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Staying alive in PVP as 31 healing Merc


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This is more than likely a L2P issue (i am new to healing), but I'm having a lot of trouble staying alive as a healer in the 30-54 bracket on my 31 Merc healer. It seems like after throwing down Kolto missle, i will often die before i can get more than 1 hardcast heal off. Even 1 DPS can seem to whittle me down faster than i can heal it back up. Obviously if i have my shield cooldown available i can last a bit longer, but i really don't know what i'm doing wrong.


Any suggestions?

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This is more than likely a L2P issue (i am new to healing), but I'm having a lot of trouble staying alive as a healer in the 30-54 bracket on my 31 Merc healer. It seems like after throwing down Kolto missle, i will often die before i can get more than 1 hardcast heal off. Even 1 DPS can seem to whittle me down faster than i can heal it back up. Obviously if i have my shield cooldown available i can last a bit longer, but i really don't know what i'm doing wrong.


Any suggestions?


Run as fast as possible little merc! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is more than likely a L2P issue (i am new to healing), but I'm having a lot of trouble staying alive as a healer in the 30-54 bracket on my 31 Merc healer. It seems like after throwing down Kolto missle, i will often die before i can get more than 1 hardcast heal off. Even 1 DPS can seem to whittle me down faster than i can heal it back up. Obviously if i have my shield cooldown available i can last a bit longer, but i really don't know what i'm doing wrong.


Any suggestions?


Don't stay stationary unless you need to cast one of your big heals

Use kolto missile as much as you can on yourself or whenever your teammates are stacked up.

Whenever the incoming damage is moderate use Rapid Shots (while moving around) instead of one of your big heals

Don't remember if you have Hydraulic Overrides at 31, but if you do use them whenever you get cornered.


It gets better after a while. And on the plus side, it's excellent practice. If you manage to learn how to stay alive at 31 with what little escapes you have, imagine how good you'll be at 50+ when you'll have all your CDs.

Edited by TheNahash
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  • 5 weeks later...
just remember that Kolto missle counts for about 90% of your heals. if you have 2 melee on you, pop Hydro override and kite and heal using rapid shots and kolto missle, and bacta infusion when you hit 45. if you have only 1 melee, you should be able to cast. ALSO your positioning needs to be behind your team. not in the middle or at back. this way they have to overextend to kill you Edited by birdsomething
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  • 3 weeks later...
You should never be killed by just one DPS. If the enemy is ranged, hide behind objects. If the enemy is melee, stun them and run. If they break the stun, hit them with concussion missile and take off. Stand next to friendly snipers, whenever possible. Even really bad, selfish snipers don't like it when enemies are close to them and will probably knock them back for you. You can target rapid shots at yourself, and should do so whenever you're running. Kite, kite, kite!
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