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The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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Look at all the rejects going on about compensation, or just letting dev know that they pay to play!!! xD I pay to play too... I also pay for internet and a cellphone, but when they mess up, I don't crap myself and run to the forums of a company for a cry or threat fest.

If it's my internet, cellphone or game company, I just need to wait. Carrying on like a child in the forums isn't going to fix anything. Just because you whiners or people making threats don't have any power in the real world, try to not act like a waste of space in the forums ^.^ sit down.

Edited by CleaverSatanSpit
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Look at all the rejects going on about compensation, or just letting dev know that they pay to play!!! xD I pay to play too... I also pay for internet and a cellphone, but when they mess up, I don't crap myself and run to the forums of a company for a cry or threat fest.

If it's my internet, cellphone or game company, I just need to wait. Carrying on like a child in the forums isn't going to fix anything. Just because you whiners or people making threats don't have any power in the real world, try to not act like a waste of space in the forums ^.^ sit down.


Yet here you are crying about the "rejects" crying. o.O

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life is a nightmare as it is with no help, i never had this issue with World of Warcraft. atleast i could live a peaceful life im misery and play a game that actually *********** worked than deal with this ****


With all respect, I used to play WoW, and I don't know if it has changed or not, but when I was playing, there was down time every week for maintenance (whether there was any patching or not happening) for a minimum of 4 hours - and more often than not it was extended beyond that window.


Also, when they were getting ready for one of the expansions, every server went through a 3 day downtime to prep for the upgrade. Stability issues aside, I see a heck of a lot more up-time here than I did there...

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Most people aren't like that. Just because people are on right now doesn't mean they have "no life". I'm sick of this "If you don't work a 9-5 job you have no life". No, some of us work in the dead of night while the rest of you privelaged lot sleep. This is the only time some people get to play, some people only get an hour a day, maybe two, especially if their craptastic employer likes to overwork them AND they have a family to balance things out with.


So when you spend all day or even all week looking forward to that 1-2 hours you get to play, you get understandably pissed off when your server, and only your server, crashes. Try not to make assumptions about people.


I have the luxury of working from home, I don't do 9-5 or anyone else's time, yet I make plenty of money and CHOSE to pay Bio/EA. Now does that make me or anyone for that matter lazy or "No life"? I think not. A customers time is THIER time and IDC what company model u want to put up, simple answer is u treat customers badly long enough, u soon have no customers.

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It's not about the hours I don't choose to play. I literally cannot use the game outside of 2 hr time windows, and due to the server lags and bombs, cannot play at all. I know this isn't life-threatening, but it IS an inconvenience. If the starter on my car is faulty, I can try and fix it, pay to get it fixed, or go to the company who made it. In this scenario, we only have the third choice. Like saying the year round bus ticket I bought doesn't work today because the system is down, but I only ride the bus 20 times a year so my opinion is invalid??


I'm not saying your opinion is invalid, I'm saying that I think it lacks a little perspective.


Your personal schedule is outside of Bioware's control. I get that your scheduling restrictions make it extremely frustrating for you, and I sympathize. But again, it is outside of Bioware's control.

Edited by HooverGKMMC
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Those people suggesting it might be load as a result of the Oceania servers being merged with US;

First, that was over a year ago and we've managed with few issues

Second, few are the Australians that are on at this hour - not counting shift workers and insomniacs - it's sparrows fart early in the morning here between 1:30 and 4:30AM (at time of posting)


Just saying.



Side note; Kangaroo is damn tasty but best slow cooked, not microwaved.

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This is ridiculous, you guys cant even keep your heavy servers up why do we subscribe if this is what we get. I mean seriously are the people on these servers gonna get some compensation for this?


ummm.... isn't that exactly why the server is down? so they can get information on the problem and develop a solution to it. and the servers haven't been down even close to long enough to start talking about reimbursement.... its a computer game, **** happens.... If it's down for to long they lose subscribers, no need to twist the dagger.

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I'm aghast at the litany of ugly comments. None of what's happened rises to the level of outrage expressed in the posts. This is not an essential service and no real damage has been done other than you having to find something else to amuse yourself with. So knock it off. I'm tired of reading your negativity.


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Are people on these servers even going to get some sort of compensation for being taken out of what they were doing without knowing? Seems kind of unfair.


Some people pay to play. I think that we need to be compensated for this incompetence:mad:

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This is the second time in a week that i have referred a friend who has also subscribed and the servers go down shortly there after, great services ill make sure i keep referring my friends to pay for a service that is down instantly after subbing haha
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ummm.... isn't that exactly why the server is down? so they can get information on the problem and develop a solution to it. and the servers haven't been down even close to long enough to start talking about reimbursement.... its a computer game, **** happens.... If it's down for to long they lose subscribers, no need to twist the dagger.


it is not "JUST DOWN" this will be the SECOND rollback TODAY! I am not saying give free subs or anything but REALLY , get it together I am tired of all this.

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I think the problem has to do with the tilt in the axle of the Earth towards Oceania and affecting the Aussies down the South. Just saying in case Oceania starts moving closer to the US continent. :D


The other probable answer is the hamsters went on strike due to the low quality of the food they are receiving, they told me they refuse to eat more vegan food, they want some burgers. :D

Edited by Kantaso
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If the outage persists for too long, I think giving complementary Conquest rewards to active (logged in since Tues AM) toons would be good compensation. It would take the sting out of all the Conquest grinding people have done so far.


But if the servers are back by this evening, stuff happens, no need to divert BW resources to compensating people. IMO

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I think the problem has to do with the tilt in the axle of the Earth towards Oceania and affecting the Aussies down the South. Just saying in case Oceania starts moving closer to the US continent. :D


The other probable answer is the hamsters went on strike due to the low quality of the food they are receiving, they told me they refuse to eat more vegan food, they want some burgers. :D


Won't be a problem if we build a fence.

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I have to admit, reading all of this bantering is rather entertaining. Why make another toon on a different server when you have all the entertainment you could ask for right here in the Forums?


:D This is the best post in this entire thread. That's the main reason I read the forum.:p

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