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No Conquest Points on Mondays...???


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No Conquest Points on Mondays...REALLY...!!!


So here it is, a Holiday Monday and I only have 3,500 Conquest point left to earn in order to hit my cap, but NOOOO, can't generate any more points today...


There was a timer in top saying how long you had left. I think you may have missed that, otherwise you would have realized that even if today's pause wasn't there, you'd still been 3.500 points short

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Also, 35k personal conquests points is nothing, a week is more than sufficient time to earn it before the week resets.

as it happens that totally depends on the following, in any given order


A) being part of a guild or not (or join groups in general)

B) how much time you have to actually play in a week.

C) whole lot of other factors both you and I may totally not be aware off.


So please... don't.

Edited by LeJarC
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Also, 35k personal conquests points is nothing, a week is more than sufficient time to earn it before the week resets.


Correct, but I was grinding conquest on 8 toons, 2 of them made it to 35,000, 5 made it to 31.500 and 1 made it to 29.000l in a 2-day grind-fest on Balmorra's 9 Heroics. I would have grinded more, but you know, work, family, life in general just kinda slowed me down.


I will definitely remember that Monday is a Conquest Holiday, even though it makes absolutely no sense to me. After all, a deadline is a deadline, if it's Monday morning or the usual reset of Tuesday morning.

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Also, 35k personal conquests points is nothing, a week is more than sufficient time to earn it before the week resets.


Even I managed to (barely) get the 35k points on one of my characters, after coming back from a 2 week holiday on Saturday (ie, not much in the way of stronghold bonus & only 1 afternoon to grind points). Though I was getting a bit concerned around 10pm last night when I was at ~31k...

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as it happens that totally depends on the following, in any given order


A) being part of a guild or not (or join groups in general)

B) how much time you have to actually play in a week.

C) whole lot of other factors both you and I may totally not be aware off.


So please... don't.


Really?? Well lets see. I have a job, wife kids full college credit hours(returned to school). I dont get a lot of time to play. Yet I hit my conquest goal. So you please don't. It can be done .....easily....easy.....in the time allowed.

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It ended the same time as last weeks... so why its a shock that it ended on Monday morning at 8am EST time (for me) to anyone... means you didn't pay enough attention to the timer ticking down. There is ALWAYS a period of 24 hours where no conquest activity is going on.
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Correct, but I was grinding conquest on 8 toons, 2 of them made it to 35,000, 5 made it to 31.500 and 1 made it to 29.000l in a 2-day grind-fest on Balmorra's 9 Heroics. I would have grinded more, but you know, work, family, life in general just kinda slowed me down.


I will definitely remember that Monday is a Conquest Holiday, even though it makes absolutely no sense to me. After all, a deadline is a deadline, if it's Monday morning or the usual reset of Tuesday morning.


Its because there is a day off so guilds can enjoy their spoils before its reset. The new 6 day Cycle does start on Tuesday.

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Because in my case first week doing conquest.

and every weekly reset since launch has be on



I agree, every reset has always been on Tuesdays. When last week ended on Monday, I thought it just was going to be in a 6 day rotation. Thought the new conquests were going to start last Monday. Until I logged in and found out that conquest will not be around on Mondays. I was very disappointed. Not because I couldn't get my 35k but because Monday is my day off and I could not enjoy it. I like conquest but I will only be able to play it on Sunday. I can only play Sunday, Monday and a little on Tuesday. I really don't understand why they wouldn't update it on Tuesday unless they cant update the conquest with other patches. I would think they would be able to do both and this would give your customers more time to enjoy it without downtime. Since Tuesdays already are downtime.

Edited by Resputin
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I am actually glad that conquest is only a 6 days week, so I have one day on which I don't have to worry about it, that other guilds can out-perform the guild I am running with. And 6 days is more than enough to get the goal, I accomplished that even with characters in guilds that do not even partake in the conquest (und thus have no planetay bonus), while still getting over 100k conquest points on my main alone (and since I am not that much into PvE I didn't even exploited that flashpoint thing to get that high).
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Really?? Well lets see. I have a job, wife kids full college credit hours(returned to school). I dont get a lot of time to play. Yet I hit my conquest goal. So you please don't. It can be done .....easily....easy.....in the time allowed.


Really? Well let's see. I have a full-time job, which means I work nights since I work at a hospital, full-time college courses during the day, an invalid mom that I take care of and a boyfriend. So maybe you should please don't. Not everyone can play everyday so not everyone can easily do the conquest in the time allowed.

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Also, 35k personal conquests points is nothing, a week is more than sufficient time to earn it before the week resets.


This may or may not be true depending on factors we may not be aware of. If you can play every day then yes it is possible to reach your goal in the time allowed but if you can't play every day then it is possible that someone can not reach the goal.


Just because it is easy for some of us doesn't mean it is easy for others. We should not think everyone has the same schedule that some of us have. We should be a little more respectful to people than this.

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Anyone know why Mondays arent included? Is it because the system needs a day to calculate the results and plan the mails...or what?


As for the 35K goal, it's extremely easy to reach if you tunnel the conquest missions and even easier if you combine it with crafting. The problem is that a lot of people won't have in-game interests that correlate with the missions, leaving them with little to no points unless they go out of their way and prioritize the missions instead of their real interests. People will get bored by being forced to do stuff they don't really want to do so in that sense I find 35K to be way too high. I tried this on a character I was very active on this week and she only earned 5K, mainly because all I did on her was to raid and run a few warzones. Then I had one character craft while I was sleeping and it took me about 30 "active" secs to get her to 35K. I don't have the resources to craft myself to 35K every week and I certainly don't have the will to spend time grinding old content I don't actually want to play just so I can get a mail with some decorations. I think a lot of people, sooner or later, will come to the same conclusion and drop every thought of reaching the goal. Hence, this will become a fad.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Its because there is a day off so guilds can enjoy their spoils before its reset. The new 6 day Cycle does start on Tuesday.


I agree have it six days and one day off but why not make it a Tuesday since Tuesday players already lose game time during patches.

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Goddamn some people are Lazy.


I managed to Conq cap on my level 18 character from just doing the daily/weekly Warzones/GSF quests and 1 flashpoint.


If you are going to complain you can't achieve something AS EASY as Conq cap, maybe MMO's aren't the right game-type for you. Since it takes very little effort or time.


People are such entitled bastards on MMO's these days, want to achieve everything for minimal work. Goddamn.

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And this should end the discussion.



Should end the discussion on knowing how much time you have to get your 35k but not understanding why there isn't any conquest on Mondays. The off day should be on Tuesday with all other patches. Of course if its not possible because they cant do patches with conquest update then I would agree Monday is best day even though I wont be able to enjoy it :(.

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I agree, every reset has always been on Tuesdays. When last week ended on Monday, I thought it just was going to be in a 6 day rotation. Thought the new conquests were going to start last Monday. Until I logged in and found out that conquest will not be around on Mondays. I was very disappointed. Not because I couldn't get my 35k but because Monday is my day off and I could not enjoy it. I like conquest but I will only be able to play it on Sunday. I can only play Sunday, Monday and a little on Tuesday. I really don't understand why they wouldn't update it on Tuesday unless they cant update the conquest with other patches. I would think they would be able to do both and this would give your customers more time to enjoy it without downtime. Since Tuesdays already are downtime.


It resets on Tuesday, it ends on Monday, there is a day off, it only runs 6 days. They day off is to allow players to review the results and claim rewards. http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/4827629 this vid explains it, at the 16 min mark.

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gosh darn some people are Lazy.


I managed to Conq cap on my level 18 character from just doing the daily/weekly Warzones/GSF quests and 1 flashpoint.


If you are going to complain you can't achieve something AS EASY as Conq cap, maybe MMO's aren't the right game-type for you. Since it takes very little effort or time.


People are such entitled bastards on MMO's these days, want to achieve everything for minimal work. gosh darn.



Really...Lazy...Cummon...Like too lazy to read what the OP later clairified...Sure does not look lazy to me when someone grinds out 256,500 conquest points in 2 days. Here it is again in case you missed it.


Correct, but I was grinding conquest on 8 toons, 2 of them made it to 35,000, 5 made it to 31,500 and 1 made it to 29,000l in a 2-day grind-fest on Balmorra's 9 Heroics. I would have grinded more, but you know, work, family, life in general just kinda slowed me down.


I will definitely remember that Monday is a Conquest Holiday, even though it makes absolutely no sense to me. After all, a deadline is a deadline, if it's Monday morning or the usual reset of Tuesday morning.



So lazy is pretty much off the table, but I guess distracted might better suit my oversight of the event timer, or that it took me 2 Mondays to notice this instead of just 1, or that I didn't watch the 16 minute mark in a twitch feed that apparently justified "No Conquest Mondays".



My complaint is not because I am lazy, it was more frustration with what others have stated: Weekly resets have been on Tuesdays for nearly 3 years now, consistency and logic would therefore tend to lead a long-time SWTOR player to expect that they could grind out conquest points until 8AM EST on Tuesday Morning. If this makes me an "Entitled Bastard" in your view, then so be it.

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