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Adding a Starship Hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas *Realistic Thread*


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I have all the strongholds and Coruscant is the perfect match for my character. It is my favorite and I know it is for a lot of people who own all the strongholds.


Now here are some ways to add a starship hook to these apartments.


1. Another "floor" accessed by the elevator that could be a hangar. It would cost "insert amount here" to unlock and it would have a starship hook and a few other hooks to make it feel like a hangar.


2. Add a platform like Nar Shadaa making it cost more to unlock. This could work a few ways. It could be below the apartment a bit and connected so it seemed like we would land there then access a hidden elevator up to our apartment. OR we it could be located close floating next to the apartment like Nar Shadaa.


3. Expanding the balcony platform to accomodate a ship hook. Unlocking a ship hook would cost more versus the default centerpiece.


Cons to this idea:

"Buy the other strongholds if you want to place a ship"

-Negative. All strongholds should have a starship hook. It makes sense this is a starter stronghold, but the missing ability to expand to place a ship seems silly. A lot of players would PAY to have their ship on these strongholds.


"Too much coding, blah blah"

- Not sure to be honest. If they can add a few tents and vendors for Rakghoul, how hard can it be to add a plaform with a hook? The "extra floor hangar" might take up more resources however



I LOVE my apartment and it is my favorite place. I love how you did the Coruscant atmosphere. The same can be said with Dromund Kaas. Please consider adding something for a starship hook. A lot of us would pay Cartel Coins to see this added.


Thank you.


Please add to the discussion as you see fit.

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The easier thing to do would be to just change the platform to "starship capable" (even if they need to change dimensions).
disagree. Realistically, there are performance issues. aside from player's already complaining of stronghold performance issues, nobody needs anymore drag on the netcode.


displaying life sized personal starships in stronghold hooks sounds like a major inbound performance leak.


I can imagine implementing personal starship models but not ingame lifesized ships. Fleet's personal starship hangars are instanced for a reason. Degradation to performance is the most obvious one to me

Edited by Falensawino
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I'd like to see them do something, I think maybe adding another floor is going to be the best bet, unless they can add a pad on top of the roof, with stairs that wrap around the outside of the building to get up to it.


One limitation that players need to keep in mind is that the Capital City building both actually exist in game. You can see the Kaas building if you fly to the Sith portion of the Citadel and then travel over toward the Mandolorian section on the walkway, its in the group of building that will be on the hill to the left. Coruscant is overlooking the taxi near the Senate, and if you look West from there you can see it as the shorter tower in the foreground.


I feel they really missed an opportunity with how Ships and Strongholds interact. I would have loved to have old KOTOR style landing sequences for each Stronghold that shows our ship landing, and then have our ship be there that we could reboard to take off.

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I am willing to pay 10.000.000 Credits for a starship hook + so many Hooks as Nar Shaddaa of coruscant. I like Coruscant more than Tatooine or Nar shaddaa and this is the reason why i will not change the House for a Starship Hook. :cool:


So i say Agree.

Edited by Jordes
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It's a really good idea. That means it'll probably never happen.


They'll trot some goon around to offer up an official bleating excuse for why if peopled make enough noise about it, but they've gone live with this for reasons.


Yeah. Reasons.


Nobody knows what they are. But they're good reasons. Valuable reasons!


You'd totally understand if you knew.


But it's not your job to know. It's your job to vomit money whenever they give you a new pay to pull lever to furiously yank until you've exhausted yourself.


You're not supposed to look behind the curtains. You're the one to blame here, not them. If you'd have just been a good player and paid like you were told, all of this could have been avoided.


But you couldn't do that, could you. You just had to ask your spewing little questions and act as though you have any real choice in anything.


Well, you haven't and you never did. Won't you just go back to playing to pull these very nice levers? They're extra nice this time. Won't you pull just one?


You don't need to know reasons for anything. What would you possibly do with such explanations anyway? It would only confuse and distress you. You don't like to be confused and distressed, do you?


That's a good player. All you need to know is that they've reduced the price of the lever boxes, and they give you more food pellets than ever before! AMAZING!


Now go be amazed.

Edited by Uruare
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I am actually against this idea. It would not make sense to add a starship hook to Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, especially from an immersive point of view, but also from a gameplay point of view.


For the immersion, the actual spaceports where the player ships are "docked" is actually not far from the building where the Coruscant / Dromund Kaas strongholds are. For the Coruscant one, the spaceport is literally "across the street" and can be seen being the next and closest building outside the window.


From a gameplay perspective, as already mentioned many times, its meant for new players or newly created characters, some may not have a ship yet. And wrt to their storyline, they are getting their ship for the first time to venture out to their missions.


The Nar Shadaa stronghold makes sense to have a player starship since, as far as I know, the location can be anywhere in the planet and could be far from the normal spaceport. The Tatooine stronghold makes even more sense to have a player starship since its suppose to be at a remote area,


Think of the SWTOR strongholds in SWG terms. The Coruscant / DK Strongholds are the "small houses", the Nar Shadaa is the "medium house", and the Tatooine is the "large house". Imagine the player starship decoration as a "Mustafar table", seen in Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith. In SWG, no matter how you want it, the Mustafar table CANNOT FIT in the small house, and it could barely fit the medium house. So it only makes sense to put it in the large house.

Suggestion: If a stronghold with a starship hook is really really desired for Coruscant / Dromund Kaas, I suggest that perhaps Bioware create an entirely *new and second* stronghold located in a different building far from the starport and Senate tower. It is a big planet, and perhaps put it somewhere where having a player starship land makes more sense from an immersion and gameplay perspective.

Edited by queetz
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(...) The Nar Shadaa stronghold makes sense to have a player starship since, as far as I know, the location can be anywhere in the planet and could be far from the normal spaceport. The Tatooine stronghold makes even more sense to have a player starship since its suppose to be at a remote area. (...)


The Deucalon Spaceport is in view of the Sky Palace on Nar Shaddaa.

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The Deucalon Spaceport is in view of the Sky Palace on Nar Shaddaa.


The thing with Nar Shadaa is the building is a floating palace, so it makes some sense that it has a starship pad. The Deucalon Spaceport maybe in view, but who is to say the palace can't be moved far from it. Also remember that Nar Shadaa is a smuggler's moon, so its natural that you have ships parked all over the place, not just a designated spaceport.


The Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds are located in high rise buildings that are multi-tenant, clearly not a parking spot for large space ships, so wouldn't make sense to have a starship pad. Even in the Star Wars movies, the bigger ships dock in a space port (i.e. Tantive IV in Revenge of the Sith) or a separate landing platform far from a building (Padme's ships).


Like real life skyscrapers, the Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds have a "helipad", so you can dock your little ships there such as the scouts or starfighter decorations (I used my garage as a hanger for my strike fighter decoration). But like in real life, you cannot have large aircraft land, park and take off from a skyscraper.

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It's not really that big a deal anyway, at least to me.


I've got all the strongholds full unlocked. There's a good chance I'll never do much with the Coruscant one. It's just kinda meh to me.


The NS palace, I'm setting up to be a high class party pad. Gonna take a while to swank it up. Dunno what I'll even do with it when is done, but it's s something to do.


The dk pad is the one I've chosen to fully decorate first.


The rain sold me. I love rain, and I like the view.


And then there's that sprawling monstrosity on Tatooine. I have no clue what I'll do with it, but dammit, I'll do a thing with it eventually.


All in all, good stuff. It'll keep me entertained for quite a while, altogether. The lack of starship hooks on dk and Coruscant don't make a big dent in that, for me.

Edited by Uruare
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The thing with Nar Shadaa is the building is a floating palace, so it makes some sense that it has a starship pad. The Deucalon Spaceport maybe in view, but who is to say the palace can't be moved far from it. Also remember that Nar Shadaa is a smuggler's moon, so its natural that you have ships parked all over the place, not just a designated spaceport. (...)


The Promenade, just like the Starcluster and Nightlife Casinos, is also a floating structure yet as far as I can remember, they're always "standing" in the same place.


There is stuff floating around on Nar Shaddaa but the above and the Sky Palace is CERTAINLY(!) not one of them.


Regardless, I was merely pointing out that your previous point was moot, seeing that the Sky Palace is in striking distance of the Deucalon Spaceport, just like the Spaceport on Coruscant.

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The Promenade, just like the Starcluster and Nightlife Casinos, is also a floating structure yet as far as I can remember, they're always "standing" in the same place.


There is stuff floating around on Nar Shaddaa but the above and the Sky Palace is CERTAINLY(!) not one of them.


Regardless, I was merely pointing out that your previous point was moot, seeing that the Sky Palace is in striking distance of the Deucalon Spaceport, just like the Spaceport on Coruscant.


There is nothing to "point out that my previous point was moot" since from the get go, I wasn't 100% sure of the location of the Nar Shadaa stronghold in relation to the spaceport (I just don't visit it often enough), hence why I use phrases such as "as far as I know" and words like "could". I also pointed out later on that it makes sense for Nar Shadaa simply because of the very nature of that particular stronghold and the fact that the planet itself is a "smuggler's moon".


Nonetheless, I do hope Bioware sticks to its original design of the Coruscant and Dromund Kass strongholds remaining the way they are. I'm not against having a starship pad in a stronghold building in those two planets (hence my suggestion for a second stronghold), its just that it doesn't feel right to have it at the particular buildings where the current Coruscant and Dromund Kass strongholds are. Its simply more immesive and practical that way.

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There is nothing to "point out that my previous point was moot" since from the get go, I wasn't 100% sure of the location of the Nar Shadaa stronghold in relation to the spaceport (I just don't visit it often enough), hence why I use phrases such as "as far as I know" and words like "could". (...)


Uncertainty is not a defense.


If you did not know what you were talking about, the best thing you could have done is to remain silent or gather more info on the subject. Instead - intentionally or not - you preferred to mislead.


I also pointed out later on that it makes sense for Nar Shadaa simply because of the very nature of that particular stronghold and the fact that the planet itself is a "smuggler's moon".


Not really, especially when the landing pad is in clear sight of everyone, just behind the Casinos. :rolleyes:


Nonetheless, I do hope Bioware sticks to its original design of the Coruscant and Dromund Kass strongholds remaining the way they are. I'm not against having a starship pad in a stronghold building in those two planets (hence my suggestion for a second stronghold), its just that it doesn't feel right to have it at the particular buildings where the current Coruscant and Dromund Kass strongholds are. Its simply more immesive and practical that way.


Not sure why.


In case you failed to notice - which is likely mind you - the landing pad on Nar Shaddaa is in a lower level platform, as in, ACTUALLY SEPARATED(!!!) from the Sky Palace.


Is there a logical reason for something similar not to be possible on both Coruscant or Dromund Kaas?


No. Not one.

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Wow! You really are a bonafide forum warrior, eh Darth_Wicked? I prefer to "misled"? Where did you pick that up? :rolleyes:


Go ahead and turn this thread into another 70+ page one like the GTN scam thread, you ain't getting another response from me. I've said my piece and I hope the right people listen since I believe I've made my point as logical and as clear as possible with the best intentions for the game, its world, the developers and its playerbase.

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Wow! You really are a bonafide forum warrior, eh Darth_Wicked? I prefer to "misled"? Where did you pick that up? :rolleyes:


Due to your insistence on the subject.


First, you claim that the Coruscant Spaceport is in view of the Stronghold on the same planet, the same not being the case on Nar Shaddaa. I pointed out this is not the case.


Second, you claim it would make sense for someone to have an independent landing pad(?) on the Smuggler's Moon, one which is in plain sight(!!!) mind you. I pointed out this doesn't really make sense.


Third, you claim that having a landing pad for Coruscant and Dromund Kaas doesn't really make sense for reasons pertaining the architecture of the buildings. I pointed out why that also doesn't make any sense.


In other words, it would seem you are determined to NOT see a landing pad on both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas altogether, even if people point out how everything you bring up is NOT detrimental.


Go ahead and turn this thread into another 70+ page one like the GTN scam thread, you ain't getting another response from me. I've said my piece and I hope the right people listen since I believe I've made my point as logical and as clear as possible with the best intentions for the game, its world, the developers and its playerbase.


Predictable attitude once people run out of arguments. Learn moarrr next time.

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disagree. Realistically, there are performance issues. aside from player's already complaining of stronghold performance issues, nobody needs anymore drag on the netcode.


displaying life sized personal starships in stronghold hooks sounds like a major inbound performance leak.


I can imagine implementing personal starship models but not ingame lifesized ships. Fleet's personal starship hangars are instanced for a reason. Degradation to performance is the most obvious one to me


This is all nonsense and is an example of a person who knows enough to sound like they know it all.


Ship decorations literally have no impact on network performance what so ever. The models and graphics of the ships are stored locally. The only bit of network data would be a ship id, position coordinates and rotation value. This would be the same data transmitted for every hook.


As for graphic performan impact, the engine is not taxed by large objects. It is taxed by small complex objects with effects. Ships are none of the above.


The decision to make ship hooks exclusive to the more expensive strongholds was not a technical decision at all. It must have been to make a value proposition for the more expensive locations.

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So is there a way to add a starship hook to the DK apartment? If not im gonna be :mad: because i spent millions on the guild HQ and spent 5 dark project MK-1s and 5 Universal MK-3s on the starship PLEASE HELP!!! (or atleast give me my supplies back so i can get something different)
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I agree with most of what queetz has posted on the matter. ^^


I guess it just never bothered me not to be able to park my ship at my Coruscant/DK stronghold, because that seems to me like parking your airplane at your apartment. Your mount, which is more like a car or even a helicopter, sure, but the massive vehicle that you use to take long distance trips? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean, it's not as though you're going to hop on your ship to do some shopping or go meet your boss at the Senate Tower. I plan to make a "taxi pad" on my balcony, and won't miss having a ship there at all.


That said, I do understand that some players really love their ships and like having them displayed. The OP's #1 suggestion is definitely the one I like best, because that way, people can display their ships if they want to, but those that don't like the idea of parking a ship at our apartment don't have to have a huge empty landing pad sitting there in plain view. Win-win scenario. :)


So is there a way to add a starship hook to the DK apartment?

No, you can only park your ship at the Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine Strongholds -- though you are not alone in wishing otherwise.

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it makes sense to me that DK/Coruscant stronghold doesn't have a ship hook. after all - you arrive in a "lobby" by the means of the elevator, unlike Nar Shaddaa where you start of at a taxi pad (that presumably shuttles from you ship's landing pad). it has that feel of living in a high rise building, specifically penthouse and I can imagine a sign in desk on the first floor of it, among other things.


now... if they do add one, it won't really bother me, especially if it doesn't detract from my current 100% completion. it just doesn't make much sense to me. though... neither does Nar Shaddaa shop hook. why is it floating separately? its just... there. :/ the only one that makes sense for me right now, as far a having ship hook, is Tatooine, as far as implementation is concerned.


I would understand it better if ship hook as at the very top of the building, like a giant hellipad if you will - making for a private hangar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if ihad ever kown that i can´t add my Ship to the house i wouldnt have bought it, now i got my ship but no hook for,

bravo. do you think i will really buy me nar shadaa as well to find out theres another credit sink trap?


forget it housing is done for me, shame on you Bioware, making money with kartellpacks but not longer from me.


I´, really pissed:mad:


at least gimme a chance to sell that useless ship back

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