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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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It should never be about who has the most players. We all pay an equall share no matter where we play from and so should receive equall treatment.

What is this..? The Gamer Rights Movement? IT HAS EVERYTHING to do with who has the most players. Companies server majorities.

Edited by Wittyavenger
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I'm going off now, but I will leave this message before I do:


I'm am a customer. Where I am from should not matter. Currently it does. Therefore I will no longer be a customer. I originally set up a three month recurring sub, but I have just cancelled that; so has my GF. We have our remaining 'free' time, then it's over. I hope BioWare either separate the times or alternate between imposing this on the EU and US, but I expect equality amongst the playerbase.


That is all: equality. I don't have to be to find someone who wants to discriminate me, there's plenty who will do that for free.


Don't get me wrong: The game is incredible, and I sincerely hope this issue is fixed so that I can return, but I will not give my money to be treated as a second class citizen.









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Best post ever !!! and to the Americans that are just trolling this thread get a fkn life as we have a case here


you have no case. the company is USA based, the majority of the playerbase is USA based.. maint times cater to the company's work schedules.

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Why are you so against this proposal? It doesn't affect you if Bioware provide better service for their EU-subscribers.


But I assume you're just trolling?

Which part of "it's the same client and everyone gets patched at the same time" are you unclear on?


Everyone patches at once. We have more players. Ergo, we get the "best" downtime and you don't.


This is all very simple.

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Wow whole DAYS? Really? Especially when they servers have only gone down every 5-7 days...


You must either 1) be retired, or 2) unemployed or not in school....


If #1 great... you have a lot of time on your hands.. go do something else during downtime


If #2, then get a job, a life, etc....


Well if you can make it so i can regrow my left leg and go back to work i would be grateful, otherwise i am exercising my consumer rights to not pay for a product i am not getting to use.

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Hmm interesting... So you are saying the amount of players on at 1-3am CST is greater than 3-5pm CET? I personally believe that 4am CST seems a little late to start maintenance. 1am-7am CST to me seems like less obstruction than to worldwide players than 4-10 CST.


I am basing this on the assumption that, # of players in EU + world at 3-5pm CET(8-10am CST) > # of players in US + world at 1-3am CST.

Yeah, i somewhat can't understand that.


And with Servers still down at 16:56 for such a minor patch, i don't want to know what will happen with a bigger content patch. Maintenance till 20:00 for EU?

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To be honest, I can't believe people are actually complaining about not being able to play a game for 5 hours, geez this is something that goes on with every MMO out there. If you are off for holiday (alot are not, and are at work right now) find something else to do watch TV, watch a movie and not worry about it.


I guess this is something you are going to have to schedule to do something other than sit and play star wars while it is down.

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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


Your kidding right? that is the biggest joke ave heard in ages keep them coming BTW your country is broke like most countries :rolleyes:

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For them to take the servers down at the same time is actually damn stupid. Especially concidering it is now Holiday time as well as bank holiday almost across the world today. Now to also put up a patch was completely stupid. Never once seen any game get a patch up and running in the time they allocated for "maintanance" and for the next week one can expect nothing more than fixes being implimented so expect a whole lot more lost time all us EU players.
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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


Lol. Where did you dig up that statistic? The difference between rich and poor is much much larger in the US than it is in most EU countries. For many people in the EU buying swtor is not a problem at all. Sure you got some rich dudes, but damn you have A LOT of poor people as well.

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It is also possible that if they did not do all the servers at the same time the European servers would get swamped with people from North America who make alts to just continuing playing and then there would be huge complaints about queue times ( just a thought);)


I know I'd roll on an EU server if it meant I got to keep playing while NA servers were down, and I'm sure EU players would do the same if their servers were down and the NA servers were up.

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[...]To me it is baffling in all honesty. This selected period for maintenance does indeed seem like the least obtrusive for Americans. It does not seem like the least obtrusive to just about everyone else.


Nobody apart from the Americans are on the good end of this deal. You can't point to other regions and say "Well yeah, right there they got it right too". It definately looks like it is quite literally only concerned with US timezones.


This is exactly, spot on, what bothers me about this downtime as well.


With that said, I hope things will be better in the future - without holidays and without extended downtime. But please, please - consider scheduling different downtime windows for different timezones to avoid these situations and unhappy customers.

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