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strongholds worth looking at


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The PvE'rs aren't quite at the cutting edge of progression raiding but there are still like 4 raid groups who are doing nightmare dp.


These idiots who don't even reveal their actual ingame identities on the forums are likely awful players in awful guilds that haven't accomplished anything of note in PvE, PvP, or Conquest, so until they have, their opinions are completely meaningless.


Ahahahahahaha, doing NiM DP. ahahahahaaha I laugh every time I see this. Triumph's raid teams can't even kill Grob'throk in DF nor get past the trash in NiM DP!


No point in lying baddies, it won't get you far. :cool::D

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So while I am friends with a lot of people in Triumph and I do think they have most of the best pvpers in the game I also think that what they are doing in terms of conquest points requires zero skill and is absolutely the most shameful thing to ever brag about. Edited by Rambeezy
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So you basically you just sit on fleet since you dont pvp or do ranked? O and didnt all the good players from Hold My leave or were we just high?


On a different note. Zenod is right. Lot of us had issues with each other from way back. We worked it out and came together for a higher goal. Hopefully we can have some more competition cause its getting lonely at the top:rak_03::rak_03:


Or maybe i don't sit on fleet and just get gate crasher or do dp nim, and the hmd part, they havnt left, the main group went to wildstar which caused like 75% of the guild to leave because no one wanted to play that trash game, and now they are back ( because wildstar sucks ) sort of and cant field a full team half the time so, quite a fall from grace but yeh....i need to change my sig.

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Farmers let in half pve geared ppl into a pure pvp guild now?


Or maybe im in hmd on everyone but my merc is in farmers because my merc is my pvper, i dont know maybe a suggestion, notice my sig, you literally needed half a brain to figure that out

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Or maybe im in hmd on everyone but my merc is in farmers because my merc is my pvper, i dont know maybe a suggestion, notice my sig, you literally needed half a brain to figure that out


Ha, I was wondering when you might resort to personal attacks.


Re: Rog's screenshot, "hits harder than my dad." Heh. That explains a lot about why certain individuals are so angry all the time.

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Wow, this got blown way out of proportions... here are some of my honest thoughts:

  • Triumph is the top CONQUEST guild on the server (8 046 370pts) closely followed by ORD (7 982 925pts), CoTP (7 605 050pts) and WOOK (6 414 375pts). Everyone else is so far behind it's not even funny. Am I jealous of these guilds? Of course, but I realise that a large amount of those scores come from pure and simple effectives (which is how conquest works). Does that take away from their achievement? Not at all, it takes considerable amounts of organization, coordination, and resources to get there. PS: Also if anyone tells me you can't compare guild between different planets, you're wrong. Guilds choose a planet in accord with what content they believe will bring them the most points, anything after that is fair game.
  • Triumph is the top PVP guild on the server imo, but it kinda comes by default (What other pvp guilds are still active/not merged with Triumph?). They definitely have a large pool of very skilled players, but the skill gap within the guild has grown considerably.
  • Triumph is NOT the top PVE guild on the server. Active raiding guilds I consider Top in PVE are Redemption, Exit Area, Undercon, and The Chandrian. They are all tied for top until one of them beats DP Council NiM. I am not positive on where Triumph stands in progression but I wish them all the best to get up there. The more competition, the better.
  • I admire what Triumph has done in bringing together a lot of dying/small guilds and giving them a second life. I also regognize that they were very prepared for Conquest starting day 1. That said, I do believe they went too big, too fast and I am actually curious at how strong their community is as a result and whether or not it will stand the test of time.
  • Finally, if there is strength in humility, then we're not a very strong server :rolleyes:


In the end, I don't even know why everyone's arguing, things are what they are. People need to put their egos away (On both sides of the fence).

Back to topic though, check out Redemption's Guild Ship :) We're slowly getting work put into it and it's starting to look the part.

Edited by Dage
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This, I visited Triumph's guild ship and it looks terrible, you guys are just placing furniture to increase your prestige score so you guys look like the top guild.


Thanks for your valuable feedback! This is the exact kind of constructive criticism we were hoping to get from this thread.


Over the past day or so we have gathered 10+ Flagship Frameworks, will be unlocking more of the ship shortly. Vehicles will all be moved to the hanger deck, and other rooms will start having distinct purposes.


Stay tuned :)

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Thanks Dage for your objective views! We have never pretended to be the top PvE guild, or even close to being that. We have 4 raid groups at various points of HM and NiM, and it's been a blast just raiding and having fun with everyone.


You also brought up a great point. Strength of relationships within the guild and coordination is what I am most proud of so far. Despite what everyone thinks, this aspect is the primary focus of the guild. Being good at PvP and PvE are just natural byproducts of this unity. I am confident we will stand the test of time.

Edited by ParagonAX
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With just a quick look at the guild list, I found the following players who I personally find to be exceptional PvPers, in no particular order:


1. Aluvian (one of the best and most experienced marauders in the game)


2. Merkave (3k + rating in 8s, the best juggernaut tank I've ever played with)


3. T-elos (3k+ rating in 8s, considered almost universally to be the best poweretch in the game and best player on the server)


4. Entity (can play every class in the game exceptionally well, played a major role in victories against teams like Nostrum Dolus, Reality Check, Squirtle Squad, etc. Was also part of the kung fu treachery arena team that made the entire server stop queueing)


5. Somnax (#2 ranked assassin in the entire game in season 2 despite leaving early for wildstar, 2k+ rating on multiple toons in season 1


6. Viper (#1 Powertech in Ranked 4s when active in season 1, 2k+ rating in solo queues on pot5, the most active and competitive solo queue server by far at the time)


7. Demelain (Multiple 2k+ rated toons during season 1 of ranked on pot5)


8. Rogean (Has consistently been one of the top marauders/sents on Shadowlands since this game has come out)


9. EnergizerBunny (Arguably the best merc, operative, and sorc healer on the server)


10. Bogen (top tier operative healer for years)


11. Talionis (easily one of the best guardian/jugg tanks on the server, been a part of some of the most competitive ranked huttball matches in the history of Shadowlands)


12. Chappy (one of the few players who joined since post 2.0 who is actually a great player on multiple classes)


13. Zachariah (the best merc/commando on the server, not even close)


14. Mushu (Excellent player on several classes, another major part of the KFT team which made everyone quit)


I would say these 14 players alone, all of which have been very active in the past week, are as good as any amalgamation of talent ID has ever had, and these are definitely not the only good PvPers in Triumph.


Fact of the matter is, ID, now known as Triumph, is the best PvP guild on the server. If 8s came back tomorrow, Triumph would be the best. If 4s magically started consistently popping, any number of combinations of Triumph members would be the best. The players that are in the guild who are either PvE'rs or casual pvpers do not change this fact. They are not here to be elite pvpers, they are here to do casual PvP, PvE, and Galactic Conquest (though quite frankly, the vast majority of them are way better than the average PvPer on this server).


If you think this statement is not the case, then I encourage you, or anyone else that wants to, to let us know when they are doing 4s, and if we can, we will make a team from the players we have available. Its not like we don't want to do ranked, its our favorite content in the entire game and have went to greater lengths than any guild in the game to play it, even going so far as to challenge the entire game to ranked on the PTS (3 guilds showed up, and it was some of the most fun I've ever had in this game).


As for you in particular, I have no idea who you are. I've seen the mike-oxlong character a few times in PvP but don't remember anything special about those encounters. Maybe I caught you on a bad day or something and you are the best player ever. If so, I encourage you to continue your self proclaimed domination against Triumph in normals, and if you are interested, to put together a team to do 4's, which despite their flaws, are the best indicator of overall skill available in this game.


If this doesn't interest you, then by all means, continue posting on the forums about how bad Triumph is, especially in threads like these which have nothing to do with PvP, as I'm sure the topic creator and the people viewing it really appreciate your input on this important issue.

are you trolling

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I could care less about arguing any more and it was in the wrong thread so lets get back on topic, i've opened up my Coruscant stronghold, currently 58439 prestige and 77% complete, feel free to come have a look, ps zero speeders and only nightmare trophies
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I was asking Because nobody on that list but somnax and Zachariah are even worth noting any more.. Maybe back in the day but everyone else on that list sucks bad for the most part. There are a few names I don't really know like chappy for example I haven't seen enough of him. This talk of "the best players blah blah blah" makes me laugh. My marauder finished in groups at 4.6k pre season and 2.1k season 1. Vipers team was the only ID team that queued in 4s on pot5 at all
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I was asking Because nobody on that list but somnax and Zachariah are even worth noting any more.. Maybe back in the day but everyone else on that list sucks bad for the most part. There are a few names I don't really know like chappy for example I haven't seen enough of him. This talk of "the best players blah blah blah" makes me laugh. My marauder finished in groups at 4.6k pre season and 2.1k season 1. Vipers team was the only ID team that queued in 4s on pot5 at all


i disagree. i think entity, charlie, and telos are great players.

Edited by kamikrazy
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