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What guilds afford the guild ship from the start.


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I want to make this thread to see what guild afford buying the guild ship right from start, there will be written up the first 10 guilds ferom imperial side and republic side, only the first 10 will be wrote up, remember this!Also there will be also a category that on it will be registered the guilds that afford the guildship and all the adittional unlocks meaning that 50mil+75mil, i will start with the guild my imperial main is in, also as a sidenote i will try to update this till we get all 10 guild for both sides, the format of posting will be, <Guild Name> Imperial/Republic side and number of credits or aproximative number of credits. I will start now <Floor Inspectors> Imperial Side.


<Imperial Side>

1.<Floor Inspectors>

2. <Rutheless>

3. <Honour>

4. <Ambrõsia>

5. <Mostly Harmless>

6. <Impetus Norvegicus>

7. <Aeon Knights>

8. <Anti Socialist Elitists>

9. -

10. -


<Republic Side>

1. <NGE>

2.<Wicked, Riku, Ravagy and the PUG:s>

3. <Outbreak>

4. <Wipe-Fest>

5. <MvPs>

6. <Rebel Dream>

7. <Jedis of Darkside ESP>

8. <EVO>

9. -

10. -

<Guilds Affording All Unlocks>

1. <Ruthless>

2. <NGE>

3. <Wicked, Riku, Ravagy and the PUG:s>



6. <MvPs>

7. <Wipe-Fest>

8. -

9. -

10. -

Edited by EpickFaill
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You can't even afford your own repair funds.


Outbreak can afford the 50 mill, rep side


I guess it's news to you then that we can afford to buy a guild ship.


On top of guild repairs which are still going :eek:

Edited by Gyronamics
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Guys remember how you need to post!<Guild Name> and faction, those who didn't wrote the faction alongside the guild name are not registered.


Ffs, Bleez!


<Rebel Dream> on Rep side and <Antisocial Elitists> on Imp side will also get full unlocks, probably.


Also, I'm looking for an Imp guild that will dominate in planetary conquest. Which one has the most members?

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I guess it's news to you then that we can afford to buy a guild ship.


On top of guild repairs which are still going :eek:


I was referring to TheRampage not your guild as a whole lol


He never had any money on him when i raided with him

Edited by Wise_Monkey
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Hey there,


Mostly Harmless (Empire) will get ship from the start.


About unlocks... you should probably disregard that, because credits are not the issue, its the INSANE amount of mats u need. Not just regular mats, but lvl 50 ops mats. Killing planet commanders will speed up the process though, because they drop mainframes etc.

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Hi all Bara-dur here


<Wipe-Fest> are ready for a flagship


53 million currently

unlocks can be afforded but due to the need of frameworks it will be a long *** time until anyone unlocks the extra rooms

Edited by tomshepard
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Well, I bet that you have no idea who The Black Forge is. Even though they're #thebestguildontheserver! ;)

I know them sometimes when one of there members with 40k hp ventures into a wz they give my sentinel or guardian big crits!

Edited by AngusFTW
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Btw technically speaking everyone cannot afford all unlocks currently as you will need frameworks per unlock


to clarify wipe-fest can afford the full unlock


Ok going to update right away, also, i should clarify the thing with "You cannot affor all unlocks right from the start, you need frame works you know?" i perfectly know that, but by this thread i am reffering only to the currency in credits, i want to leave frameworks away and just be based on the credits each guild has and if they can afford the guild ship.

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