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Getting tired of being kicked from Flashpoints...


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Yawn... People still cant read can they? Im honestly losing interest in saying this again and again and again.... Firstly i ASK The tank and GROUP if i can pull extras They AGREE, Secondly ... I dont tank anything, I bring them to the tank i drop aggro the tank takes aggro, Its not hard.... So please just READ With EYEs...


All I read is that you don't understand the role of a tank. I am guessing you've never been one.


Starting the fight is a key part of the tanking arts. It can be complicated, especially when multiple mobs are involved. You think you are doing the tank a favor by dropping a jumbled parade of mobs in his lap? The tank may not agree.


Again: if you want to be the tank and control the flow through the FP, I suggest you roll a tank and queue.

Or you can just get used to being kicked and stop QQing about it here in the forums.

You may not have noticed, but sympathy is not what you are mainly getting here.

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Didn't read the whole thread, but I caught the jist. My two cents:


Honestly, if I was in a flashpoint with someone who said, "Can you aggro a lot of mobs? I get bored spamming diagnostic scan. If not, I can just leave," I would start the flashpoint already annoyed with that player. Why? Because it looks pretentious. Maybe you're not trying to be pretentious. Maybe you're genuinely bored and you want a little more excitement. But over a keyboard, there is no way to tell if someone's genuinely offering to let you choose someone who fits more with your playstyle or if they're just going, "Fine, I'll take my awesomeness elsewhere."


So your message, even if sincere, is easily read wrongly, as a pretentious I'm-so-awesome-I-can-heal-you-all-in-my-sleep-and-if-you-don't-like-it-I'll-go-find-a-real-challenge. Then, it seems from your posts that you run ahead of the tank and pull extra mobs, knowing that you can handle it and there's no way to avoid them. What does the rest of the group see? An already pretentious healer, now deciding to play tank, too, because he's just that awesome. Some people won't care. Others will not bother to mention what they see as a horrible attitude because they're already super annoyed. So, finally, they just kick you because they'd rather queue for another healer than put up with your apparent ego complex.


If I ran a flashpoint with you the way you say you run them (again, not knowing anything about you other than what you write in the game chat), I would finish the flashpoint and then promptly ignore you.


Am I saying you're a pretentious player with a huge ego? Not necessarily. I've healed flashpoints before and sometimes it can get downright dull. You may be just trying to be helpful and make things more challenging. But before you write your little disclaimer, think about how people who can't see your face or hear your voice might read what you're saying. It may save you a few kicks in the future.

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notifying people that you're going to be a tool does not mean you actually have consent to be a tool. it's just like saying "i don't mean to be offensive" and then thinking you can say what you want just because of the little disclaimer before you start talking trash. if you said what you said to me in the beginning of a flashpoint, i would need on your gear and taunt you all the way through just to irritate you because you sound like a twit. and yes, i've booted unpleasant people before. someone even called me the n-word before the GF tossed him. it was hilarious.



tl;dr , shut up and play like everyone else, or play by yourself. pugging with randoms is not the time to be testing your "leet skillz". nobody cares how good you think you are, nobody has time to watch you test yourself.

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Look, I'm gonna be plenty blunt here OP. you're an idiot. getting a new healer takes awhile, if they kicked you it's because you where a problem, a sufficant problem that they where willing to risk waiting for over half an hour in the que to replace. problem lies with you. not them. if you find it so boring, don't do it.
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So, your point is, because you ask already, then they shouldnt kick you ?

there actually different between you can handle the heal or you THINK you can handle the heal, maybe there times the tank was close to die and have to use stim, which you didnt notice cause you too busy healing others from all mob you bring back ?

i am not judging your healing ability, but like many others post already, stay with your role, i highly doubt you get kick that way, and if you want to test your limit, FP is not the place for it, and you dont need FP to learn how to heal, and you might not even have all your healing tool yet ( i dont know what level are you )

Edited by Ticat
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What part of ASK did you not read? I ASK If i can. Not say IM GOING TO... Yawn Trolls


you say "ask", i say "notify". if they had said "no, don't be a douche", you probably would have done what you wanted anyway. so..yeah. you're a baddie.

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1) There's no such thing as a 'ninja-kick', it's a vote-kick system, but I'll give you points for trying to coin a new term.


2) You haven't said the reason they actually gave for vote-kicking you, maybe they left it blank, so it's some other problem they had with you. Which means, they didn't vote-kick you cuz you're doing what you asked to do, they vote-kicked you for one or more other reasons.


3) You start off with "my last kick" which means you get kicked a lot, I think you said 2/10 times, which is way more than me and probably almost anyone else.


4) I'd love to speak to one of the people that were in this latest group you got kicked from to hear the other side of your story.


The bottom line is that YOU are the problem here but you just won't admit that the way you play or act among others is what's getting you vote-kicked. It's fine, nobody has to get along with every body, but then don't come here expecting us to sympathize with you and just believe that everything you say is the truth and that you're just some innocent victim.


You sure are getting all the attention you crave, though, hope that makes you happy at least.

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The bottom line is that YOU are the problem here but you just won't admit that the way you play or act among others is what's getting you vote-kicked. It's fine, nobody has to get along with every body, but then don't come here expecting us to sympathize with you and just believe that everything you say is the truth and that you're just some innocent victim.


You sure are getting all the attention you crave, though, hope that makes you happy at least.


b-b-but he's perfect! surely it's the world that's gone mad, and not he!? :eek:

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At the start of the flashpoint i ask the tank to just pull everything so i can atleast have a little challenge, To which nothing was said, So then i said again, "Im just going to pull loadsa mobs throughout this as im just going to get bored spamming diagnostic scan so if you dont want that then i can leave now?"


And you really wonder why people kick you out from a flashpoint? I would have voted to kick you out right at that moment. With such a horrible attitude like you present, trouble is foreseeable. An opener like that is a disrespect towards your fellow group members. Without even having seen them, you assume that you will be bored and that you are better than them. You definitely deserved to get kicked from that fp.


P. S. I only read the OP. That alone was enough. I'm sure everything has been said on the last pages. But I felt the need to comment on this anyway.

Edited by JattaGin
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Why aren't you doing Ops., OP?


I assure you, the hard- and nightmare-modes of those will challenge your healing ability, especially vis-a-vis "multi-level battlespace-awareness."


Of course, if I were a progression team-leader, then you wouldn't be getting within a country light-year of any raid of mine, for reasons which you've made blatantly clear:


You, quite clearly, think the other 3/7/15 are just there to be your spear-carriers on your smugly self-satisfied quest for e-peenzor glory, and you couldn't give two ****s about your team beyond how they might serve to fulfill that.


Don't even try to deny it, it's so bloody obvious, it's not even pitiful.


Or maybe you just can't hack it in a raid environment, hmmm?


Oh my, I think yes!


Mad because bad, methinks.

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In fairness ive tanked dps and now starting on heals,............


I think the above is sufficient to end this discussion.


Not being a PVE player I have no idea what the foundry is, however this thread is an amusing read and in truth conveys a similar attitude we get in warzones from people who are still learning. Way too many "know it alls".

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Yawn, Not once do i profess to be some great healer, Not do i profess that i know it all, Im a noob when it comes to healing, But yes obviously im egocentric know it all with a need to enlarge my e-peen, Wow seriously these forums are damn pathetic, I ask a question and its all "OMG YOU THINK YOURE SO LEET YOU HACKS YOU SOOO FULL OF YOURSELF" I mean seriously is it a bunch of trolly teenagers on here? Or just a bunch of no hopes? Im sorry but the continuous abuse for literally asking if someone else gets tired of being kicked for no reason is kinda pathetic, It really is, I wasnt asking for sympathy nor was i asking for everyone to jump on my back accusing me of being some big headed know it all... And tbh i shall not post on these forums again, Due to the fact that 90% of people that post on here are trolly little f***s that have to make out there some saint or hero. Seriously....


More evidence of your inability to get along with others. You have a narcissistic attitude and that is where the problem lies. You are unable to imagine people who are different from yourselves and are unable to accept criticism. This is even more apparent because after the fact you went in and removed your previous posts making it more difficult for others to prove that you are wrong. Your best bet is to find people who enjoy your play style and play with them exclusively because it is unlikely that you will change or even that you will feel the need to change.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Wow, Just Wow, Lol ... Seriously what part of I ASK do you guys not understand? I mean seriously? Issues much?


I think you need to accept that people don't give a **** how much you asked, they are only interested in your attitude in the flashpoint and clearly your petulance here. How old are you by the way? I suspect it may add some enlightenment.


Having just also read you are the guy exploiting phasewalk in warzones and finding nothing wrong with it, I truly believe you should uninstall the game, you are not welcome and a disgrace to pvp players, which I fear you may well be.


I apologise on behalf of what is left of the pvp community for this moron infesting your flashpoints.


Serioiusly, if I ever turned my hand to PVE, I would be like, guys, I am clueless in here, show me how you do it and hush the hell up and learn.


The game is full of people who think both styles are the same, they are not.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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If you want a heal challange, go do some ops instead!


EDIT: And if you are the type of person, who only wants other peoples opinions about you if they say something nice, then you should not ever make a thread on these forums. If nothing else..people in here WILL tell you exatcly what they think about you..as they should.


And taking down your original post does not make it go away, it only makes it worse:D.

Edited by Cbaoth
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I actually made this thread for a genuine question, The fact you all jumped on me is kinda pathetic and i sure as hell hope i dont play ingame with any of you, The fact is you all pretty much boarded on bullying a person because of an action the did in game, Now im sorry but offended no one, In game or on here, Yet ive been called trash player , Offensive to people that play the game, A hacker? (When infact i have been thanked by bioware for bringing said thing to there attention and thread has since been removed) What else? Oh yes a useless player then fine youre all entitled to your opinions, But the fact you feel you have to try and bully someone via an internet forum says more about you than me. Thank you for trolling this post, Please carry on to troll as much as you like because i for one and not going to pay you guys anymore attention.
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I actually made this thread for a genuine question, The fact you all jumped on me is kinda pathetic and i sure as hell hope i dont play ingame with any of you, The fact is you all pretty much boarded on bullying a person because of an action the did in game, Now im sorry but offended no one, In game or on here, Yet ive been called trash player , Offensive to people that play the game, A hacker? (When infact i have been thanked by bioware for bringing said thing to there attention and thread has since been removed) What else? Oh yes a useless player then fine youre all entitled to your opinions, But the fact you feel you have to try and bully someone via an internet forum says more about you than me. Thank you for trolling this post, Please carry on to troll as much as you like because i for one and not going to pay you guys anymore attention.


Yet, by your own admission, reading between the lines, you pretty much made this whole thread to troll the PVErs.


People are not stupid enough not to check your post history.


Indeed, we both share similar views on ranked PVP and PVE players in ranked, but you coming here, and making a thread to annoy them, not to mention one so pathetically shallow and unbelievable, is an embarrassment to PVP players.


If you want to wind them up, be more subtle!

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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