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Here is a way BW can stop people complaining about premades


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Please, don't apologize for being really nice :) I do fight in the orange augmented, waiting for the Valor to reach 40 to start buying into Obroan :) The other two are on my To-Do list. Heh, it's hard to catch up when you are a few years behind the pack...


What I am wondering about is how to equip the leveling character for the Class Story+PvP run. I am not sure if the PvP gear available prior to L55 actually has any advantage over the levelling, and I assume that if a crafter hits an augmented piece, I will add an augment, and if not, I will pass till ~ L32+ after I decide if it's tank or another DPS.


Thank you again, and sorry for derailing a thread. I document my stubborn determination to play PvP in this game in a separate thread, and good folks from this board provided me an invaluable advice and resource links. :)

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the main problem represented by premades on TRE is that you face 4 full brut fully augmented players who know how to play their class and how to play together, which is really rare among the rest of the population.


if you queue dodge the worst times of the day when they take their daily it's almost premade free..i still don't see it as a real problem there, also because when i loose i feel like my team lost, low dps, bad group set-up, pve baddies more than someone farmed me.

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Please, don't apologize for being really nice :) I do fight in the orange augmented, waiting for the Valor to reach 40 to start buying into Obroan :) The other two are on my To-Do list. Heh, it's hard to catch up when you are a few years behind the pack...


What I am wondering about is how to equip the leveling character for the Class Story+PvP run. I am not sure if the PvP gear available prior to L55 actually has any advantage over the levelling, and I assume that if a crafter hits an augmented piece, I will add an augment, and if not, I will pass till ~ L32+ after I decide if it's tank or another DPS.


Thank you again, and sorry for derailing a thread. I document my stubborn determination to play PvP in this game in a separate thread, and good folks from this board provided me an invaluable advice and resource links. :)


If you are still below 55 I would recommend saving your warzones comms for when you hit 55. Alternatively you can trade those warzones comms for planetary ones, and buy mods from the planet vendors on the fleet and put then in your shells if you like. I wouldn't worry too much about expertise gear pre 55 unless you plan on doing open world pvp which is pretty rare anyway.


I never really worried too much about my companions if that's what you mean. Just give them the gear that's appropriate for them as you level, work on their affection so they will craft better etc and that will give you good passive bonuses permanently (1% crit etc) when you reach high affection. Worth doing but as a pvper I don't really worry too much about the pve side if I'm honest.


Augments well you don't have to get a craft proc to use augments. You can get augmentation kits - mk-1 to mk-9. You just buy one appropriate for your level (they each have a corresponding level range) and then you simply go to a mod station and augment whatever piece you want. Then buy an augment to slot in which will also have a level range. However you can say equip a mk-4 augmentation kit and stil slot lower level augments in those.


Augments are really important at higher levels as are stims,

Edited by PloGreen
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Also get yourself a set of legacy gear and augment that. You will be able to share it between any career that use the same main stat.. When you hit 55 do the Oricon questline to get a set of 156 gear. Pull the mods and stick them in your legacy gear. Use your warzone comms to buy the power and stat proc relics from the pvp vendor as these have the biggest effect then start working on your pvp gear set for the set bonuses. Leave weapons last as these get the most from bolster. Edited by Tellenn
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Well, I agree with the OP.


Arranging for Skype or whatever with 7 other people that happen to be in your group is just not viable -- it's far better to have a voice channel that is linked to the people in the Operations group.


At the very least, it should be possible to create a voice macro button -- after all, we already have some voice emotes (like the ones that say they are in need of healing), just needs it bound to a clickable/bindable button.

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Well, I agree with the OP.


Arranging for Skype or whatever with 7 other people that happen to be in your group is just not viable -- it's far better to have a voice channel that is linked to the people in the Operations group.


At the very least, it should be possible to create a voice macro button -- after all, we already have some voice emotes (like the ones that say they are in need of healing), just needs it bound to a clickable/bindable button.


Voice chat isn't something that is make or break in regs imo. Text is perfectly adequate as are target markers. I honestly believe people overstate how significant advantage it is in regular warzones. Team 4v4 arenas are a different story though.

Edited by PloGreen
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As a long time voice comms user in full pvpmmos. You CANNOT overstate the advantage comms gives you.


The difference between the advantage voice comms gives highly skilled players as compared to average or low skilled players is night and day. Put 8 random players from the top of the server together in voice comms and they will have strategy and focus fire. Put 8 average players in the same scenario and you'll have faster inc calls and maybe even 2 people focusing the same person, but mostly a lot of trashing other players for being bad. Voice comms can be a huge advantage, but only if you know what you're doing.

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Allow to just plug a mic in and talk in a group. Now I'm no computer nerd so I don't see why mmos don't do this (like Xbox you can just plug in and talk) why do we need to go to a 3rd party to speak on a mic anyway?


Another solution would be to alter bolster so that the differences between players aren't as exaggerated -- and would give the newer player a chance to actually respond to a gank/overfocussing. And that would solve two of the other problems we see in warzones: (1) gear vs. skill; (2) overblown crits. Or is that too simple?

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Augments well you don't have to get a craft proc to use augments. You can get augmentation kits - mk-1 to mk-9. You just buy one appropriate for your level (they each have a corresponding level range) and then you simply go to a mod station and augment whatever piece you want. Then buy an augment to slot in which will also have a level range. However you can say equip a mk-4 augmentation kit and stil slot lower level augments in those.


Augments are really important at higher levels as are stims,


Sorry, I worded my question poorly. What I wanted to find out is if people normally augment their gear for PvP in the Lvl 10-Lvl 35/40 bracket? I understand that it is not normally done in levelling. :)


Thank you :)

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really? how often have you ever been in a premade with two heals or two tanks? I've done it couple times for a couple matches, and we did it kind of as a joke. I had a laugh a couple days ago when I saw it. but that was seeing it...like...once in 20-odd WZs.


Me and some friends did this when we forgot to respec. The other team was not pleased that every round went to acid. It wasn't and intentional troll but we had a good LOL and then respecced before queuing again.


EDIT: on topic ... the game is simply more fun when you can chat with teammates. If you are forming a 4-man before queuing then it is easy enough to get on someone's mumble/teamspeak/ventrilo server but solo queuing would but a lot more fun with voice.

Edited by funkiestj
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  • 9 months later...


EDIT: on topic ... the game is simply more fun when you can chat with teammates. If you are forming a 4-man before queuing then it is easy enough to get on someone's mumble/teamspeak/ventrilo server but solo queuing would but a lot more fun with voice.


Do you still keep the stabilizers on your bike, because it's more fun ? ::D

Edited by Bobbafatter
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Allow to just plug a mic in and talk in a group. Now I'm no computer nerd so I don't see why mmos don't do this (like Xbox you can just plug in and talk) why do we need to go to a 3rd party to speak on a mic anyway?


Isn't it pathetic even the old SWG had it. Apparently for BW it's too much of a challenge.

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yeah. I would only use xbox voice with my friends. as childish as ppl are in MMORPGs, they're a lot worse on xbox...it skews younger.


At one time, I would agree with this, but I would like for the option to be there to where I can turn it off and on at will. No zone or global chat or even area, just group. Then, even if you don't talk, you can listen and if there is someone who is talking and leading, I could leave it on. If I hear garbage, turn it off.


I also think being able to keybind some simple things would go a long way, like an "incoming west" or maybe just a "need help" where it highlights your position. Could make it to where if you press it more times, it increments a number to indicate how many enemies.

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