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Game Minimizing Self


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This only started happening last night, but every so often while I'm playing SWTOR it will minimize itself, and take a little while to pull back up. Sometimes this happens every few minutes, but there have been times it happens within 30 seconds of itself. Putting the game on Windowed(Fullscreen) keeps it from minimizing, but it still pulls the desktop bar to the forefront of the screen and cuts the audio from the game until I click back to it.


Has anyone else run into the issue/have a possible solution?

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you probably have a program running in the background that does some kind of satus-update or something. getting calls in skype minimize swtor as an example.


Try shutting down programs you dont need from the autostart and then restart your computer.


To change the autostart press "the windows button + r"

a windows named "run" should appear. write "msconfig" without the ", and press enter. go to autostart and turn of stuff that doenst have to start with the computer. (things you should leave on is the anitvirus and any wireless software. most other stuff you can take away from the autostart.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm having the same thing happen, but it has pretty much taken everything over. No matter what program I'm running, even if SWTOR isn't running, every 30 seconds or so it will bring the desktop to the forefront until I click back into something.
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same thing is happening to me to guys

does any one know how to fix it

and no I'M not typing the windows key or any other programs running

and i just got a new computer so has nothing to do with the hardware or software


if any one finds out the

how to fix it let us know

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