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Current state of PvP servers regarding open world pvp


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I tried a few PvP servers and eventually went to The Harbinger because world pvp is pretty much dead. Most players and guilds are transfering here to the warzones are pretty good and you can come across some world PvP sometimes if you flag yourself.
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Which planets on ToFN regularly have open world pvp?

When doing Oricon I usually end up having to fight around 10 imperial players on average per run. The black hole, section x also sees some action occasionally. The lowbie planets like Tatooine and Alderaan also sees spontaneous pvp. Voss is also a favorite to get some world pvp going. Ilum gets the not so awesome 1 fps 100 people world pvp while trying to do that conquest boss. I don't see why anyone thinks that's fun though considering the limitations on the game engine.


So if you want world pvp roll republic. Then QQ and reroll imperial or go to pve server.

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Open World PVP does not exist because this is a Bioware game. All their games look good on top, but when it comes to core mechanics and stuff they are utter ****.


Mass Effect 3, released in either 2010 or 2011, still had *NAV-PATHING(!!!)* for their AI's, not even meshing!

This game just has an engine that should not have made it out of alpha, can't handle too many players on the screen.

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