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Money across legacy!


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Little box that pops up when you make a deposit.


WARNING The shared legacy credit bank is intended for subscribers only. If you change your account status to preferred you will not have access to any of the funds you put into the legacy credit bank until you change back to subscriber status. Any attempt to contact customer service to have them bypass this feature will result in having your legacy bank set to 0 for wasting our time.


Problem solved.


So, you're solution is to hold hostage any credits that a player may have placed into legacy storage until they subscribe again?


Isn't that called blackmail?

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So, you're solution is to hold hostage any credits that a player may have placed into legacy storage until they subscribe again?


Isn't that called blackmail?


Truth be told, that's what is happening in a way already(!), unless you sub or go for the escrow thing.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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So, you're solution is to hold hostage any credits that a player may have placed into legacy storage until they subscribe again?


Isn't that called blackmail?


No. People would be warned beforehand that they have to continue to sub in order to get to those credits. They can plan accordingly if they wish to downgrade and take all the funds available to them before their sub runs out.

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Truth be told, that's what is happening in a way already(!), unless you sub or go for the escrow thing.


The difference is that the player still has the option to use the escrows to access those credits without paying the subscription. That player can even use in game currency (credits) to purchase those escrows, via the GTN or another player, without having to use any real world currency.


The poster I questioned is suggesting that BW withhold ALL access to those credits unless the player subscribes again, by the use of real world currency.


That, IMO, is a pretty substantial difference.

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The difference is that the player still has the option to use the escrows to access those credits without paying the subscription. That player can even use in game currency (credits) to purchase those escrows, via the GTN or another player, without having to use any real world currency.


The poster I questioned is suggesting that BW withhold ALL access to those credits unless the player subscribes again, by the use of real world currency.


That, IMO, is a pretty substantial difference.


Thus the "in a way already" I mentioned.

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Give them a hand, they'll take your whole arm.


Not saying people can't make more suggestions to improve, but silly things like this and "GIVE MORE LEGACY SLOTS" aren't very constructive to me. Legacy banks are soooo awesome, but it's taken only a week for people to complain that it's not good enough. Need moar!


How would this work for the F2P players by the way OP, with the credit limit?


Actually, folks have been asking for a Legacy bank all the way back when the Legacy storage was suggested just after the release of 1.2.


More legacy slots was suggested during testing of the Strongholds system on the PTS.


As to the question you asked (though you didn't ask me) it could be handled the same way that guild funds are handled for F2P/Preferred players. They could also sell escrow unlocks for legacy bank escrow just like they do for personal credits.

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The difference is that the player still has the option to use the escrows to access those credits without paying the subscription. That player can even use in game currency (credits) to purchase those escrows, via the GTN or another player, without having to use any real world currency.


The poster I questioned is suggesting that BW withhold ALL access to those credits unless the player subscribes again, by the use of real world currency.


That, IMO, is a pretty substantial difference.


So you would be warned beforehand how it works. If you dump a bunch of money in your legacy bank and let your account go to preferred who's fault is that?

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Actually, folks have been asking for a Legacy bank all the way back when the Legacy storage was suggested just after the release of 1.2.


More legacy slots was suggested during testing of the Strongholds system on the PTS.


As to the question you asked (though you didn't ask me) it could be handled the same way that guild funds are handled for F2P/Preferred players. They could also sell escrow unlocks for legacy bank escrow just like they do for personal credits.


To be fair, people were asking for both account wide bank and storage in beta.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Wish that wz comms were legacy wide as well I mean honestly does it make difference either way if I buy it with 1 toon and use LEGACY gear to send it over still don't understand the cap on them as well

What? You mean no one replaces you when you switch chrs:eek:

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IMO I feel that F2P should be way more restrictive than it is right now. For a lot of people there is almost zero reason to ever subscribe, especially pvpers. I have several friends that purchase the weekly passes with credits for both pve and pvp and haven't paid a sub in months. At that point why bother having a hybrid system?


Those weekly passes still got bought using cartel coins someone paid real money to get. Just because your friends didn't pay for them doesn't mean nobody did. One main point of having this kind of system above a regular subscription service is the possibility to get some customers to pay vastly more than they otherwise would.

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Wow great feedback people!!


ok, for the free to play or subscribers it can be easily managed because they can make it so that when you transform from subscriber to preferred, then the total balance of the money you have will be devided equaly on all characters giving each one of them(or the highest level or oldest) 350k only( which is the cap too), and yeah it should be something for subscribers only, that way even BW will benifit from it too by adding even more motivation for people to subscribe.


Making the game flexible makes it more fun to play too tbh!, you can do it BW!

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The difference is that the player still has the option to use the escrows to access those credits without paying the subscription. That player can even use in game currency (credits) to purchase those escrows, via the GTN or another player, without having to use any real world currency.


The poster I questioned is suggesting that BW withhold ALL access to those credits unless the player subscribes again, by the use of real world currency.


That, IMO, is a pretty substantial difference.


Use to be there was no way to access escrow without subscribing. If they create a legacy escrow they can allow you to access the same you can access the character escrow. It's funny how your complaint suggested it's own solution.

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The difference is that the player still has the option to use the escrows to access those credits without paying the subscription. That player can even use in game currency (credits) to purchase those escrows, via the GTN or another player, without having to use any real world currency.


The poster I questioned is suggesting that BW withhold ALL access to those credits unless the player subscribes again, by the use of real world currency.


That, IMO, is a pretty substantial difference.


Then just include the currency stored in the legacy bank in the escrow total.


As long as players are warned about what will happen when their subscription lapses then it's up to them how they wish to handle it. Either they can leave the credits in the legacy bank and have it go to escrow, or they make withdrawals to top up their individual characters balances before their subscription lapses.


Really no need to make a drama of it with terms like "hostage" and "blackmail".

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Use to be there was no way to access escrow without subscribing. If they create a legacy escrow they can allow you to access the same you can access the character escrow. It's funny how your complaint suggested it's own solution.



Then just include the currency stored in the legacy bank in the escrow total.


As long as players are warned about what will happen when their subscription lapses then it's up to them how they wish to handle it. Either they can leave the credits in the legacy bank and have it go to escrow, or they make withdrawals to top up their individual characters balances before their subscription lapses.


Really no need to make a drama of it with terms like "hostage" and "blackmail".


Again, these "suggestions" ignore the fact that preferred and F2P CANNOT transfer credits between characters. Allowing preferred players to withdraw from legacy credit storage using any character, or splitting legacy credit storage between all characters, completely bypasses this restriction.


The question remains how does BW maintain the preferred player restriction against transferring credits between characters without holding any credits a subscriber has in legacy credit storage hostage if they drop from subscriber to preferred?

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What is wrong with "holding it hostage"? They essentially hold credits "hostage" in escrow now. You go over your limit the credits got into escrow which you can't get unless you pay up.


Are you saying you have a problem with that system? If you do then you should be petitioning to change it not posting here where you can't articulate any problem.


There have been three solutions proposed for when someone goes from Sub to Preferred:


1. All credits get dumped on one character. Any money over the limit would of course go into that character's escrow.

2. Credits get split evenly between all characters on legacy. Any credits over the limit would of course go into escrow of character's that went over.

3. A special legacy escrow account is created. Only credits from legacy bank go into and thus it would not grow while the play is in preferred status. The account is either frozen until the player subs or there is an option to purchase money out of it just like the current system.


There is also:


4. The money disappears into the nether.


None of those solutions allow the free exchange of credits between characters on a preferred account. No it does not bypass the restriction. The splitting is a one time thing that happens as part of changing status and is not under player control. The escrow requires a payment.

Edited by Mozepy
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