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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The misleading from bioware has to stop.


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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.

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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.


Christ, they were just illustrating how the crafting works. What does it matter if your crew stands around a mod station all day? And why would you want to stand there watching them all day, like some kind of voyeuristic sicko?

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Christ, they were just illustrating how the crafting works. What does it matter if your crew stands around a mod station all day? And why would you want to stand there watching them all day, like some kind of voyeuristic sicko?


Oh yeah baby, polish that mesh alloy and stick it in my armor.

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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.


Yeah, and those videos made the game look like it would be full cg and its not. Where is my full CG game bioware. Your are just as bad as blizzard for lying to your community. Except not really, since much like the OP, I just assumed things were true, much like the whole preorder debacle.

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I don't think that's accurate


Just looking at the amount of people in-game, even during peak hours on a Full Server, it doesn't seem to be a big hit


That's my evidence — do you have any?


yeah go read the sale numbers they dont lie ill privide the link i know most of you crybabies cant read that well so ill give u a head start http://www.swtor.com/news/press-release/20111223

Edited by Zakknafien
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BioWare promised us "over 200 hours" of unique story, for every Class


I Leveled 1-50 in 103 hours, without skipping any of my unique Class Conversations


Of course you did... Lol...


With the amount of time you are on this forum, I highly doubt that.

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BioWare promised us "over 200 hours" of unique story, for every Class


I Leveled 1-50 in 103 hours, without skipping any of my unique Class Conversations


Do you literally go into every single thread and talk about how much you hate this game? I see you in every thread I've been in. If you don't like this game, why are you spending so much time on the forums preaching to people?

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In the crafting videos it shows them on the ship crafting but you cant do it in the real game.


the training droid does not train, it just floats around your target.


and a ton more.



the lying bioware has to stop no wonder you guys are loosing people so bad.

krakken! Old buddy, you made it to launch??!?


Wow, I thought for sure you weren't going to purchase this game seeing how you've made posts for years about how this game would never be successful, how your real love was pre-CU SWG, and how you hated BioWare for taking TOR in the direction they were taking it.


It's really odd seeing the old crew who hated the ideas of TOR actually purchase the game. Seems like you paid money just to continue to be able to complain about it.


What's not odd is seeing you guys, well, hate the game. I sort of saw that coming. I wonder how you didn't.


Anyway, cheers. Cant wait to read your usual level of high quality, fact filled posts (read: entertaining).

Edited by Scar
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I don't think that's accurate


Just looking at the amount of people in-game, even during peak hours on a Full Server, it doesn't seem to be a big hit


That's my evidence — do you have any?


75 percent of the servers being full, and only having maybe 8 servers being light during peak times isnt a hit?



you just blew my ****in mind brah!

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BioWare promised us "over 200 hours" of unique story, for every Class


I Leveled 1-50 in 103 hours, without skipping any of my unique Class Conversations


You're also the guy that leveled to 50 so fast you have nobody to do endgame stuff with.


Methinks you're doing it wrong.

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Do you literally go into every single thread and talk about how much you hate this game? I see you in every thread I've been in. If you don't like this game, why are you spending so much time on the forums preaching to people?


He's sort of like the Grinch, you see.


He tried Christmas, not his thing, so he devotes all of his time to bringing people down.


Seriously, i've not heard one positive thing come out of his mouth.


Oh well.

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