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Conquer and prestige points, Musco we must have some yellow.


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Agreed 5k per hour is nothing. Alderaan heroic cycle was ~10k for about 40 mins (invading on Alderaan of course).


Guys depend on witch planet you land. Of course for alderan is a bit more, but on Makeb take more time for example.


<10 highly active conquest players from our guild, maybe another <10 moderate players, and only a handful of others. On average about 10-15 players online.


Scored over 2 million points. One of the top 30 guilds on The Shadowlands this conquest.


So yes, I consider about 20 players medium.


Scored over 2 milion on alderaan and you are on the top 10? Ahahahahaha in our server the first have more than 5 milion the last near 3 milion, in our server you will be cutted out.

Of course in server like the progenitor, with less population, is more easy... the last on alderaan score 3 milion point with 25 online avarage, on makeb the last one scored 3.5 milion.

Edited by Elminster_cs
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Medium sized guild on The Shadowlands just took a top ten spot on Alderaan.

So, you're wrong...



Imperium, Mantle of the Force, #1 on Voss, 9.680.095 points.

~ 12 players, never more than 10 at the same time.

Second guild on Voss scored 8.978.780 with ~ 25-30 players.

Edited by LongHornTx
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You are wrong.


What counts towards Conquest Bonus is Completion, not Prestige. And completion is based on how many hooks you fill up. So 5 speeder (occupying 5 hooks) give the same amount of Completion as table with 4 chairs (again, occupying 5 hooks)


Prestige of Stronghold is then counted by Completion multiplied by your Legacy Prestige, which is sum of all decorations you unlocked (unlocked, not placed). In that case, yes, having unlocked 5 different speeders gives more score (5*100=500) than having 1 table and 1 chair modles 4 times (100+100+3*2=206).

But Prestige does not provide bonuses towards anything, it only decides the place of your stronghold in the Public Listing. And seeing as placement on Public Listing does nothing except bragging right, your argument is wrong


Yeah I was talking about prestige, sorry for any confusion, of course just completition give bonus to conquest, but we was talking about prestige point, sorry :D

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Imperium, Mantle of the Force, #1 on Voss, 9.680.095 points.

~ 12 players, never more than 10 at the same time.

Second guild on Voss scored 8.978.780 with ~ 25-30 players.


They have lived 24 ours on this game, never stop playing? Sorry pretty hard to belive that a 10 player guild reach 10 milion point...

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Yeah I was talking about prestige, sorry for any confusion, of course just completition give bonus to conquest, but we was talking about prestige point, sorry :D


I delved further into the quote chain, and I still think you guys are wrong.


We have these new terms that are used in GSH

  • Completion
  • Prestige



  • Calculated as percentage of filled hooks out of the maximum number of available hooks
  • Important to Conquest, where it provides bonus to earned points (calculated as average from all strongholds, even those not yet unlocked)



There are two types of Prestige

  • Legacy Prestige
  • Stronghold Prestige

Legacy Prestige

  • Total prestige of all items you have unlocked across your legacy.
  • More different items = more prestige (because new items give 100 points, while the same item only gives 2 points)
  • It is increased by unlocking new items or copies of older items
  • It does not affect anything (as far as I am aware), it only serves to show how much stuff someone unlocked.

Stronghold Prestige

  • Calculated as Completion multiplied by Legacy Prestige (so it can be only as high as Legacy Prestige)
  • Is not affected by what kind of items are placed inside Stronghold
  • It is doubled for Subscribers
  • It is used as ranking on Public Listing
  • Does not provide any form of bonuses

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Imperium, Mantle of the Force, #1 on Voss, 9.680.095 points.

~ 12 players, never more than 10 at the same time.

Second guild on Voss scored 8.978.780 with ~ 25-30 players.


i find this very unlikely, or at least not really repeatable.

While it is theoretically possible by having many alts with huge stockpiles of crafting mats at the ready crafting nonstop, it is a feat that would be very difficult to repeat after few iterations.

Another way might have been by abusing the reset glitch, but again, seeing as it was fixed, that seems like a hard thing to repeat.


I will summon Math to this case *goes away to perform a complex summoning ritual*



*returns with a nasty looking creature with skin full of numbers, letters, and other symbols*


Input parameters

  • 9.680.095 points (for sake of easier calculation, lets say 10.000.000)
  • 10 players online at the same time max
  • 12 players total
  • Unknown number of alts
  • Invaded planet = Voss (2x crafting score)


*unleashes the nasty looking creature off the chain*

That is 833.334 points per player (10m/12), for sake of calculation, lets round it up to 840.000

Assuming each player can realistically complete twice the goal number, reaching 70k points per character, it is still 12 characters per player, so lets assume that ever player has ~12 characters.

Assuming that all points were done by crafting, that is 68 war Supplies and one Invasion force (assuming the reset exploit was used) per character.

However, that is probably not very likely (given how many resources would be needed for that), so lets calculated other methods

WZs give 500 points per run, 1000 for [WEEKLY] mission and 1000 for winning 10. Assuming 50/50 Win/Loss ratio, that still means ~135 warzones per character. One WZ takes roughly 12 minutes, that is ~27 hours of WZs (~4.5hrs per day) per character.

Operations give 2000 points per GF run. GF Ops reseted once during the event, allowing each character to earn 4000 points. So that was probably not the main source of point income (48k per player, assuming 12 alts per player).

Flashpoints are in the same spot as operations, allowing for 18000 points per character (6*1000*3).


Thus a conclusion is reached, this number was made possible only by crafting enormous numbers of War Supplies, a feat which is very difficult to replicate in next iteration.


*prods nasty looking creature with shock baton to return to its hiding hole*

Edited by Aries_cz
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This was said over and over in the 2.9 PTS forums. Devs were busy finishing up 2.9, no-one bothered to reply. As for the only "reasonable" alternative to getting encryptions through top10, crafting dark projects at insane mats cost, 50 per framework, they specifically confirmed in the german cantina event that it is designed to be that way. Yay.


Sadly true. When i saw it on PTS i knew already back then that it was designed for biggest guilds. Sure you ca nget personal rewards hitting 35k points but thats about it. Just get players with lots of alts who are active and that will be key to conquer success.

Also that small "fame" having planet controlled doesnt give much anyway. If you level your alt on that planet or pvp servers makes sense.

Edited by Divona
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. well is IMPOSSIBLE for mid and small guild to even arrive in the top 10. ... This make me really disappointed, because actually we have the best guild ship (top leaderboards of points with things placed in a correct way...) but we will never be able to unlock more, because we can't win.

Can't win your encryptions to unlock your ship? Then buy them. They are not bound AFAIK, and I expect quite a few will wind up on the GTN tomorrow morning. We will see what the price is.

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Thus a conclusion is reached, this number was made possible only by crafting enormous numbers of War Supplies, a feat which is very difficult to replicate in next iteration.


This is was I think too, the system for mid-small guild is not working. Just because one or two hit the success is less than 1 or 2 % of the total spot so any consideration is irrelevant, we can't beat 70+ guild


Calculated as Completion multiplied by Legacy Prestige (so it can be only as high as Legacy Prestige)

[*]Is not affected by what kind of items are placed inside Stronghold


Nice! Now I have understand how it is calculated, thanks. But with this way, heavy shoppers that buiy bundle will always have lot of prestige... well not so much a problem, but nice to know :(

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Nice! Now I have understand how it is calculated, thanks. But with this way, heavy shoppers that buiy bundle will always have lot of prestige... well not so much a problem, but nice to know :(


I explained the same thing 3 times on the first page. Unfortunately it seems I suck at explaining (which is highly likely).


Nessun problema. In bocca al lupo questa settimana con il nuovo conquest!

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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