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What You should know about Stronghold houses before release.


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This is a list of things that you should know before the Strongholds come out.


1. Do not buy all 3 houses on 1 character.

You can get extra decorations if you take 3 characters and each buy 1 house. There is a Holovid that gives you extra reward if you buy a house, but you can only take the quest one time per character


2.. Basic decorations are for credits, rest you either have to craft with the help of alts or other people, or buy off cartel market. The crafting version can get you some nice decorations, but it takes more than one profession to craft the prefabs.


3. There are different types of prefabs. Industrial prefab, Universal prefab, and Synthetic Prefabs. Each for different type of decorations.


4. for each decoration item you consume you gain prestige.


5.. Focus your efforts to decorate one house before going to another. The more you decorate your house the more completed it is. There is a completion box when you are at your house. The higher the completion the better.


6. When you place decorations you have these square boxes in different shapes. you can change some of them to be small boxes, medium, or large. You can not move the boxes other than to resize them, However you can rotate and move the objects you place to a limited range. There are a few spots that this will be frustrating because the boxes aren't in the right spot or are in diamond shape. I hope this changes where you can at least rotate them.


7. On test server /sleep actually has you laying down. This is what a lot of rpers have been waiting for. I hope this will be out with Strongholds.


8. Houses are tied to your legacy. This means that if you are on an alt that is on the opposite faction you can visit any house your other characters have with the exception of guild ships. This also means you can have cross faction in your Coruscant house or Dromund kaas house. It costs 1,000 credits to be "smuggled" in.



Over all from my experience, Player housing is amazing and a leap forward in the right direction. I hope one day they will adapt this technology to players ships and in other areas. This would come in handy for a new class. The Traders. To use these boxes to set up npc venders and machine venders. For the first time in a while, things are headed in the right direction.


If you would like to see a list of decorations and where to get them check here:


Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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(...) Overview:

Over all from my experience, Player housing is amazing and a leap forward in the right direction. I hope one day they will adapt this technology to players ships and in other areas. This would come in handy for a new class. The Traders. To use these boxes to set up npc venders and machine venders. For the first time in a while, things are headed in the right direction.


If you would like to see a list of decorations and where to get them check here:



This is my impression as well.


I was never that interested in house, except for the fact it would bring back more people, not to mention new players. However, I found it quite addictive and intuitive, not to mention the boost it will likely provide to crafting.


Nice and simple guide overall.


Also, in case people missed it, CE owners get this absolutely gorgeous statue, as posted by draganthyr in another thread. :D

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Yes, I am trying to find a collectors edition key for sale. but all I can find is the full box for really expensive.

They should consider selling an upgrade to collectors edition on their site.


*** Just added #8 to the list ***

Edited by TechRandy
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There are some very nice decorations for bounty certificates, so stock up while you can!


The event ones, Rose? :eek:

Oh snap, and here I've been ignoring that for the past six months or so!


Yes, I am trying to find a collectors edition key for sale. but all I can find is the full box for really expensive.

They should consider selling an upgrade to collectors edition on their site.


*** Just added #8 to the list ***


Yeah... prior to the F2P conversion a lot of stores were getting rid of them for really low prices. I picked up my CE for about 40€.

I regret not buying a couple more of them to hang onto... I wasn't all that confident in SWTOR's F2P model to be honest, because it looked awful to me.


Fortunately for all of us, EA and Bioware are much better judges of these things than I am, since they managed to turn the ship around. :D

Unfortunately that means all the remaining CE's are now worth a lot again.

I wouldn't be opposed to them adding a CE "digital" upgrade at some point, as it would let my second account get the upgrade as well (And I already got the physical collectibles like Malgus).

Edited by Callaron
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5.. Focus your efforts to decorate one house before going to another. The more you decorate your house the more completed it is. There is a completion box when you are at your house. The higher the completion the better.


What benefits come from higher completion?

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What benefits come from higher completion?

From my understanding it gives a bonus to your conquest score. You get 25% bonus for each 100% complete stronghold. So if you get all 4 complete you get a 100% bonus to your conquest score. At least that's my understanding of it.

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I had already intended to cycle through characters claiming the intro rewards multiple times. I saw no reason to think such a thing wouldn't be possible. I had been under the impression that the conditions of the mission were merely traveling to a stronghold though. It hadn't occurred to me that they might make "purchase a stronghold" a mission step for that.


So.... Does that mean they've screwed us out of one of four possible sets of intro rewards by giving us one of the strongholds for free?


What benefits come from higher completion?

I never got that far, but I believe it controls your ranking in the list of houses and I believe it also gives you rewards.

I am not real sure so don't quote me on that.


I thought I read something about getting a bonus to all conquest point earnings for each "completed" stronghold in your legacy? (And even if you're not in a guild there is still the personal conquest reward that you can work towards. This bonus would help regardless of whether it's for yourself or for a guild.)

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6. When you place decorations you have these square boxes in different shapes. you can change some of them to be small boxes, medium, or large. You can not move the boxes other than to resize them. There are a few spots that this will be frustrating because the boxes aren't in the right spot or are in diamond shape. I hope this changes where you can at least rotate them.


Thanks for your post. Very useful. I do have one comment about point 6. I saw on the streams that even though you couldn't move the box locations you could move items you place there off centre and rotate them. That means that the actual location of the item isn't fixed completely on that box location and direction.

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So.... Does that mean they've screwed us out of one of four possible sets of intro rewards by giving us one of the strongholds for free?

Yes, I believe that is correct, unless you have to use the terminal to get it and you click it and it says free, If that is the case then you can still get the rewards.

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Yes, I believe that is correct, unless you have to use the terminal to get it and you click it and it says free, If that is the case then you can still get the rewards.


If they messed up I'm sure they'll correct it after some time.

It might mean having to wait for a bit though.

Edited by Callaron
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(...) So.... Does that mean they've screwed us out of one of four possible sets of intro rewards by giving us one of the strongholds for free? (...)


If they messed up I'm sure they'll correct it after some time.

It might mean having to wait for a bit though.


People who were subscribers by May 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus five additional rooms for free(!).


People who were subscribers by June 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus three additional rooms for free(!!!).


You are given a few measly decorations, whenever you purchase your new Stronghold. Those decorations don't even exceed 100k or so. The unlock price for the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace is 250k(!) alone, not counting the unlock for different rooms.


In other words, people are getting more for less... Yet theoretically, you're still not satisfied? Seriously?




Prices here.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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People who were subscribers by May 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus five additional rooms for free(!).


People who were subscribers by June 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus three additional rooms for free(!!!).


You are given a few measly decorations, whenever you purchase your new Stronghold. Those decorations don't even exceed 100k or so. The unlock price for the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace is 250k(!) alone, not counting the unlock for different rooms.


In other words, people are getting more for less... Yet theoretically, you're still not satisfied? Seriously?




Prices here.


Thanks Obama.

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7. On test server /sleep actually has you laying down. This is what a lot of rpers have been waiting for. I hope this will be out with Strongholds.

I've never really understood rpers in the game but this I'll NEVER understand. I can see wanting chairs and stuff like that so you can still interact with other people but what exactly are you going to rp while you are sleeping?!?

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Great post, thanks OP! I hadn't actually considered the first point. :) Strongholds look like a great addition to the game!


8. Houses are tied to your legacy. This means that if you are on an alt that is on the opposite faction you can visit any house your other characters have with the exception of guild ships. This also means you can have cross faction in your Coruscant house or Dromund kaas house.


^ Does anyone happen to know the "smuggle" fee for this, and if it is actually free for Smugglers and Agents like they had mentioned? :) Debating whether or not to have certain cross-faction characters share an apartment.


As for /sleep . . . maybe if they are RP'ing and one of the characters is supposed to be ill, injured, or otherwise incapacitated? Y'know, just lying down.

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People who were subscribers by May 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus five additional rooms for free(!).


People who were subscribers by June 2014 are getting the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace, plus three additional rooms for free(!!!).


You are given a few measly decorations, whenever you purchase your new Stronghold. Those decorations don't even exceed 100k or so. The unlock price for the Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace is 250k(!) alone, not counting the unlock for different rooms.


In other words, people are getting more for less... Yet theoretically, you're still not satisfied? Seriously?




Prices here.


LOL, I just realized I misread one of those posts. It was four sets of rewards, while I read there was a set reward for unlocking all four through the terminal. (As in an actual outfit) :o


I'm more than fine with not getting one set of placeables (as long as they can be purchased). Chances are I won't be using them anyway, depending on how they look.

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Thanks for the info, especially #1.


When you smuggled a character into a Stronghold, was that character able to view that planet's general chat? For example, could an Imp character smuggled into the Coruscant Stronghold view Coruscant's general chat.


I'm just curious about how Coruscant and DK's general chat is handled for smuggled characters.

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