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Starfighter PvP


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Sooo are we not gonna balance starfighter pvp? Or is this just gonna be the team that has the best upgrades wins?? I roll and alt and cant event dent someone with mid upgrades....Come on


First off: This is the wrong subforum.


Second off: You might need to rethink something if you fail to kill someone with mid upgrades in a stock-like ship - skill trumps a lot in GSF.


Third off: Equality is NOT needed in SWToR at all - it's nice to have something to aim for, instead of just having the best gear once your enter PvP.

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First off: It wasn't one on one. 2 players rocked my whole team. They just played around until we needed 100 points to win then 3 caped us. And sure I would just chalk it up to the team make up and being un organized but this is not the first time this has happen with these two players and actually other groups of players as well. And multiple players couldn't touch them. The upgrade gap from first upgrade and last upgrade in GSF should be narrowed.


And to your 3rd point:

Swtor has never really done a good job as balancing pvp since release. PvP advancement or progression for lack of a better word should be in the form of gear cosmetics or titles and such. AT least in the random BG ques. You want to stat increases in ranked that's a whole new animal. But in random bgs (at lvl 55) we should all have equality stats and it should depend on skill and team work, not who has played longer and has better gear. And to bring that back to GSF the point I was trying to make was that if with my lvl 1 alt is goin to be paired up with a lvl 35 guy/gal that has been playin GSF for a long time, there (in my opinion) needs to be a smaller gap in the stats.

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Proof that skill > upgrades




Aces flying in 0 upgrades ship, pulling ahead of people with upgraded (and potentially mastered) ships. Not saying that upgrades don't matter, but once you understand GSF you can stand your ground in most circumstances.

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@nkarabats balanced? Lets take u lvl 1 starfighter against any other ship with upgrades.....Then tell me that.


Literally just last night I started on a stock ship with ZERO changes on a new character and went 11-0 against upgraded opponents. So yeah.

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Aces flying new toons in stock ships have topped 100k damage before against geared teams.


I dunno, maybe this is because they have hundreds of games under their belt? There are real sharks playing GSF, with *thousands* of games under their belt. Gear or not, they're going to get you. It requires a certain amount of practice for anyone to get really good. The learning curve is not comparable to PVE or PVP, where you have an entire leveling process to "safely" learn your toon, build, rotation, whatever.

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GSF rewards skill to a tremendous degree. If you're getting stomped repeatedly it ain't the ship, it's you.


Lousy team work can also bite you in the arse, as even a great pilot can be on a really bad team and lose. I've gone 19/17/0 with 4 bases captured solo in a Dominion game and still lost because my team couldn't hold anything. If you keep losing because your team stinks, find some other good pilots and queue as a group.


But it's probably not just your team. You probably stink. My advice is to read the guides on this forum and to not be so quick to assume that you couldn't possibly get owned so hard in a game that was balanced.

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not to say that there isn't still a lot of stuff that needs tweaking but GSF has come a very long way from it's initial release. Now there was a time where gear could truly trump skill (I'm looking at you early access DField). Gear still helps but now it's no longer a clear cut case of gear being able to nullify skill.
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I am the other Strix. I liked our fights, Alessiya :)


Name has nothing to do with you, Strix of the Bastion. It's just a coincidence. The phrase Tidehollow Strix mean anything to you by chance?


My two cents: upgrades mean just as much as skill for anyone who doesn't play GSF all the time, or average pilots. I say this because when I reached a certain point of upgrades on my T2 scout it made a world of difference. I am an average pilot, but as you can see I am capable of annoying people.

Edited by Ymris
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I am the other Strix. I liked our fights, Alessiya :)


Name has nothing to do with you, Strix of the Bastion. It's just a coincidence. The phrase Tidehollow Strix mean anything to you by chance?


My two cents: upgrades mean just as much as skill for anyone who doesn't play GSF all the time, or average pilots. I say this because when I reached a certain point of upgrades on my T2 scout it made a world of difference. I am an average pilot, but as you can see I am capable of annoying people.


Well, well, well, another Strix. Because of the excellent choice of purple text in your signature, i will refrain from eating you.


I wasn't familiar with that MTG card, however. My name comes from this. . Nocturnal aerial apex preditor, etc. etc (Plus I just like birds ^_~)

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Yes!!! it was for similar reasons I chose the name for my character. I didn't know about the genus though, I thought Strix was an abbreviation of Strigidae or something. Nice.


Do not worry, I won't sully our good name. When I dive in, all the boys switch target to me, but they can't kill me!


Edit: purple color is best color.

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