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Love the PVP. Good job Bioware.


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Class. 50 Scoundrel. Server The Fatman. Character. Liu-kang.


I really don't understand most of these complaints. WoW has just as many stuns and the pvp is much worse (healer centric).


Complaints I see on this board.


1. Class x is overpowered.


Do some classes blossom sooner then others? Sure. A scoundrel and gunslinger hit their stride later as do sentinels and guardians. Commandos/Mercs and Sage/SI hit their stride earlier. Endgame is is more balanced. Can ranged dominate if you let them sit back and cast? Yup. Do I make short work of them as a scoundrel? Yup. Wait until you run into a well played gunslinger/sniper. They can't be CC'd/interuppted and can annihilate a sage/sorcerer. Sage and SI HAVE counters. There just aren't many people playing those classes yet. It is impossible to balance the game at all levels. See WoW and rogues/hunters at low levels.


Add to this melee is NOT the choice in this game for "ez mode". There are procs to watch, longer cooldowns then other games for melee attacks (you don't just spam them) and if you don't use your survival abilities/heals on a melee class at the right time? You are screwed.


Add to this with the many abilities you will be using? You have to stay in melee range. There are other classes to choose from though and many people like the challenge these melee classes provide. Could you argue that certain specs are a bit to easy to play then others? Sure. I would like to see more buttons have to be used by the balance sage or madness Sorc. They are simply no fun for me to play atm as you just dot, spam one attack and hit other abilities on a ptoc. That doesn't make them overpowered though. If you are going to play a melee? Learn to play it well. Work hard on keybindings and improving their placement and such. You can't just stand their like a turret and hit a few buttons, or mash the hell out of buttons like you could on a melee from other games.


2. Healing in this game is bad. Say what? Healing in this game is more then fine. Again the farther you get in your healing tree the more powerful it becomes. To those that complain that healing should be OP at all levels? Sorry. I had the choice between leveling scoundrel healer or dps. As a healer you can find a group instantly and do every flashpoint while leveling. You can't have the best of both worlds. You become very powerful in pvp as a healer at later levels and to be honest you should be able to heal for 200-250k at level 10. When you pair GUARD (that a tank can give) with a healer? They are EXTREMELY powerful.


If I can often heal for 70-100 k as a dps scoundrel? You should have no problem tripling this with a 50 character. The ONLY complaint I really have with the UI is that health bars will display as full when people are low on health. This will be fixed eventually. So no biggie.


3. Huttball sucks. I really only have one complaint with huttball. Force speed while carrying the ball. Again these are all small tweaks that can be done. Force speed is NOT OP. Force speed with the ball? Whole nother story. What happens when guardians/juggernauts start playing well though with their two charges? Huttball is something different. It is going to take time to balance. So just relax.


4. Tanks suck in pvp. No they don't. If you are rolling a tank you are probably going to be raiding, which is WHY you rolled the tank. Find a healer and guard them. You will rarely if ever die and though your dps isn't "burst" you will keep pumping out dmg and your taunts are HUGE in pvp. I have seen well played tanks put out near top dmg in warzones. As a stealth class when I see a tank and a healer? I *sigh* and look for an easier target. When the healer is alone? Guess who is getting a shotgun to the head? The healer.


Overall I really like the PvP in SWTOR and I think most of these complaints are just silly. I had no problems in beta leading or coming close to leading damage on most of the classes I played. Some classes are easier to play then others. Sentinel/Marauder for instance is a class I would only reccomend to advanced gamers. It doesn't make them bad though. They are very good.


I would like to remind people that in Vanilla WoW my mage and rogue CC lasted for 1 minute on players. Things can be improved. Try to give criticism based on the fact that the game can and will get better and it is already much more balanced then vanilla WoW was imo at release. I mean one shot pyroblasting? Was that really balanced? Give it some time people.


I and my friends for one are estatic that we all don't have to role a "dedicated healer" alt atm for pvp (arenas)... We can actually make a difference as dps. That in itself is an accomplishment. We can actually play and do well in a role we ENJOY and be a big difference in pvp. You can make a huge difference in this game as dps, tank or healing. You just have to actually put some work in and learn how the pvp works.

Edited by biowareftw
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Just remember this:

Most people that complain are not trying to fix problems, but change the game to suit their style of play.


That could mean (and usually does mean) that those complaining just want God-Mode and are mad that they can't use cheat-codes.



Very few people complaining actually want to fix REAL problems, and even less of those think out the problem and try to find solutions. Those last few are the ones Devs should listen to, the problem is shifting through the thousands of whining little brats to find those actual problems that need to be fixed.


This game's PvP is fine, very much so for a brand-new game. Fix the software and server issues, then try to balance whatever needs to be (remember, most players are not level 50 and balance endgame is more important that your Epeen).


Don't let the trolls get to you.

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Class. 50 Scoundrel. Server The Fatman. Character. Liu-kang.


I really don't understand most of these complaints. WoW has just as many stuns and the pvp is much worse (healer centric).


WoW does not have more stuns, has more cooldowns to drop stuns, has diminishing returns. Most stuns are not ranged. Less ranged centricity.


Class. 50 Scoundrel. Server The Fatman. Character. Liu-kang.

1. Class x is overpowered.


Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter are vastly overpowered. 70% or more of every WarZone I get into has been these two classes. Your point would be more valid if they weren't so blatantly overpowered from the start, and only improve.


Class. 50 Scoundrel. Server The Fatman. Character. Liu-kang.

3. Huttball sucks. I really only have one complaint with huttball. Force speed while carrying the ball. Again these are all small tweaks that can be done. Force speed is NOT OP. Force speed with the ball? Whole nother story. What happens when guardians/juggernauts start playing well though with their two charges? Huttball is something different. It is going to take time to balance. So just relax.


Force speed last two seconds. Grappling hooks pull back more than the distance FS moves, can be used at ranged, can pull someone off a ledge. Broken in Huttball.



Sorry bro, but PVP is busted, unbalanced, and for many not fun.

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WoW does not have more stuns, has more cooldowns to drop stuns, has diminishing returns. Most stuns are not ranged. Less ranged centricity.




Sith Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter are vastly overpowered. 70% or more of every WarZone I get into has been these two classes. Your point would be more valid if they weren't so blatantly overpowered from the start, and only improve.




Force speed last two seconds. Grappling hooks pull back more than the distance FS moves, can be used at ranged, can pull someone off a ledge. Broken in Huttball.



Sorry bro, but PVP is busted, unbalanced, and for many not fun.


On Bountry Hunters and Inquisitors. Commandos and Sages are exact mirrors. All classes are mirrored. The animations are different and the spell names are different and thats it. In fact I would play a sage over a sorcerer because the "rocks" are much harder to see then streams of lightning, which is like a flashing sign that says COME KILL ME STEALTH CLASSES! The shields are also not as visible. Commando? Harder to know when to interupt, because when a Bounty Hunter takes off in the air that is like a huge sign flashing INTERUPT THIS.


Also? I absolutely annhilate these two classes as a scoundrel. They have no chance in hell of beating me in a one on one. Don't confuse aoe splash dmg for single target dmg. If a marauder/sentinel or scoundrel/operative, slinger/sniper are doing the same or close to the same dmg? They are making a bigger difference. Single target dmg is all that really matters in pvp. I could never top the damage I could put out on my warrior/dk on my rogue in WoW in a battleground. My rogue made healers cry though and the single target burst is what made them good.


Want to know who the best player I have played against was on Empire on The Fatman server? A marauder named Bas. I have no problems leading dmg almost every game as melee and when I don't lead dmg it is because I am focusing HEAVILY on offhealing (mostly in hutball). I also am NOT doing this in premades. I have solo queued and we win most of our games.


In fact the more Sorcerers and BH's we play? The more damage I do. 300k is not uncommon when playing a team full of sorcerers whom I drop in seconds. Most inquisitors don't even heal themselves. They are by far my easiest target to kill.


Also concerning stuns etc. There are two things you can do. Pop a defensive cooldown anticipating the stun (you know it is coming) and do NOT use the pvp trinket when you are at full health on the first stun. Eat the first stun completely. If you have a defensive cooldown up (like rebuke on a sentinel) then they aren't going to be doing jack (damage wise) during it. Trinket the second stun and then? They are YOURS as melee.


If you are fighting a 3 on 1 complaining about stuns/cc? You got into a fight you shouldn't be in. You should expect to die. Fight smarter. Are CC's annoying as melee? Yup. Are they gamebreaking? No. Frost Mage was much worse and required a dispel spammer. I find that a game requiring a dedicated dispeller to even compete as melee more unbalanced then one that requires you fight smart...

Edited by biowareftw
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