one thing we spend a lot of time talking about is other faction pilots who we want revenge on for killing us over and over again.


My personal nemesis is a scout named Taisetemnia (or something).


But I started wondering: What does the enemy faction say about us in THEIR channel?


So I made this thread for that very reason: To talk to the other faction pilots about what we think of them.




PS: If you're in the Republic on the Ebon Hawk server... I hope you have very "nice" things to say about me! :D


I'm a nemesis!


Typically we just talk about jerks. We don't really mention good pilots often. Not gonna name and shame.


Though, it is relevant that somebody said look out for you at the start of a match before.

Edited by tommmsunb
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1. If you're lucky, he'll see more easy prey and switch off of you. If you're not, then at least you bought the rest of your team some time.


2.It's probably not worth it to fight back though. He always flies an Evasion-heavy Battlescout Running Interference. .

3. You're probably safest in a Dronecarrier, protected by tons of Seeker Mines and a railgun drone. Or fly the one build that can outrun any other.


1. DON"T TELL HIM MY SECRETS I HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN OF A FRUITFLY. Seriously though, I cycle closest target, this will only get me once a match at most.

2. That's not true. I actually have no evasion aside from natural and distortion field. I use reinforced hull instead of lightweight armor even. Because of all the people who run wingman, it makes evasion kinda weak if everybody counters it. I use wingman not running interference.

3. Dronecarriers are easy to kill. It's when there's 8 of them and one of me that I have a slight problem. But my average TTK against bombers is 2 seconds.

Edited by tommmsunb
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1. DON"T TELL HIM MY SECRETS I HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN OF A FRUITFLY. Seriously though, I cycle closest target, this will only get me once a match at most.

2. That's not true. I actually have no evasion aside from natural and distortion field. I use reinforced hull instead of lightweight armor even. Because of all the people who run wingman, it makes evasion kinda weak if everybody counters it. I use wingman not running interference.

3. Dronecarriers are easy to kill. It's when there's 8 of them and one of me that I have a slight problem. But my average TTK against bombers is 2 seconds.


Well..I still know how to survive in front of you.


Novadive. StE Converter. Booster Recharge. 'Run like a *****' technique. :p

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When I first started to play GSF the first thing I read on ops was watch out for Callem. I thought to myself I played fighter flight sims in the past how hard can one player be ? After a few matches in a couple of days and Callem always topping the charts I decided to make him my nemesis. He had no clue who I was but flying to try and get him or evading him , made me a better Pilot. Im not an ace in any way or form now but I think I earned his respect flying as best and as hard as I could against him. Edited by davidrodriguezjr
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Shadowlands has pretty much no one that posts on forums frequently. Still, any pubs that are here and see this - I'm going to get you :). I'm pretty sure ALL of them are out to get me...


There used to be a pilot (Visas) that I would trade games with all the time, but he hasn't been playing in a while. When I did see him/her on in 2.7 their performance was no longer that scary. Sad. Back in the DField 2.5 days he was quite a difficult target to put down. Nowadays the people that make life difficult mostly fly WITH me than against. Funny how that's worked out.


I hope Triamterene and his lot get their act together a bit. That's the only *group* that reaches PITA territory. There are plenty of decent pub pilots, but not much organization. I actually hope they all get a LOT better, because having to really think and plan ahead to break some set-piece enemy layout is actually quite fun, despite the frustration when it just scythes down the 2-shippers on your team.

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When I first started to play GSF the first thing I read on ops was watch out for Callem. I thought to myself I played fighter flight sims in the past how hard can one player be ? After a few matches in a couple of days and Callem always topping the charts I decided to make him my nemesis. He had no clue who I was but flying to try and get him or evading him , made me a better Pilot. Im not an ace in any way or form now but I think I earned his respect flying as best and as hard as I could against him.


Man I loved our morning matches. It was very fun to watch Simairi swiftly grow from 2-shipper noob into very versatile, very threatening pilot. And in so many different classes of ships!


And also, I believe you and I were the first two people on our server to actually read tooltips and use Seismic/Interdiction mines together, before it spread to be flavor-of-the-month on TEH. I'll always respect you for that!


I'm very glad you're in my squadron now!

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