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KDY Medpack! Yay!


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If you're in a non-healer group and you get the Shipwright Champion - damn right you may want a medpack. Or some genius says "I can pull the whole room by shoving that foe off the ledge in the prisoner area".


If you're always running KDY with the holy trinity of healer/tank/DPS, or even just everyone being well geared and experienced and high enough level to have lots of options for self-heals and protections, not so much. Low level and inexperienced teams, so very nice to have.

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In addition to the medstations? Is KDY that hard?


Bloody hell. :confused:


How about those champions before the boss?


- Group of two dps and two ranged-only "dps" Vanguards/Powertechs @ 15+ m

- No heals

- No level 51 medpacks


Can you do it in 15-54 version?


That dual wielder champion is pain in the... in that situation

Edited by Halinalle
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With 4 dps players it happens that a group wipe at some points, but after assigning tasks to each player like asking 1 DPS to stand near kolto, it is much easier to pass any obstacles.

But casuals don't like obstacles.

Bioware assures they won't wipe.


Those medpacks are meant for them. To keep them in the game, otherwise they would cease playing because of "high difficulty".


I've seen "trooper casuals" doing rotation: Hammer Shot, HS, HS, HS, Sticky Grenade, HS, HS, HS.

They really need that kind of help (no, they don't listen to hints given in the chat).

Edited by PavSalco
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With 4 dps players it happens that a group wipe at some points, but after assigning tasks to each player like asking 1 DPS to stand near kolto, it is much easier to pass any obstacles.

But casuals don't like obstacles.

Bioware assures they won't wipe.


Those medpacks are meant for them. To keep them in the game, otherwise they would cease playing because of "high difficulty".


I've seen "trooper casuals" doing rotation: Hammer Shot, HS, HS, HS, Sticky Grenade, HS, HS, HS.

They really need that kind of help (no, they don't listen to hints given in the chat).


I don't even know how many times I've died in KDY because I always end up tanking sooner or later. Carnage, Focus, Combat, Vengeance, Sab, Marksman, younameit... if it's dps spec I can rip aggro even from most tanks in KDY. I've even finished off champion alone after everyone else died... in Infiltration. :eek:

Edited by Halinalle
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In addition to the medstations? Is KDY that hard?


Bloody hell. :confused:


medstations only exist on final boss. try doing preceding 2 scenarios in a group with all lowbie dps and then get back to me.


I'm extremely pleased that bioware actualy listened to suggestions made for medpacks, seeing as their functionality is very similar to what we have been proposing in suggestions forums. something like warzone packs. for leveling KDY, these packs are pretty invaluable.

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Truth be told, unless my memory is failing me, I haven't done KDY since early-March.


Regardless, as I said already, I really can't remember ever considering it that hard to the point where you need reusable medpacks, in addition(!!!) to the medstations.


Then again, Makeb now also has periodic in healing in addition to the 156 AR buff. I guess some stuff is more hardcore than I ever was lead to believe. :rolleyes:


On a more serious note, it's no wonder that some people get to HM FP's and operations while using stats that should be used by other classes. Hand-holding in this game by Bioware is getting sillier by the minute.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Truth be told, unless my memory is failing me, I haven't done KDY since early-March.


Regardless, as I said already, I really can't remember ever considering it that hard to the point where you need reusable medpacks, in addition(!!!) to the medstations.


Then again, Makeb now also has periodic in healing in addition to the 156 AR buff. I guess some stuff is more hardcore than I ever was lead to believe. :rolleyes:


On a more serious note, it's no wonder that some people get to HM FP's and operations while using stats that should be used by other classes. Hand-holding in this game by Bioware is getting sillier by the minute.


oh please.

1. training people in use of medpacks is a good thing, since medpacks are pretty darn nice in HM flashpoints and especially in hard mode and NIM operations.

2. when you have people at varying levels and either dps capable of off healing, or actual healer? you can do fine. but I have been in runs with all 4 dps that were under level 30 and had no healing abilities whatsoever (snipers, marauders, powertechs, etc) trash is iffy but doable, but those champs? at least one person usually dies, because at that level you can only take so much damage. sure its not a full wipe, but it makes the run go smoother and faster, so what exactly is your complaint here?

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oh please.

1. training people in use of medpacks is a good thing, since medpacks are pretty darn nice in HM flashpoints and especially in hard mode and NIM operations.


You need training to use a medpack? Seriously?

2. when you have people at varying levels and either dps capable of off healing, or actual healer? you can do fine. but I have been in runs with all 4 dps that were under level 30 and had no healing abilities whatsoever (snipers, marauders, powertechs, etc) trash is iffy but doable, but those champs? at least one person usually dies, because at that level you can only take so much damage. sure its not a full wipe, but it makes the run go smoother and faster, so what exactly is your complaint here?


"Criticism". Call things by name.


And I addressed that already in my previous post: Excessive hand-holding.


If people keep dying continuously while doing Tactical FP's, they're most definitely doing something wrong and it surely isn't something wrong with the game itself.


Are they healing themselves between fights for example? Are they using CC adequately if needed? Or are they acting like annoying brats who think that self-regenerating between fights is for little boys and CC is overrated?


Again, if you do screw up, you pay the price, whether it is SM, HM or Tactical. IT IS PART OF THE LEARNING PROCESS.


Not sure how much clearer I can be here, not to mention what I said above is fairly obvious. This is not elitism but rather common sense.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Again, if you do screw up, you pay the price, whether it is SM, HM or Tactical. IT IS PART OF THE LEARNING PROCESS.


Wicked is certainly on-point here, what happens when they have to run Oricon for the first time and have never used an interrupt? At some point, the going will get tough. Each class is equipped with skills that allows them to survive, knocking down the difficulty to a whack-a-mole style gameplay only hurts the players in the long run.

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Are they healing themselves between fights for example? Are they using CC adequately if needed? Or are they acting like annoying brats who think that self-regenerating between fights is for little boys and CC is overrated?


- Carnage Marauder (properly geared: str high gear only, power crystals)

- Champion who uses two swords

- No healing


Video. Now. Please.

Edited by Halinalle
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Wicked is certainly on-point here, what happens when they have to run Oricon for the first time and have never used an interrupt? At some point, the going will get tough. Each class is equipped with skills that allows them to survive, knocking down the difficulty to a whack-a-mole style gameplay only hurts the players in the long run.


Simple really: You ask Bioware to place medstations across Oricon.


While at it, they can ask the Dread Masters to "urge" their mindless drones to safeguard and maintain them for you to use them, preferably just before(!) you kill them.


No big loss though, right? They do respawn. :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I have no idea what you're asking(?). I suggest you reread what I wrote or rephrase what you meant earlier.


Try to tank dual wielder champ as Marauder or Sentinel. No healing. Armor rating: <156 so you get bolstered to 156.

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Again, reread what I wrote. You're not paying attention.


What did you mean then?


What Marauder can do to survive that fight if you don't get healed? Do you even know how much damage that thing does? It's not L2P issue.

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Again, reread. It's not that to grasp I think.


I know, I'm obviously doing something wrong if I die in simple fight vs champion who kills you 15 seconds from full HP.

Yes, I know about Undying Rage... But I wouldn't use that in fight like that.

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