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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Silver Key Access to Strongholds Disappearing


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My friend and I played around with granting silver keys to each other for our respective strongholds, and we have found that the ability to travel to the stronghold disappears for the person who was granted the key after logging out and back in. The person granting the key correctly retains the grantee in his or her keyring, but the ability to access the stronghold via the keyring goes away for the person to whom it was granted. The workaround is for the person who granted the key to remove the grantee from the keyring and re-issue it, but that only works when both players are online and it defeats the purpose of having a silver key.


*Edit* - Apparently it is both keys and not just silver.

Edited by JasonNH
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All of my stronghold keys are disappearing when I log out. They don't show up in the keyring window, but it still says people have keys that I've given to them.


Looks like it's just a bug in displaying the keys people have.

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I am also having the same issue. I have not asked in general chat if anyone is having success with the new key system, but I suspect there must be people having success as the forum is not littered with lament and woe.
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Same for me and my guildmates. Every key I've been given is gone as soon as log out and log in again, and the same goes for keys I've given them. They still show as having keys in my list, but don't have them on their own keyrings until I delete and resend. (and then it just vanishes again anyways)
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I am having the opposite problem (but probably has the same underlying cause). I accepted a few keys before I knew that there was a limit on the number you could have, so I tried to drop some of them. They will appear to be deleted after I do the confirmation box... until the next time I log in. Then they're all there again and it says my keyring is full. The owner of the strongholds revoked the keys when I couldn't drop them... but they still show up in my list and still give me access to the owner's stronghold even when they're offline.
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