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What is the story of your legacy?


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I've been wondering if some of you have made a story of your legacy? How the characters are connected and what their background is?


I've been working on my legacy story since a year. I regulary update to keep it in line with my current set of characters and sometimes revise it when I decide to delete one.


This is my current story: Please don't mind the mistakes, English isn't my first language.



It all started with Jedi knight Cyriana, a powerful but stubborn young woman. She fell in love with a republic soldier named Dehvon Halswoth with whom she served at Tatooine. They had a very passionate affair and she soon fell pregnant with his children. Cyriana decided to leave the jedi, to marry her lover.

For several years they lived happily at Coruscant with their son: Rhev and their daughter Rehva. However when Cyriana fell ill and suddenly died, Gareth decided to leave Coruscant and move to Nar Shaddaa. But on their way there, their ship was attacked by the Empire.


Gareth died during the ambush and Rhev, seven years old at the time, was taken in by the Empire. Rehva, only a toddler, was hidden by the survivors and taken back to Coruscant.


The grew up apart and didn’t see each other again until their twenties.


By that time Rehva was enlisted by the republic and assigned to capture a rogue Bounty Hunter named Rhev Halswoth. Curious about their similar names and last name, Rehva went out to find him.

She tracked him down in a canteen on Taris and Rehva, who couldn’t remember her parents, finally found out her brother was still alive.


While his sister had grown up on Coruscant, her brother however spend his youth with a space pirate named Eriados. He grew up as fierce, but merciful, bounty hunter. Never forgetting the goodness of his parents.


When he finally was reunited with his sister, it was obvious that they grew up with different believes. Rehva was strong supporter of the Republic, and while Rhev never forgave the Empire for killing his parents, he also loved the freedom of a Bounty Hunter and reasoned that at least the Empire accepted Bounty Hunters, while the Republic did not.


Despite her orders to capture him, Rehva decided to let her brother go.


Rehva moved on to Havoc Squad and eventually married her companion Aric Jorgan. She and Jorgan adopted a young Cathar cub, who she named Cyriana after her mother. However while staying in their home on Coruscant, Havoc Squad was assigned to do a secret mission in the Outer Rim.

Rehva and Jorgan decided to leave their daughter home. A choice they would regret the rest of their lives.


Cyriana, was a adventures young girl, and one day decided to explore the lower regions of the planet. She was kidnapped by the Black Sun and it was discovered that Cyriana was Force sensitive. She was sold to the Empire and grew up to become a Sith Warrior, never seeing her parents again.


Meanwhile, Rhev married his companion Mako and they decided to start a new life on Alderaan. They lived quite peacefully and happy for several years. Mako gave birth to twin sons named; Eriados and Dehvon.

One day a message came that Blizz and Skadge were taken hostage at Tatooine. Rhev and Mako decided to save them, leaving their young sons in care of their droids.

When they returned after a successful mission, they found out that their house was invaded and their sons were kidnapped.


Both Eriados and Dehvon, five years old at the time, were brought to a slave market. A Jedi, who happened to be there, sensed the Force sensitivity with the two young boys. For a moment he opted to take both boys to the council, but he sensed a dark presence with Eriados and only took Dehvon, separating the twins.


Eriados grew up in slavery, full of hatred and wanting revenge. He was eventually brought to Korriban, were he became a Sith assassin. By coincidence he trained with and befriended his adopted cousin Cyriana.


Dehvon trained to become a jedi. However the greatest part of his youth he wanted to know who his parents were and what became of his twin brother. Even though he eventually found out that his father was fearless bounty hunter, he decided not to look for his parents.


His bond with his twin brother was something he could not escape. Through the Force the two brothers became connected and sometimes they felt each other’s thoughts and feelings. Even though Dehvon felt some hatred towards the council for separating him from his brother, he decided not to let it control him. He did adopt a cocky attitude and made many selfish choices.




What is yours? ;)

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My Legacy characters consist of my main, my Jedi Guardian...my Sith Inquisitor, and my Sith Juggernaut.


The backstory for my main is linked in my sig...but my Legacy characters are connected like this...



While my main, my Jedi Guardian, Variance, is going around the galaxy trying to stop the Emperor...my Sith Inquisitor, Eraxen, is rising through the Sith hierarchy, growing his power, and his powerbase all behind the scenes, so to speak, till he becomes part of the Dark Council.


With the Emperor weakened, and the Emperor's Wrath gone, because of Variance's actions...Darth Eraxen uses his mastery over the darkside to increase the power of a young Sith warrior, Draydeon, and bind his loyalty. (think The Clone Wars series with Savage Oppress)


Darth Eraxen's plan is for this Sith warrior to rise in the Sith, detached from his powerbase, to eventually fill the void of the Emperor's Wrath. Then to fulfill his plan and kill the Emperor, so that Darth Eraxen can take his place.


Edited by VitalityPrime
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The story behind the Mayne Family legacy goes back to a backstory I wrote for a pen & paper game I ran with some friends of mine. The main villain was a Jedi knight turned Sith lord. Her name was Kira Mayne, and she was a follower of Revan. Now, before I go any further, it's important to note that this was written before Kotor 2 came out. So, any similarities is purely coincidence.


Kira and Revan had an affair, and Kira got pregnant. The Jedi Council realized that the Father was Revan, but Kira refused to admit it. After the baby was born, the council voted to take the baby away, fearing that the attachment would send Kira down the dark side. Kira grew bitter and angry with the council, but the mandalorian wars were flaring up. Revan convinced her to set aside her anger and focus on the war.


Revan promised her a way to get her daughter back, and she went with him into the unknown regions at the end of the Mandalorian wars. When Revan came back, she was in command of a third of his great fleet. When Malak betrayed Revan, she pulled her forces back and would remain in hiding for another 15 years, building a power base. When she came back, she gathered up the remaining dark side and sith forces left behind by previous conquerors, and began searching for her daughter. This time became known as the first Sith Cold War. Her reign supposedly ended when Mother faced off against Daughter in a climactic duel to the death.


However, all was not as it seemed, for the dark lady is not defeated easily. Kira, known as Darth Sorde, had bound her dark spirit to her daughter's body, and possessed her. She would return to the jedi and live in seclusion under their noses until the centennial anniversary of the Exar Kun war. On the day of the anniversary, Darth Sorde would return and begin another war that the Jedi forced to keep hidden, known as the Shadow War.


The Jedi managed to gain the upper hand, but once again, Darth Sorde had a trick up her sleeve. She bound her dark spirit to her family line. As long as she had a living female heir to her title, her spirit could not be vanquished. This forced a stalemate.


The Mayne Family of force users are very powerful, among the most powerful lines. However, they are tainted by the dark side. Almost all of the female force users of the Mayne Family have fallen to the Dark side. The Men, however, have not. Although not as powerful as the women of the line, the men are considerably powerful in their own right. The Jedi, if they ever wish to destroy the immortal soul of Darth Sorde, have only one option. They must purge the galaxy of her descendants, which would betray every ideal that the Jedi hold dear.

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Everyone in my legacy family tree is connected by the Ally/Rival/Sibling connections, no marriages between my characters, and no children/stepchildren because I prefer it to fit into how the class stories run fairly concurrently through chapters 1/2/3 with the chapters occurring in roughly 3643/3642/3641 BBY. My legacy is a cabal created by a secret alliance between my Shadow and Sorcerer, who organize the legacy members of their respected factions.
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My Legacy (5 characters, although 2 are barely started) is pretty much centered around the "rivalry" relationship between my Sith Sorcerer and my Jedi Sentinel:

[spoilers for Inquisitor, Knight, Warrior, Smuggler and Bounty Hunter]


The Pureblood Sith, Lord K'ain, during his rise through the ranks of the Empire, became aware of the so-called "Hero of Tython", the Chiss Jedi Knight Rha'ziel (full name Rha'ziel'tann, but having been raised by the Jedi Order in the aftermath of the Great Galactic War he does not use a Chiss "core name"). Sensing that the young Jedi had great potential, K'ain believed he could manipulate events to put his rivals within the Empire in the Jedi's path, at every turn either eliminating a rival or ending the Republic hero - a victory for K'ain no matter the outcome. At times he even went so far as to (anonymously, of course) send material aid the Jedi in the form of artifacts and equipment.


In keeping tabs on Rha'ziel, K'ain learned of Lord Scourge's defection before the rest of the Empire's elite and he was able to seek out and forge an alliance with the replacement Emperor's Wrath: the Zabrak Juggernaut, Lord Victuss. Although brutal and often unpredictable, Victuss is also without a doubt one of K'ain's most powerful allies, as evidenced when the new Wrath slew his former master before the Dark Council and claimed the honorific of Darth for himself.


However by the time K'ain ascended to the Dark Council as Darth Occlus, he learned that he may have underestimated just how powerful the Jedi truly is, as whispers began to spread throughout the upper echelons of the Sith hierarchy that Rha'ziel had done the unthinkable: slain the Emperor himself. Rather than be intimidated by this news, however, K'ain considers Rha'ziel to be a welcome challenge, a worthy adversary against whom to test himself, and ultimately prove his right to claim the Imperial Throne itself.


For his part, Rha'ziel is aware of a powerful presence within the Empire, one that has cast its eye upon him, although he has not yet put a name or face to that phantasmal foe. He feels, through the Force, that his destiny and that his unknown counterpart are inexorably linked, and that a fateful, likely violent confrontation is fast approaching.


During his adventures in service of the Republic, Rha'ziel has made friends and allies, including the unscrupulous Human Gunslinger, Captain Hamner. Hamner and his older brother, Zhukko, grew up on the fringe, and have both walked dangerous, often violent paths all their lives, each loyal to himself first and foremost. But while Hamner has become something of hero of the Republic in his own right, (often spurred to embrace the better angels of his nature by his association with Rha'ziel,) his elder brother carved himself a very different path through the Galaxy.


After being injured in a fire that cost him his left eye, Zhukko rebuilt himself with cybernetic enhancements and turned to bounty hunting. As a feared Mercenary, he earned fame and glory as the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, and also earned the attention of a certain member of the Dark Council. Now, as Darth Occlus weaves his own machinations throughout the war between the Empire and the Republic, arraying his forces against Rha'ziel and his allies, the Cyborg may find himself on a collision course with his own brother.


Edited by DarthDymond
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On Bergen Colony, pretty much all my characters are connected with my friend and RP buddy.



It begins with my Imperial Agent, Josef Mundi, a mercenary from Terra Nihilus (Space Australia, basically) and former member of the Red Squad Mercenaries who worked for Czerka. There, he met my smuggle Re'vi, who, at the time, was a fast moving, loudmouth kid with more blasters than common sense. He took her under his wing and they formed a father/daughter bond until both believed one another died along with the rest of their team in a driod uprising.


Josef did odd jobs, including working with my Bounty Hunter Abbas Windborne (who is actually the younger brother of the woman who would become Jo's wife) and the two developed an immediate rivalry. Finally, the Empire saw Jo's talent and offered a longterm contract with additional training under Imperial Intelligence. Working for the Empire, he met, fell in love with, and married Amirah Windborne, a former slave who was pulled into the Sith but discovered an incredible legacy in her relation to lord Kallig. Amirah tied Josef to my Jedi Sentinel, her older brother Jalal (jr.) and the rest of the Windbornes.


Of in the sidelines, my Republic Trooper, Sarah, was Josef's cousin from a much more livable planet in a neighboring system which sat on the borders between Republic and Imperial Space. When the republic fully captured her world, she fled to the Republic and joined the army. Meanwhile, my Jedi Guardian Ti'son, is related to Amirah in an unusual way, as she met Amirah's own grandmother, who left her husband after he solder their son (Amirah's father) into slavery and she died searching the galaxy for them, Ti'son ran into the woman on her death bed and gave her a proper funeral and promised that she would continue her quest. Ti'son also is the partner of Amirah's oldest sister, the Smuggler Jaslyn. Strangely, the odd couple aspect was invoked by Ti'son who feels Jedi should bond with at least one non-force user to keep them grounded in reality.



Wow, what a mess. What's really strange though is that my Jedi Counsular is technically connected to everyone

because her force-foresight is practically out of control. She has lived out entire lifetimes as other people across the galaxy and often can't tell who she is, where she is, or when she is. I hijacked her act I as the Jedi Council finally sending her off with another (another one of my friend's characters) in hopes a cure fore her condition can be found.


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In the final years of the great galactic war, the chiss ascendancy and the sith empire collaborated on a project classified as "operation stormblade", the goal being to create an army of force sensitive cyborg assassins who would be tasked with hunting down influential jedi. The finest sith alchemists and the empires best surgeons set up a covert base on Csilla where they began the process of collecting the most force potent children in the ascendancy and beyond. Weak as the force often was among the chiss, there were a few promising candidates. All three were children of Darth Infensus, the head sith diplomat on Csilla who had fallen in love with the daughter of the head of the resident noble house. He willingly gave his three sons, the eldest no more than 4, to be experimented upon. The youngest, Venifer, was deemed too young to undergo enhancements, even though he was already the strongest of the three. Ganden, the middle child, was outfitted with cranial enhancements and a cybernetic eye capable of identifying enemy weaknesses. Civus, the oldest, was subjected to the most cruel testing, and outfitted with various enhancements to augment his combat and mental capacity.


The following year Venifer and Ganden were on a vessel bound for Korriban to begin thier training, when it was ambushed by a jedi strike force. The duo and all the other children who had been a part of project stormblade were rescued and began a new life in the jedi order, leaving only Civus, who spent his early years training with the chiss expansionary defense force.


13 years later, Darth Infensus was slain due to a bitter rivalry. Civus, who at the time was already a fully fledged imperial agent at 17, a record, set out to track his fathers killer. In the years he was away, his mother anger and resentment over the death of her husband and imperial complacency caused her to defect. Civus was last seen headed towards hutta after a failed mission to extract her. Openly, he claims she is a ghost, but silently he knows that if he ever finds her, he will have to kill her, and that he can never do.


Ganden and Venifer led much less eventful lives in the jedi order. Ganden was a prodigy with a lightsaber, his enhancements making him one of the best duelists of his generation.And while there was much apprehension in the jedi council over allowing a jedi to use such an advantage, he has yet to face any arguments with his results.


Venifer, however, was less than a model student. Despite his force power, the intense early childhood trauma of Project stormblade left him with a mild case of psycopathia. Lacking empathy, he could never truly channel the light side effectively. But, in the end, the jedi order was never his destiny. When the brothers were 16, they went on what should have been a routine patrol of a minor planet to test their skills. But when their group stumbled across a camp of pirates, they were totally unprepared. in the fight, Venifer was badly burned and captured, and the rest had to retreat, leaving Venifer, who was sold into slavery and spent the next 7 years of his live changing hands until he found himself as imperial property. He was last seen headed to Korriban for the second time since he was 2 years old, to train as a sith or die trying....


So pretty much my legacy is these three brothers who were all part of this weird sith experiment gone awry. Stormblade is the legacy name but not their last name, as i haven't really thought about that.


In case it wasnt apparent





they are all chiss/human Ganden leans towards the human side wile the others are chiss.

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The Aquilla legacy is based around its most prominent member, Darth Imperius, once known as Lord Loreius, but goes back further. The Aquillas are an ancient Pureblooded noble house that can trace its descent back to the age of Naga Sadow, but by the Cold War only one scion -- Lord Trebial Aquilla, a dark but honourable warrior and master of Jar'Kai, dual-wielding lightsabres -- survived. Years ago, several of the house's members rose in rebellion against their lord, and were purged. Lord Trebial's branch of the family had remained loyal and helped in eradicating their cousins, but the act of betrayal instilled young Trebial with a firm sense of honour and loyalty. Fast-forward, and Trebial's parents have passed away. He remains in charge of the family estate.


One day, one of the family's human slaves -- Loreius -- exhibits signs of strong Force-sensitivity. His sister, Neruna, displays some slight sensitivity as well, once examined. Considering it his duty to further the cause of the Empire and the Sith young Lord Trebial begrudgingly becomes the siblings' patron, formally adopting them into House Aquilla and sending them to Korriban, where he joins them soon afterwards for his own training (though he keeps his distance from the former slaves).


While Loreius excels at every task put before him with natural ease, Neruna struggles to accomplish even the simplest manipulation of the Force. Surviving for months only using her quick wit, talent at manipulation and seduction, Neruna quickly grows to hate her brother with burning jealousy. Considering him the sole cause of her problems, she seduces and manipulates a fellow acolyte, Ffon, into assassinating his rival -- needless to say, Ffon fails and is soundly defeated.


Normally, a failed assassination attempt would have seen Neruna killed, but by a stroke of luck a liaison of Imperial Intelligence steps in. Arguing that she would never make it as a Sith, but be of use to the Empire in other facilities, he gains permission to recruit the girl. Soon, she is taken away. Years later, she would return to Korriban under a different face and name to aid in rooting out rebellious acolytes (the minor sidequest Allegiance's questgiver happens to be voiced by the female Agent and look a bit like her), but she and her brother would not speak again for many years.


While Loreius and Trebial rise in the ranks of the Sith, Neruna becomes one of Imperial Intelligence's most efficient operatives. Becoming first the Hand of Jadus, then finally the new Keeper of restored Imperial Intel, she makes the acquaintance of up-and-coming bounty hunter and mercenary Nemorina. Born and raised on Hutta, Nemo got into the business due to mostly bad luck and a teenage obsession for all things Mandalorian. Turning out to be surprisingly good at bounty hunting, she and Neruna have several business dealings. Neruna eventually helps Nemo get a foot in the door with bounty hunting veteran Braden, leading to her entering the Great Hunt.


Loreius meanwhile has become Darth Imperius. Freshly-married to his Togruta apprentice Ashara Zavros, he is on his way to becoming a major player in Imperial politics. Despite one-sided attempts at reconciliation, the new Emperor's Wrath stands to lead a traditionalist faction to oppose Imperius and his reformist allies Marr, Jadus and Acina. A major point of contention is the status of aliens in the Empire, as well as the need to reform the political structures of the Empire. With Marr virtually untouchable, traditionalists focus on detracting Imperius instead, calling into question his close relationship to several Jedi, fallen or not:


When he was still Lord Loreius, Imperius made the acquaintance of a young Cathar Jedi Consular, Rhiatavi, at a Tatooine archaeological site. Forming a temporary alliance to combat an ancient Rakatan relic, the two soon bonded over their shared interest in archaeology and the mysteries of the Force. At one point, the Sith and Jedi collaborated on an article in Alderaan-based Force-Archaeology Monthly. To this date, Loreius and Rhiatavi remain friends, and have met several times on neutral worlds. With Loreius' ascension to the Dark Council, and Rhiatavi joining the Jedi Council, they have also put out their diplomatic feelers towards each other -- either to try and gain intelligence from the other, or to negotiate a temporary truce between the Empire and the Republic. Their ability to work together during the Oricon crisis is seen by some Republic commentators as evidence of a shift in the Imperial leadership.


Rhiatavi is not, however, unopposed in the Republic and the Jedi Order. An old rival -- or rather, bully, as the perky Cathar does not begrudge or envy -- of hers has risen to prominence with his defeat of the Emperor. Zabrak Jedi Knight Qatras is about the same age as her and they were educated together on Tython. But while Rhiatavi turned out to be a fundamentally good person, Qatras quickly revealed deep-seated psychological issues. Delighting in random acts of cruelty, considering his skill with the lightsabre to be justification to murder anyone who annoys him and feeling a constant urge to dominate others, the only thing separating Qatras from the vilest of Sith is the colour of his blade and robes. For as long as the war goes on, the Jedi Council tolerates the corruption of its most powerful tool, but the leaders of the order agree that as soon as he is no longer needed, Qatras will be removed from positions of authority and placed in seclusion until redeemed.

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Although technically all the class stories happen more or less congruently, the Starris Legacy begins a few decades before the First Great War, when a Cathar trophy slave by the name of Nathan was discovered to be force sensitive.


The acolyte who would go on to become the fearsome and enigmatic Lord Natherius excelled in exotic and powerful uses of the force, defeating his rivals mainly through unconventional strategy, their tendency to underestimate him, and erratic (compassionate and un-sith-like) behavior. Because few could predict him, few could match him.


His only real rival was another sorcerer who took the name Palcipher, who devoted most of his efforts (when not thwarting his hated nemesis Natherius) to enhancing and improving his combative abilities and saber techniques. This privileged human was incensed by the idea of serving on the Dark Council alongside such alien Cathar filth, but could not prevent him from gaining prestige and respect in the Sphere of Knowledge.




In the months before the invasion began, Natherius and a concubine conceived Vordon, a young Cathar with no connection to the Force. Recognizing that without special training his son wouldn't last a day, Natherius carefully crafted the environment in which Vordon would be raised, ensuring that he had the skills he needed to survive in the Imperial War machine. Including granting him sole use of the HK-51 unit that had served Natherius faithfully for many decades.


When Vordon came of age, he joined the Imperial military as an elite Cipher designation 5, and gained infamy during the Great War as a feared Operative and saboteur, yet always keeping the best interests of his people in mind.


That all changed when he was assigned by the Dark Council to capture the Jedi Knight Gwyne Vayle, a Cathar Jedi Sentinel both beautiful on the battlefield and beautiful in person. She was the descendant of Juhani, one of Revan's companions, and was known throughout the Republic for her feats of martial skill and kindness.


Vordon tracked her to the Cathar settlements on Taris, where he infiltrated and eventually captured Gwyne with HK-51's assistance. But not before being captivated by her. On their return trip to Imperial space, they ended up smack in the middle of the First Battle of Hoth, where they were shot down and forced to trek many miles to the nearest Imperial holding.


It was on this journey that their love began in earnest, Vordon being heavily injured and giving Gwyne many chances to escape. Knowing the price of failure, however, she stayed and ensured the two of them would make it back safely. She surrendered herself into Imperial custody, where Palcipher of all people was waiting to "claim" her as his apprentice.




Upon arrival at Korriban, however, Vordon finally had enough of Sith corruption and Imperial incompetence. He rescued Gwyne from her cell and they made a daring escape from Palcipher, leaving only dust and a holo-message for Vordon's father in their wake.


They came to the Republic military as the Great War raged on, assisting them in many of their battles. Then they realized: Gwyne was pregnant. Agreeing that it would be for the best for the small family to leave the war behind, they put aside their weapons and settled down on the mid-rim world of Galidraan, where they later gave birth to Tuldabar.


But of course, the Great War knew no boundries. Soon enough, the Imperials marched on Galidraan, enslaving it utterly. In the last seconds before being overrun by Palcipher's forces, Vordon entrusted their son to his old friend; a Chiss Sniper who had been a fellow Cipher. #3 barely escaped the planet before Palcipher rolled in, the sleeping Tuldabar tucked safely in his arms.


Natherius realized what was going on too late, and arrived on the scene to find Palcipher gloating over the bodies of his son and daughter-in-law. Sinking to his knees in grief, he happened upon his son's bloodstained jacket, fashioning it into a mask and vowing never to remove it. He swore vengeance on Palcipher, secluded himself in the darkest regions of Sith space, and began an apparent descent into madness.




Though Vordon and Gwyne met their end that day. Their actions paved the way for the young Tuldabar to live in freedom.


In a sense. The former Cipher 3 took him to Corellia, and raised him among other young misfits in a small gang. When a delegation from the Council landed to exchange knowledge with the local Green Jedi Order, Tuldabar was caught trying to steal Master Lentara's starship. It was discovered that Tuldabar had an incredible connection to the Force, and he was apprenticed to Lentara. They traveled the Galaxy for a time, until they entered the Kashyyyk system. Tuldabar got wind of a local slaving ring run by Mandalorians and Trandoshan, but before he could expose them he was captured and marooned in Kashyyyk's shadowlands.


He spent many long years there, piecing together bits and fragments of technology to make a communicator or a distress beacon. He found and raised a Katarn dragon, and was forced to partially embrace his darker side in order to survive the Terentakeks and worse monsters. When the Mandalorians returned to finish the job, he was strong enough to bring an entire company to its knees, prompting the mercenaries to call upon the fabled Clan Ordo, who's leader, Mikal Ordo, led the charge. The two met on equal footing, and stayed that way.




But Mikal had not been aware of the slaving operation, and when Tuldabar confronted him, he led his own warriors to cleanse the dishonor from his people. He and Tuldabar, having reached an accord, set up a hyperspace communicator and contacted the Jedi Order who had relocated to Tython in Tuldabar's absence.


Tuldabar and his Katarn, Kip, boarded a shuttle to the Jedi homeworld Accompanied by Skie, a former Sith acolyte who had defected on the field of battle. They were soon Inseparable, and faced their Trials on Tython together. When they journeyed on to Coruscant, Tuldabar entered into the experimental "Jedi Shadow Division," the Order's answer to the S.I.S. Mostly focusing on undercover work, when the Second Great War began ramping up in earnest, Tuldabar was assigned to a smuggling freighter captained by another undercover agent: Lanria Nimbus.



So yeah. A lot of things happen, Tuldabar gets into trouble with the Council a lot, and many MANY rules are broken. How will Natherius react when he finds out he has a grandson? What highjinks will Tuldabar and company get into in their search for the Prodigal Knight? Will Tuldabar and Lanria EVER stop picking at each other and get a room? When will Kip's appetite be satiated? Who will HK-51 go after next? Where will Mikal Ordo's bounties take him? WHY DOES THE FORCE HAVE SUCH A SADISTIC SENSE OF HUMOR?!

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