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GSF Scoreboard Stats + Healing


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This is not really an argument. In Ground PVP, there are only 3 healing trees (out of 24), but healing is displayed.


But literally only two specs will leave their healing score to 0.

In GSF, the large majority of builds would score 0.


Add to that the fact that repairs are quite weak. Unless it does account for shield replenishing, the data would have much less relevancy here, than there.

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lol so far this thread merely acts to highlight the need for healing stats on the scoreboard. While there is debate over the merits of healing in GSF, lets get the stats in front of us in every game and then we can make an informed decision. Anyone have any healing probes? :cool:
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This is not really an argument. In Ground PVP, there are only 3 healing trees (out of 24), but healing is displayed.


Trees don't queue in pvp, players do, though. I said only three ships have heals, but no ship IS a healer. Plenty of characters are healers, so they need a thing that is prominent.



That said, it would be nice to see some more recognition. That throwing a massive web with a Clarion doesn't show up as better than selfish sit around guy is a shame. I will offer this though: in order to get the repair cheeves, I know people who would simply orbit a sat and bump into the wall. They were always near max health, always healing, and did a ton. If there was a prominent spot for healing it MIGHT encourage that- though I doubt it. As always, the map is not the territory, but that's lost on a lot of players.

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This is the first thing on these forums I've thought to comment on. Been playing swtor for about 3 months and GSF for a week or so (I love it, n00bs like myself that complain its all about gear are flat wrong)


Anyway, if healing were represented in score boards, and taken into account in the req points you get in a match, then perhaps it would encourage people to choose healing builds and play more as part of a team.


GSF has a comparatively very strong tendency towards lone-wolf playing. Fly, kill, rinse, repeat. Pay minimum amount of attention possible to what your team is doing. Not many pilots seem to try to assist one another, or play to support the team. Even in domination, where arguably how much healing you can do is just as important as how much damage you can do, you see a lot of kill chasing over objective chasing.


Meanwhile, call me crazy, but we have something dimly resembling tanks (bombers), melee DPS (scouts, and SFs if you feel like it) and range DPS (gunships), and while there is no exclusively healing ship, there are capabilities that fulfil the healing role. Just few people seem interested in it. Scoreboards drawing attention to it might change that, and the dynamics of team play in the process.

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You would need to be able to see friendly ship HP during the match for healing scores to be meaningful. Right now it's just hit repair probes on cooldown and hope a damaged ship flies near you. You can't see who is hurt unless you have voice. Therefore you can't really do healing tactically.


Something else I'd like to see is an indication of when I rearm someone. I have no idea if my ammo refill is even doing anything, though I assume it is...

Edited by StealthNerf
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You would need to be able to see friendly ship HP during the match for healing scores to be meaningful. Right now it's just hit repair probes on cooldown and hope a damaged ship flies near you. You can't see who is hurt unless you have voice. Therefore you can't really do healing tactically.


Good points. You can make an educated guess, I suppose. If you see any particular team members targeted and outnumbered then they're probably either taking damage or about to, so go there an help out. Or just getting in the thick of it and deploying your healing there.


It occurred to me to have a small ops window, but minimal hud is a requirement for gsf, for obvious reasons.


Certainly its very hard for the information to be clear and at your fingertips, as in the ground game, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be taken into account imo, because aside from anything else, that just means it requires a lot of situational awareness to see that you're using your heals with maximum effect, which means it takes even more skill.

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Here is what I'm seeing so far for healing column in scoreboard stats


On Page

- Total Healing



- Hull Restoration Self

- Hull Restoration Friendly players

- Shield Restoration Self

- Shield Restoration Friendly players

- Missiles Armed

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Here is what I'm seeing so far for healing column in scoreboard stats


On Page

- Total Healing



- Hull Restoration Self

- Hull Restoration Friendly players

- Shield Restoration Self

- Shield Restoration Friendly players

- Missiles Armed

Question : would you count passive shield restoration or not ?

I see both pros and cons for that.


That aside, I'm not sure we need the self/friendly differentiation.

And I'm a bit suspicious at the relevency of the missile armament number : 1 Concussion/Proton isn't worth 1 Cluster/Pod, and for exemple Proton are refilled at a 2 per tick rate, while Pods are refilled at a 8 per tick rate.

Edited by Altheran
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