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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Harbinger, Begeren Colony, and The Bastion currently unavailable


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They should hand out special titles "Multiple Server Instability Survivalist"

Oh! Oh! Special T-shirts: "I survived multiple server lockups and all I got was this cliche T-shirt!"

:D :D :D :D :D


Me like the way you think, "The Harbinger Survivor" title could be an awesome thing.

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Then why is it consistently Harbinger that has problems?


It's not just Harbinger, it's also Begeren and Bastion.


Given that these are all West Coast servers, I'd hazard that either there's something going on beyond BW/EA's control (Time Warner screwing up again, etc), or there's something that's affecting only the machines in that physical location.


I blame the drought.

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Look guys. This goes for everyone who is complaining about this game being down.


The game is going to have down time, and Bio / EA is NOT responsible for reimbursing you simply because you cannot play their game. They may not have a set system for working out kinks in this game just yet, or at the very least, server issues. I think WoW has it down though. Mandatory server shut downs game-wide to allow them to find any errors or issues within game, fix them, and open back up to the public. Usually the same day.


As well as for expansions and what not. They give people some time to make sure they save all of their gear, and get done the quests they are currently on for sake of having to redo them from the beginning, and they give a few shut downs here and there until the expansions release. It is a working system, but as per normal, people are obviously unhappy with a working system.


Guys, you have to realize something. Things are bound to happen, and things get royally messed up. It happens. Nothing you, OR Bio/EA can do about it, except to handle it as it comes to be. These threads are not even read by Bio/EA because they know they are going to be bombarded by people who are ranting for no reason. You pay to play a game, so what? WoW members have a more legit reason to complain because you HAVE to pay to play online. However, much like WoW, there are several servers for you to flock to, both North America and European servers. They have a lot more because they are obviously more widely popular than SWTOR.


All that being said, be thankful they are looking into things, and trying to fix them. Being one of the highest grossed MMOs out right now, they will work to keep that status. That's something worth protecting and fighting for. If they lose a couple of members because they have the patience of a snapping turtle, they could honestly care less. Let's be real. They care about making money, and they have obviously done a good job about it. They will do what they can, based on their knowledge, to continue bringing us the game you all seem to love complaining about. Give them a break. They are only human, just like you and me. "Oops" does happen here and there. Snapping fingers to make things work isn't something that happens, so get over yourselves. Live with it, find something else to do instead of blowing up the forums because your butt is hurt and you can't fornicate with Jaesa or Vette. :D

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The last time stuff like this happened I was on a West Coast PvE server (I do not remember the name) that was shut down two years ago. Of the five (5) characters I had, only four (4) were transferred to Harbinger. I had to rename all four of those as it said the names they already had "are already used", but there is no one on Harbinger with their names at all what-so-ever. The fifth character, "Buckley", was my Gunslinger, and when I tried to reactivate him on Harbinger no matter what I did it wouldn't let me bring him back, even with a name change. He was level 18 and my favorite. I found I can have new characters with new names on several servers with the same, identical name on my account ("Thodia" on Harbinger and had another on Begeren that was same class, same name for a while until I deleted one--and I have a friend that has a character on both Begeren and Harbinger that has the same name as well, both at level 55, identical names) but the names of my original five characters I cannot copy onto another server... There is currently no character on any server named "Buckley" yet no matter what server I go to it says "Sorry, this name is already taken"... sure it is, by my character that Bioware failed to move over to another server when the old one was shut down over two years ago and who is still stuck in limbo on my account and is why I can only have eleven (11) characters on any server. I have sent in at least a dozen messages to customer service about this because in every game and MMO I have ever been in I have been "Buckley" and to only be able to have eleven of twelve (11 of 12) characters on a server as a sub means I am being shorted, but to this day over two years later I am yet to receive even so much as an automated droid response from anyone. All I have ever asked is to either get my name back to make a new character or at least get my toon back even if I have to rename him... but either way I have received no response. Be careful fixing the servers, I can guarantee if things are lost or deleted in this process from carelessness there will be a massive backlash from it... But me personally, I still just want either my name "Buckley" or my toon returned to me. "Buckley", Gunslinger Advanced Class, level 18, been in limbo since July 2012 in my account and is not a "inactive character" and counts against my total character list scores on all servers, not just the two I am on now. Personally, I would rather just have the name returned to me at this point so I can start him over and have a 12th character on any server like other subs. Lastly, my Legacy is in the 20s on Harbinger and level 18, almost 19, on Begeren. Please don't force me to have to start over. Please, just be careful.


Buckley "Buck" Duane, The Lone Star Ranger

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They should hand out special titles "Multiple Server Instability Survivalist"

Oh! Oh! Special T-shirts: "I survived multiple server lockups and all I got was this cliche T-shirt!"

:D :D :D :D :D


O M F G hellzz YES that sir would indeed do!!!... but it has to say SWTOR too.

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Look guys. This goes for everyone who is complaining about this game being down.


The game is going to have down time, and Bio / EA is NOT responsible for reimbursing you simply because you cannot play their game. They may not have a set system for working out kinks in this game just yet, or at the very least, server issues. I think WoW has it down though. Mandatory server shut downs game-wide to allow them to find any errors or issues within game, fix them, and open back up to the public. Usually the same day.


As well as for expansions and what not. They give people some time to make sure they save all of their gear, and get done the quests they are currently on for sake of having to redo them from the beginning, and they give a few shut downs here and there until the expansions release. It is a working system, but as per normal, people are obviously unhappy with a working system.


Guys, you have to realize something. Things are bound to happen, and things get royally messed up. It happens. Nothing you, OR Bio/EA can do about it, except to handle it as it comes to be. These threads are not even read by Bio/EA because they know they are going to be bombarded by people who are ranting for no reason. You pay to play a game, so what? WoW members have a more legit reason to complain because you HAVE to pay to play online. However, much like WoW, there are several servers for you to flock to, both North America and European servers. They have a lot more because they are obviously more widely popular than SWTOR.


All that being said, be thankful they are looking into things, and trying to fix them. Being one of the highest grossed MMOs out right now, they will work to keep that status. That's something worth protecting and fighting for. If they lose a couple of members because they have the patience of a snapping turtle, they could honestly care less. Let's be real. They care about making money, and they have obviously done a good job about it. They will do what they can, based on their knowledge, to continue bringing us the game you all seem to love complaining about. Give them a break. They are only human, just like you and me. "Oops" does happen here and there. Snapping fingers to make things work isn't something that happens, so get over yourselves. Live with it, find something else to do instead of blowing up the forums because your butt is hurt and you can't fornicate with Jaesa or Vette. :D



I'm reporting you for to much blue.

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Then why is it consistently Harbinger that has problems?


I don't know, maybe because it's the highest populated server? I don't know that for a fact, I'm just guessing. Most of the time I'm on there are 3 instances on Fleet and 150 people on each. Not to mention, I was on Taris (Republic) last night and there were 2 instances and the one I was on had about 100 people. So that may suggest that there are lots of new players, since it's such a low level planet, which suggests that the server is getting even bigger. Not to mention Coruscant and Dromund Kaas... They're always hugely populated.

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i am the reason the game is running!!!!!

I pay for it and so do you!!!!!


Read what I said, clearly now.




It is a collective of well over a million people, I am sure, who contribute to this game's success. YOU, are not, and never will be, the ONLY person who makes this game run. THAT is what I was saying.

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It's not just Harbinger, it's also Begeren and Bastion.


Given that these are all West Coast servers, I'd hazard that either there's something going on beyond BW/EA's control (Time Warner screwing up again, etc),

If LotRO and DDO are up on their west coast servers (those games are made by Turbine, owned by Warner Btos.), put on your tin foil hats.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I'm aghast at the litany of ugly comments. None of what's happened rises to the level of outrage expressed in the posts. This is not an essential service and no real damage has been done other than you having to find something else to amuse yourself with. So knock it off. I'm tired of reading your negativity.



Then stop trolling the forums... your 24 pages down. your own fault for reading so far.



I have to agree with the amusement level of these forums though. This crap is entertaining.

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U are such a suck up I swear... AND BTW this isn't just "sometimes". Harbinger has been screwed since the merger and CONTINUES to be so.


I've been able to see the Harbinger server at different times zones. People from all around the world are playing on the Harbinger.


Maybe we should all start a new character to the list of the EU, AU servers. which people I have noted playing at the Harbinger are from?


They are not using the EU servers or the AU servers, or elsewhere? ARE THEY? All the while they cram their characters onto the Harbinger West Coast Server and juggle their wares sales pitches to buy credits for the game with our credit cards, shoving their smooth moves in our faces, and piling up on the Harbinger their Guild status, and webpages.


All them are from AU or EU neighbors with 40 to 200 MB Modem speeds looking for people to join their guilds, franchises, ETC...

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