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Keyring limited to 4 keys? Seriously?


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Unless I'm wrong or I missed something, you can't get more than four keys on your character's keyring, which is a bit.... How do I put it gently? Utterly retarded.


Not only is it very limited, it's also completely illogical. In a universe where we can travel at the speed of light and communicate via holo-imagery (though somehow we can't receive emails directly on our datapads), somehow our virtual keyring is limited to four items? It's as dumb as if our real-life cell phones were limited to four entries in the contact list.


What do you guys think?

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We can fit as much Speeders and pets into our "Astral Multiplan Condensation Pockets" as we want but we can't have more than 4 keys of others people's house.


That is not just limited, that is very retarded.


But hey, that is Electronic Arts we are talking about, so F-Word Logic as always.

Edited by Kaall
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Makes those FILTERS they built into the UI to filter your keyring by bronze/silver, etc kinda pointless. Why do I need to filter to help me find the one i'm looking for ... out of FOUR? ...


Really? lol


This made me laugh far more than it should. Poignant to say the least.

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