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Solution to hte premade problem. Elietest It cant be all player ability


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Tutorial is useless imo. Go to the forums, check out some youtube videos, and then keep playing till you get good. You only need to take part in one game to get 5k fleet req which can be used to get one of the best ships in the game(the gunship that costs 2.5k). Of course you will get s*** on alot at the start ,cause its akin to a level 20 always getting queued up against level 50+( their ships will be upgraded but yours wont be). However if you can stick with it for 5 weeks with just doing the dailies on one ship youll notice your skill level rising rapidly.


Theres no tutorial to the objective based warzones either but you start to get a feel for the meta after a couple of matches.


I know how to walk in warzones :p

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I know how to walk in warzones :p


hah, well its not a skill thats as comon place as you'd think. wiped on rishi final boss(on HM) cause one of the dps could not jump over that terminal for the aoe phase not once, not twice, not thrice, not even 4 ... 5 bloody times

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I am reporting the fact that I am tired of premade pvpers in the game. IT gets exhausting and down right feelings of homicide to play against premade teams. IT make it hard for those that do not have premade teams in pvp. Then they troll and bully your cause they say you suck etc... when in fact one may not suck just cant play very well with 4 people ganking them at a time in pvp. I love pvp but I am tired of the harassment and cyber bullying in pvp. Her is the solution after my *****:


1. Only allow groups of premade 4 to ONLY que for Ranked matches.

2. Allow premade groups of 2 to only que together in general pvp levels 10-29, 30-54, and 55.

3. Never let que of two in general pvp to be in the same match EVER.

4. Groups of 4-8 can que for ranked as a compromise

5. Allow ranked to be matches of 8v8 or 4v4

6. Disable or take away emotes taunting/bullying and "say chat in pvp matches.

7. if someone quits a pvp match make them have a 30 min ban from queuing for pvp, unless it is for a DC or something like that.


Bioware please fix this issue as there are players leaving daily cause of this cyber bullying and abusing others in pvp.


Don't care that I'm coming late to the party, and I'm not reading through 18 pages to see if this was stated :p


What's wrong with a "pre-made" of 2 people?


You can edit your chat channels to only show what you want it to show. Make a separate tab for PvP matches that only has group and ops chat in it.

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I think it has to do with the ability of communication. When I run a premade we are much more effective when we are all on voice chat. When we are not, it's just better skill and map/game knowledge. Maybe we should be getting some in game voice features. I think that would help alot.


Also, when you have to use your own voice and be your own person, maybe it would cut down on the trolling?


I'm not sure, I've never seen a game with as caustic of a PvP community as this one... people are incredibly rude, on a regular basis. But contrary to the OPs assertions, I don't think that fact and premades go 100% hand in hand.

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I tried GSF. I could barely figure out how to move faster than a turtle for short distances.... I don't know if their is some sort of tutorial for that mode, but it definitely needs one.


Heh, I went as far as the GSF forum, found a gigantic tutorial there, opened it, closed it and backed away slooowly. It's just an entirely different game altogether, and you have to learn oodles of new information. And gear up. As much as I wanted to try it out to take that quest off the terminal, I decided that I'd keep the quest.


If you want a tutorial, I am sure this thread covers it, as it is extremely lengthy:




Even their Short & Easy Tips post is a good 5 pages or so long. So, yeah, PvP is a cakewalk to start in comparison.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I think it has to do with the ability of communication. When I run a premade we are much more effective when we are all on voice chat.


I strongly believe so as well. And you can see tht people are coordinated via voice chat by the way they behave. Like a flock of PvP players responding to an inc call - as a full group. For example. Everyone running away from a node at the same time, with the same speed, and with the same direction. Like a herd.


Or people suddenly popping out of nowhere after I hads attacked a team mate. You can almost hear "Help me with this pesky guy !" through the voice chat by this behaviour even if you have turned off all sound.


Heh, I went as far as the GSF forum, found a gigantic tutorial there, opened it, closed it and backed away slooowly. It's just an entirely different game altogether, and you have to learn oodles of new information. And gear up. As much as I wanted to try it out to take that quest off the terminal, I decided that I'd keep the quest.


If you want a tutorial, I am sure this thread covers it, as it is extremely lengthy:




Even their Short & Easy Tips post is a good 5 pages or so long. So, yeah, PvP is a cakewalk to start in comparison.


It's written & contributed to by their best players.


For example, they call some or most starter ship gear "Newbie traps" because it is so much inefficient.


This brand new starter's thread is probably much better to read : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=836344

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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This is sad, what this game has become.....


". If I just want to screw around in an unranked, I really shouldn't be punished for it yet that's exactly what happens"



So you want to goof off and screw around and you expect to win from doing it?


Where did I say that? The two options are get rolled to the point of being no fun, or win?


The answer, oh cliched one, is not that I expect to win. I do, however, expect that to be a possible outcome. Against the constant stream of premades who only want to play to roll pugs, it is not an option and that is the only problem.


In closing, I would ask the same question -- "this is what pvp has become?". A bunch of players who call themselves pvpers because they group queue specifically to beat pugs?

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Ah, but we are not talking here about four guildies queuing together. We are talking a full eight, on VoiP with a carefully selected comp, cookie-cutter strategy for every map and, if in midbie bracket - all above level 55. That's basically a comm farming set-up. You just have to play on Harbinger on Tuesday, when the Weekly changes to understand.... Edited by DomiSotto
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As has been stated many times, a pre-made does not always equal a win. I've been in many pug pvp matches against a 4man pre-made and murdered them. Yes pre-mades have an advantage, but it's not an insta-win when fighting them.


I'm not sure what your point is here. Really bad premades will lose against pugs made up of strong players?


Ok, check. What does this change?

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