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Explain why you want to conquer a planet?


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I'm not clear on why you want to conquer a planet.


I guess you get mats for your guild to help decorate the ship. But is there anything else for after the conquest has happened? Like you get this flyby and the flyby helps you overcome the buff on the Jedi Commander on Alderan (say) but since you don't get the flyby until after the week is over, why do you want it afterwards?


And if you conquer a *whole planet* why are there notices for guilds "controlling this sector"? Will they all have the same control? Is there a way to take sectors back? I have not seen any explanations of the expectations of post-conquest action.

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I'm not clear on why you want to conquer a planet.


I guess you get mats for your guild to help decorate the ship. But is there anything else for after the conquest has happened? Like you get this flyby and the flyby helps you overcome the buff on the Jedi Commander on Alderan (say) but since you don't get the flyby until after the week is over, why do you want it afterwards?


And if you conquer a *whole planet* why are there notices for guilds "controlling this sector"? Will they all have the same control? Is there a way to take sectors back? I have not seen any explanations of the expectations of post-conquest action.


The info has been out for weeks Not our fault you cant go to dulfy and read yourself.

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Oh, I've read the dulfy stuff. I"m just questioning how it makes sense:


1) a guild conquers a whole planet makes sense. But why do I want to kill commanders on the planet I just conquered when a new event comes out the following week


2) a guild conquers a whole planet: then why are sectors designated as being controlled by one guild or another (why do it by "sectors" at all?


3) should I be assuming that the next week will be the same event and we can try to take Alderan back from whomever has it?


If you can quote me where dulfy explains this I'll apologize profusely.

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To drive your enemies before you and hear the lamentations of their women.


I think the line you're looking for is:


"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women!"



Here, this song will help you remember it accurately!


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I think the line you're looking for is:


"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women!"

I was paraphrasing. I didn't have access to the original source material. Conan's been dead for a while.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I was paraphrasing. I didn't have access to the original source material. Conan's been dead for a while.




Nah, it's cool. That's a funny video I linked, though. It's "Conan the Barbarian: The Musical."

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I'm not clear on why you want to conquer a planet.


I guess you get mats for your guild to help decorate the ship. But is there anything else for after the conquest has happened? Like you get this flyby and the flyby helps you overcome the buff on the Jedi Commander on Alderan (say) but since you don't get the flyby until after the week is over, why do you want it afterwards?


And if you conquer a *whole planet* why are there notices for guilds "controlling this sector"? Will they all have the same control? Is there a way to take sectors back? I have not seen any explanations of the expectations of post-conquest action.


Because I have a lot of junk on my ship that is highly toxic and I cannot dumped in out space. :eek::D

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OP has some good questions.


1. When you take over a planet, you're essentially ensuring that everyone on your side of the faction line sees your guild name and knows that if you want a guild to join, they'd be a good choice. If you're not of that faction, then you know there's a hell of an enemy guild out there you should be wary of.


2. When you get these bonuses, like being able to take out the named commander of a force 6 hours before anyone else, that's a boost to help you keep control of the planet. Why do you want to keep control of the planet? Pretty sure there's special vendors for the controllers and, as mentioned above, the free advertising aspect of it.


3. E-peen. When the first two fail, it's all about the e-peen. People tend to think it means something because you did something in a game. It's nice, but it's just what it is - you were amazing at something in a game. Don't get cocky, kid.

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2. When you get these bonuses, like being able to take out the named commander of a force 6 hours before anyone else, that's a boost to help you keep control of the planet. Why do you want to keep control of the planet? Pretty sure there's special vendors for the controllers and, as mentioned above, the free advertising aspect of it.


I guess that makes sense. I"m unclear as to how long a planet is conquered. I guess it stays conquered until the event that involves the planet rolls around again. I had assumed planets would be conquered ONLY for the week following the event.


Still not sure why they report conquest on a per-sector basis, if it will always be the same. Maybe this is odd to me because im on a RP server, so my guild does not do open world pvp all over the place *except* for this event. If a guild is into open world pvp in general, I can see the interest.

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Aside from what BioWare wrote, I appreciate the friendly competition with other guilds on the same server, the way the event brings members of our guild even closer together, and seeing our guild's name on the leaderboard.


Absolutely! This has really brought our guild closer together, working for a common goal. It also encourages trying things your guild may not have tried before, which can only be good for the game.


When you own a planet, you have a significant advantage in the next round and in anything you do there.

Edited by errant_knight
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Since when do people in an MMO need a reason beyond bragging rights?


It's a game, and a new type of leaderboard. The purpose of conquering a planet is to enjoy the game and be able to brag about your exploits by having your guild name in bright lights until you get knocked off the mountain.

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I guess that makes sense. I"m unclear as to how long a planet is conquered. I guess it stays conquered until the event that involves the planet rolls around again. I had assumed planets would be conquered ONLY for the week following the event.


Still not sure why they report conquest on a per-sector basis, if it will always be the same. Maybe this is odd to me because im on a RP server, so my guild does not do open world pvp all over the place *except* for this event. If a guild is into open world pvp in general, I can see the interest.


Maybe they'll eventually break the system up so it's not one guild per planet, and instead have it split like multiple guilds of the same faction owning different sectors, or the top two guilds from each side controls different sectors on the planet. I'm not sure how it worked on PTS, but I can see them only adding more planets, and not "rotating them out." I mean, even spots like Taris have the "no guild controls this sector" notifications, and that's a faction-specific planet. Would an Imp guild be able to "own" the Rep-based Taris and vice-versa? Or would an Imp guild "own" Imp-Taris and a Rep guild own Rep-Taris?

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ok, i get it now. Every conquest event has planets that overlap. Odds are the next event will be one that includes alderan, makeb, or voss


And actually, since its probably not "total galactic war" in week 2 (that would be crazy), and relics of the gree isn't coming back next week, i'm guessing its either


Trade Emporium (uses Voss and Makeb)


or possibly the Death Mark (which includes Makeb and a bunch of other planets, including Black Hole which nobody does anymore.


I guess we find out if my theory is right tomorrow, or its already disproved because the schedule is published somewhere?

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1. When you take over a planet, you're essentially ensuring that everyone on your side of the faction line sees your guild name and knows that if you want a guild to join, they'd be a good choice. If you're not of that faction, then you know there's a hell of an enemy guild out there you should be wary of.


2. When you get these bonuses, like being able to take out the named commander of a force 6 hours before anyone else, that's a boost to help you keep control of the planet. Why do you want to keep control of the planet? Pretty sure there's special vendors for the controllers and, as mentioned above, the free advertising aspect of it.


3. E-peen. When the first two fail, it's all about the e-peen. People tend to think it means something because you did something in a game. It's nice, but it's just what it is - you were amazing at something in a game. Don't get cocky, kid.


1+3: pfft


2: You mean it helps you keep control of the planet the next time there's a conquest event there in like 6 weeks?

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