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Do you prefer the Coruscant "hustle/bustle" feel or "moody/rainy" DK Stronghold?


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Which has the better atmosphere to you?


the rain affects on DKis is really cool... that being said the lil bit that i can see of my stronghold i dont really like the layout. and i could be wrong but the layout looks just like Coruscant's B^(

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I like both, but am partial to Coruscant.


DK is neat, but it is quite gloomy and dark both outside and in. It can be cheered up with liberal use of lights, but I feel like we don't have enough different rugs and wall decorations to really dispel the pervasive greyness.


The balcony is also somewhat less appealing to me because, well, it is constantly raining. Pretty sure my Sith doesn't want to stand (or sit) out in the rain, which also somewhat obscures the visibility of the balcony from indoors.

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I like both, but am partial to Coruscant.


DK is neat, but it is quite gloomy and dark both outside and in. It can be cheered up with liberal use of lights, but I feel like we don't have enough different rugs and wall decorations to really dispel the pervasive greyness.


The balcony is also somewhat less appealing to me because, well, it is constantly raining. Pretty sure my Sith doesn't want to stand (or sit) out in the rain, which also somewhat obscures the visibility of the balcony from indoors.


I do agree to this.


Right now, unless you go for the Luxury stuff - which is completely over the top for what I'm going for on DK - I don't think we have anything simple enough to lit up the apartment.

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Kinda devided on this actually.


My DK one is beeing set up as "temple of Darkness". A worship to the dark side, and base for my legacy. Coruscant i really like cause of the summer holiday feel and the light color pallets of the whole thing. makes me wanna go diving :)

So i really like both of them, but they serve different purposes. Just like my Nar Shaddaa place. A center for all my shady business, mingling with the hutts and bounty brokers :)


Tat is waaay to big atm :/

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Out of the current choices,


1. Tatoonie - It is the largest and I like the isolated oasis feel. However, I wish I could have an Alderaan pad. It will be a few thousand years before my family line would have to consider relocating because the garden will be horribly rearranged.

2. Coruscant - Much better than Nar Shaada and DK because it is clear but I hate city life.

3. DK - Too much rain but still better than Nar Shadaa.

4. Nar Shaada - I don't care it is free, too smoggy for my tastes.

Edited by Lorica
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