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HK-51 still "available" ?


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I nearly spent 6 hours this night getting the missions done for HK-51. I recently returned to swtor and i love it. But: why do i have to walk around for hours ? Is it bugged ? I´m hanging on Dromund Kaas right now......no way.....scanned all the area, nothing....-.-


So, whats the point here ? Am i missing something ?


P.S.: just a big timesink that is...yoda says^^

Edited by heizluefta
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It took me a few hours to find the part in Dromund Kaas several months ago. You either missed a spot somehow, or you need to check a few other areas. At worse, you might want to switch instances and start over.


There's a reason why I've been spending cartel coins/credits to import HK-51 for other characters.



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Finally got HK on my Knight. For 350cc HK will be unlocked in future. Really don't wish to search for those parts again.


Hunting for most of the parts I think the one on Hoth was worst. took me a few hours to find it. The rest I found fairly quickly. Under 30 minutes each.


Solo'd False Emperor to get that part. Had never run it before so it was interesting. First boss gave me problems till I figured him out and brought Doc. Jindo was a nightmare but ended up just ignoring his ship and beat him down. Rest of bosses I found easy. Even pushed on to


for kicks and almost had him. Survived two of his infinite powers but couldn't finish him off when he did it a third time. Think Doc told me he never wants to see that place again :D


Ran HM Maelstrom with a Commando for last piece. Wish I remembered the Troopers name that was at entrance I grouped with. Made for a fast and fun quick trip there.

Edited by Vyerix
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