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Datacron decorations?


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So, where do i get that datacron stand with like 5 of them on it? also the single ones other then GTN. or is there a master list on decorations and where to find them out?




For the stand of five, you like get all the datacrons in the game. Just like that. And as for a master list of decorations, including info re. where to find the individual datacron decorations, you of course consult Dulfy. Just like that.

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The stand of the 5 datacrons is granted retroactively when you get the achievement for collecting all the datacrons. The other individual datacrons drop randomly on each planet (besides the prologue planets). The heroic missions on each planet have a higher chance to drop them (via bosses and lockboxes).


You can check here for more in-depth info.

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Ok, so, I have all the imperial side datacrons does this mean i can get the decorations?(where) or is it you have to have 'both' sides to get them?


Need to catch them all, gotta get the empire and republic datacrons for the achievement.

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There are individual datacron decorations. Those are direct random drops from mobs in specific areas. As explained Dulfy has a guide. This has nothing to do with the normal collection of datacrons that boost your stats.


However, if you have collected ALL Datacrons with stat boosts in the game then you have the Datacron Master title and it unlocks the tables with all 6 datacrons on them as decorations. There is a light side and a dark side version. You get both.


Again, collecting datacrons that give you stat boosts do NOT unlock decorations until you have ALL of them. Then you get the tables with datacrons.

Edited by Tsillah
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Now it is starting to get discouraging. I think the decoration tables should be tired to the actual datacron.


They are...

You need Datacron Master title (requires completion of all datacron achievements) to get those tables.

Edited by Halinalle
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There is some conflicting information in this thread, so is it

a.) collecting all exploration datacrons that give stat boosts when you access them

b.) all decoration datacrons that drop from planetary mobs

c.) both of the above?


It is b), but partially c) as well. Collecting all datacrons (earning the Datacron Master achievement) rewards you with "free" datacron table decorations

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Some of the decoration datacrons are ridiculously easy to acquire if you have a high-level character. A friend and I got 5 or so pieces of the Voss decocron by doing "cleanse the corrupted" heroic ONCE. The heroic has multiple named bosses and EACH of them dropped the decocron basically 100% guaranteed. Bit similar for "Blood and sand" on tatooine, and probably same for other planets too although I did not do them. Taris decocron dropped from a random normal trash mob while I was looking for HK part. No wonder market is flooding with these. Edited by Karkais
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Reading this thread I still see a lot of confusion. Let me try clear it up somewhat.


There is the table with the 6 datacrons on it, one for the Empire Side and one for the Republic side.


This 6on1 table decoration you get when collecting all of the datacrons on one faction (not necessarily on the same character). So if you have all the empire datacrons (the stat giving ones) you get the darkside table and when you have all of the datacrons collected on republic side you get the lightside table.


Note, if you have all of the empire side datacrons, you only need to collect those on republic side that are only accessible to republic players (Starter planets and Taris/Balmorra) to unlock the datacron master achievement. This also works the other way around, if you have all of the republic datacrons, you only need to collect those on the Empire only planets (starter planets and Taris/Balmorra) to unlock the achievement.


Then there are the single datacron decorations, these you can get regardless of the fact if you have collected any stat giving datacron. The biggest chance to get those single decoration datacrons is by doing the heroics on each of the planets listed here.




Note, this lists only mentions the heroics on each of the planets but not which faction they can be done on. And although it is not mentioned on that page, they can also drop from regular trash mob but the chance on that happening is significantly less.


EDIT: If you look at the above list, you will notice that as republic player, you have a much easier path ahead of you to collect all 6 different Light Side ones since all 6 are on relatively low level planets. empire players will find it much much harder to collect all 6, and the one on Ilum drops so rarely that you might want to consider GTN to get it that way.

Edited by LeJarC
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Reading this thread I still see a lot of confusion. Let me try clear it up somewhat.


There is the table with the 5 datacrons on it, one for the Empire Side and one for the Republic side.




Slight correction here

There are two "tables", a "Light Side" and a "Dark Side" version.

You can get them by collecting all datacrons like you said (earning the Datacron Master). But, you can also buy them from Light/Dark side vendors on fleet, assuming you collect 1 of each "Light" or "Dark" (depending on what table you want) Datacron Decorations and do not use them (essentially having the vendor convert them into a table for you)

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I'm not understanding which 5 datacrons you need for the table?


To get the big display, you need to get all the +Stat datacrons that are hidden around the galaxy. This includes the Matrix Shards and the faction-specific ones.


I just got those displays yesterday, it took a long time. Whoever designed the +10 Endurance datacron on Makeb was a nutjob.

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