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A Lesson Learned


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Gracious? You do realize they are doing it for their benefit and not ours right? Convenient is the better word.


Wait, it benefits them to get poor publicity so the players that will and are actually playing have stable, non-lagged to crap servers to play on?


What? Fail logic is fail?


You may want to actually engage some brain cells before posting next time.

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BW has learned a valuable lesson today, one that as a General Manager of a multi-million dollar business I learned a long time ago:


Give people an inch these days and they want a mile.


You were gracious enough to allow EA. Then you were even kinder and gave an extra 2 days on top of that.


Most pre-orders are going to get AT LEAST 5 days early access, which is exactly what you were gracious enough to offer.


Yet you are still being attacked by the self entitled. Thats how it is these days.


Sorry about all the bozos. Dont worry, after all the babies get their invites in the next 2 days you wont here another peep out of them.


Well at least until they think they have something coming to them again...

You've learned a valuable lesson today, one that as an Emperor of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle federation, sponsored by ©Lukeimyourfater united, I learned a long time ago:


Give people an OMELETTE DU FROMAGE these days and they want an OMELETTE AU FROMAGE mile.

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BW has learned a valuable lesson today, one that as a General Manager of a multi-million dollar business I learned a long time ago:


Give people an inch these days and they want a mile.


You were gracious enough to allow EA. Then you were even kinder and gave an extra 2 days on top of that.


Most pre-orders are going to get AT LEAST 5 days early access, which is exactly what you were gracious enough to offer.


Yet you are still being attacked by the self entitled. Thats how it is these days.


Sorry about all the bozos. Dont worry, after all the babies get their invites in the next 2 days you wont here another peep out of them.


Well at least until they think they have something coming to them again...


You haven't learned much in business if you think that they opened the servers 2 days early for the players sake. Nothing is business is free or a gift. Even if it seems like it is, it's not.

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Yet you are still being attacked by the self entitled.


Yep, this pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. This country has become a nation where everyone feels entitled to everything. It's the 99%er mentality and frankly it's unAmerican.


America wasn't founded on handouts and entitlement.


/stumbles off soapbox, lands on face

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Lots of stuff


Respectfully, it's not about giving inches and taking miles, it's about Bioware's (for a household name developer) very poor PR standards. I mean if with 5 years PR experience I understand clearly the errors they are making, why don't they?


Too tired to go into a big rant about difference between perception and reality where it relates to recipient engagement, but while the game and the launch has been smooth and frankly fantastic; the PR side of it really has been weak at best, one might even say anemic or stillborn.

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I'm rich and like to flaunt the fact too. LOOK AT ME!!!!


He said he was a general manager of a multi million dollar company. Geez... Being a general manager doesn't mean he's rich. He could be on as little as $25,000. Hardly "rich".


Jealously much? Get out of your Walmart job and get a real one.

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BW has learned a valuable lesson today, one that as a General Manager of a multi-million dollar business I learned a long time ago:


Give people an inch these days and they want a mile.


You were gracious enough to allow EA. Then you were even kinder and gave an extra 2 days on top of that.


Most pre-orders are going to get AT LEAST 5 days early access, which is exactly what you were gracious enough to offer.


Yet you are still being attacked by the self entitled. Thats how it is these days.


Sorry about all the bozos. Dont worry, after all the babies get their invites in the next 2 days you wont here another peep out of them.


Well at least until they think they have something coming to them again...



This is comical on so many levels. Ya Bioware gave us a "gift" of early access. I mean they didn't use it as a marketing ploy at all!!! Out of the goodness of their hearts they handed out free game time.


Ya this guy is the manager of a business yet does not know the first thing about marketing?

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I think the lesson that should have been learned is preorder early...


I redeemed my code on 7/28. Not right away, but there were people that got in when they redeemed their code in Oct, Nov, and Dec, much later than I did and I still haven't gotten in. So that's not always the case. The only thing I'd complain about is the lack of communication and keeping everyone in the dark. Also, some of the posts the Devs put up contradict themselves. I'm not planning on playing for the 5 days I could get to play, just knowing when I could log in a head of time would be nice.

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While the original poster is correct in many ways. I think there are several reasons people get so upset at the staggered start of an MMO


1. Name reservation - In most new games getting a name that your friends associated over a period of years and several games is important and the fact that others get in and reserve that name before you can IS a big deal.


2. Leveling with your friends - anyone who played the beta understands that 1-2 days of played time effectively eliminates the chance you'll even do anything with your friends unless they just stop playing.


3. Ganking - sure that won't be an issue today or even this week but within a week you will see those who powered up to 50 and don't have anyone to run raids with spending their time ganking on lower level planets.


4. Situations like mine where i ordered a CE from a vendor and after multiple phone calls, emails on an almost daily basis at times not receiving an early access code i finally ordered from another vendor. Of course this completely screwed me even though my initial order was on day 1. (for you flamers out there I know this isn't bioware's problem, it's the vendor's problem but it sure doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy when i am sitting here without access on day 1 i'll tell you that.)



Also add to this list guilds being split up with no way of transferring off a server that is full.


Of course the small minority that got in today think its a success except they are people who.

1. Play mmo's to play solo

2. Only look right in front of them, Do not see the **** storm that is about to happen with 1/2 the guilds members can't even get on same server.


People who say this is best launch ever somethings to remember. Noone else has ever launched to 1/8 of their player base before and created huge gaps with people paying same amount.


Also u can't compare to Wow Launch they did it first they are allowed to **** up with those numbers, bioware should have done some research on other games launches and come up with a plan to combat issues. Bioware never had a true open beta to fully test server. So it looks like they are doing their actual stress test on servers during launch.



I really think Bio-ware has shown their inexperience in mmos.

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.........but there were people that got in when they redeemed their code in Oct, Nov, and Dec, much later than I did and I still haven't gotten in.......


Proof? Evidence? Sorry but you're either making it up or are very misinformed. People keep posting this nonsense and others believe it and post it in turn and next thing you know we have an urban legend. Please show us where this info came from and tell us if it's verified or just "some guy" said so.

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I have to say this has been one of the most fun launches of an MMO I have seen in a very long time. I have lol'ed all day long at the ridiculous comments folks are making about not getting in day 1. If I had a known it would be this good I would have made some popcorn!




I even saw where one poster was saying that Blizzard has good customer service...lol!

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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This is comical on so many levels. Ya Bioware gave us a "gift" of early access. I mean they didn't use it as a marketing ploy at all!!! Out of the goodness of their hearts they handed out free game time.


Ya this guy is the manager of a business yet does not know the first thing about marketing?




Maybe you dont understand marketing?


At what point did BW insist that you take advantage of the offer for EA game time?


They offered it to you, as a reward, a perk, whatever, and you HAD THE CHOICE to take it.


They offered it, you had the chance to take it or leave it. A ploy would have involved getting you to pay more for something that didnt exist.


As the 500k who got in today will tell you, and the rest of the pre-order people will be able to confirm by the 19th, early access does in fact exist.


The fact that it doesnt exist up to your illogical view of how it should does not change that fact.

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Also add to this list guilds being split up with no way of transferring off a server that is full.


How will guilds be split up exactly? You mean the ones that didn't get locked in before launch? Or do you mean the ones locked in now and their servers are already full? And how do you think letting everyone in right now is going to remedy either of those two scenarios?

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The reason behind some will get longer and some shorter EGA is not because of servers mainly, its so when the servers open... boom 60+ people in starting zone. Feels nice to beable to do like 1-2 quests an hour eh?
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Had they just opened the servers to everyone, this forum would be full of QQ over the queues. People would be proclaiming their outrage over waiting an hour to log on, just as they are proclaiming their outrage at the way BW is doing it now.


I was at the Rift launch, and that is exactly what happened. Ironically, during the Rift launch, all the little MMO crybabies berated Trion for NOT doing exactly what BW is doing right now.


MMO players are the biggest group of whiny little brats on the planet. You cannot appease them no matter what you do.


Would I rather be in a queue rather than having no chance to play? Yes .... but I can understand why BW chose to do it this way. They don't want empty servers in a month or two, and want more control over the population.

^ This.



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The whining I'm seeing here now while I wait for my own EA is pretty disgusting. These qq'ers are a total blemish on the MMO community. They should be ashamed of themselves.


You haven't seen much of the MMO community have you? Its made up of the same type of people who shop on black Fridays, or riot after sporting events, or impose their will upon others. AKA people. I expect online communities to behave just like real world communities do when they feel they can get away with things, and I'm rarely disappointed.

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Proof? Evidence? Sorry but you're either making it up or are very misinformed. People keep posting this nonsense and others believe it and post it in turn and next thing you know we have an urban legend. Please show us where this info came from and tell us if it's verified or just "some guy" said so.




If you've read most of the other threads you'd see some people in guilds got in while their guild mates didn't. It's all over the forums, all you have to do is read. To think BW/EA would be honest about how many people got in and when they redeemed their code would be silly. It would prove that they didn't have much of a plan and couldn't keep their word about the order of access being dependent on when you redeemed your code.

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Originally Posted by Waggs

MMO players are the biggest group of whiny little brats on the planet. You cannot appease them no matter what you do.


^ This.



I suppose that you'll are not mmo players though, or at least better than the rest. I find it hilarious when people unknowingly insult themselves.

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