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IMO these eyeless force seeing "humans" could do with more customization options (humans have loads and miralukas have very little (only differance between them is that they changed eyes with masks)) might mostly be thinking when it comes to hair styles Humans got 30-40 while Miralukas got 16-20 (and the cyborgs got same amount as humans) and yeah some more masks wouldnt hurt (think some would like a option where you dont have a mask). So to sum it up.... c'mon show da miralukas some love



(and some more scars would be nice to get (all species ofc))

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More masks would be awesome. Like bandages wrapped around the head, covering the eyes like the Miraluka icon on the character creation.


And I would like all of the Human customization unlocks to be carried all the way over Cyborgs, and Miraluka at least get the hair styles.

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Miraluka's are my favourite species and it's such a shame there's only 11 masks to choose from (and most IMO are incredibly ugly). When you want to have a few classes with Miraluka's I like them all to have different masks so they all look different since the mask is such a big feature of the species. It might just be me but I can't have two characters wearing the same mask, it takes away the characters feel for me. So yes please more customizations especially masks! :D
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I agree. I would like to see new masks also. I'd like to see a blindfold like a scarf (a long strip of fabric tied in the back of the head) and can be color changed with a dye mod (red, blue, green etc).


Miraluka with that mask as a Jedi Shadow... Ninja? Red/blue/green, have you been watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lately? ;)


But I agree it would be cool.

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Miraluka with that mask as a Jedi Shadow... Ninja? Red/blue/green, have you been watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles lately? ;)


But I agree it would be cool.


No. LOL. I wasn't even thinking of TMNT when I thought of a scarf or something of that nature. I was thinking of old chinese martial arts movies with a blind teacher who teaches a student how to fight blind, also "Neo" from the Matrix trilogy, and finally of "Reiko," a blind martial artist in the Mortal Kombat games.

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No. LOL. I wasn't even thinking of TMNT when I thought of a scarf or something of that nature. I was thinking of old chinese martial arts movies with a blind teacher who teaches a student how to fight blind, also "Neo" from the Matrix trilogy, and finally of "Reiko," a blind martial artist in the Mortal Kombat games.


Okay, then I've been working with kids who love TMNT too much. XD


But that does sound cool.

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I agree. I would like to see new masks also. I'd like to see a blindfold like a scarf (a long strip of fabric tied in the back of the head) and can be color changed with a dye mod (red, blue, green etc).


That would be nice to have as just a helm for any class. That way you could dye it, and it would replace any Miraluka's current mask the way some of the in-game helms do already. RP'ers would probably like it too, for training Padawans with eyes to deflect blaster bolts. :p

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Oh no worries my friend! I love TMNT!!! LOL! Peace and May the Force be with you!


XD awesome!


I think something else to add would be tattoos. If the Miraluka could put on makeup, they can have tatts done too. Maybe not eye-based tattoos, but ones similar to what the Mirilans have by ones on the chin or cheeks, maybe even the neck? Oh! And scar options around the eyes more than just the one kind, sort of like the companion on KOTOR II's, whose name I don't recall off hand...


Other mask ideas:

Maybe a full-face mask series/set

Ones with fake eyes painted and/or carved on/in

Masks with more fabric color options, like the one with the dangling jewel-things to the sides would look neat in other colors.


Note: Colors may not be seen by the wearer, but others may comment on the color clashing.

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I'd love more Miraluka customization options too. One of the reasons that mine wears a hood is because he looks better when you can't see the grey top part of his mask and how it's all weird with his hairline. >.<



- All human hair styles, and make CM ones unlockable. Yes, some will clip with some masks. Just let the player decide what is acceptable to them. Besides, some existing combinations have clipping anyway!

- Unlockable CM hair colors (suggested by Captain Obvious).

- Recolors of the existing masks in basic colors like black, white, grey, and brown. I love my guy's purple mask, but it isn't exactly easy to match.

- Tattoos (and scars), when class appropriate. Miraluka Inquisitors get Inquisitor slave scars, Mirauluka BH's get BH tattoos, etc. I am still irked that my Miraluka Warrior can't have those awesome Sithy tattoos!


All new masks would be great too. :)

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