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Kaggath Battlegrounds Heats - Fist of the Empire vs the Confederacy


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Infiltrating the Republic is very different from infiltrating Black Sun. I'll just leave it at that. And do they? I doubt Imperial Intelligence knows to much about Durga. Hell, they won't know he is even a Vigo.


The Republic is different from Black Sun, true, however, the principle is the same. Heck, Intelligence was able to infiltrate crime circles and terrorist agencies. And, as Sel said, Intelligence operated on Nar Shaddaa, they'll be able to find Black Sun.


While true, that doesn't mean Kilran will tell his troops, or if they will listen. And I doubt many of your troops can exploit the weakness of a C-B3.


Kilran won't tell his troops how to beat the enemy? Jeez, talk about sabotaging your forces.


It isn't. But that would be at the end of the battle, or if absolutely necessary. They won't just shoot them for fun. It will be to secure victory. Don't take this out of context, please. Kilran, or any general, would do the same.


The difference is that Imperials are super-patriotic. Pirates are often out for themselves. If Xizor does that, it will impact morale. No matter what.

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Oops. I meant droids :o


Silly me :p


It's in there. Page 95.


Wat Tambor convinced Dooku to mount a raid on Coruscant with the new droids.


If you look up the New Droid Army game on Wookieepedia, you'll see that Dooku participated in this raid.

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Oops. I meant droids :o


Silly me :p


EDIT:Dooku was not there. It was clone of him.


"A doppelgänger of Dooku, seemingly identical to the real Count Dooku although less adept in the Force, served the Confederacy of Independent Systems as one of the real Dooku's Dark Acolytes during the Clone Wars.


It is later stated that Anakin defeats another clone of Dooku on Serenno.


"Later in the war, Skywalker killed another clone of Dooku on Serenno, the real Count Dooku's home planet."


Read the Behind the Scenes section on the Wookieepedia page. It was created through the Force, likely the Doppelganger technique mentioned in The Jedi Path, practically guaranteeing that he was there.

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I covered that in my previous post to this one.


I see.


Alright, I'm heading out now for a little. If anyone wants to cover for me, that'd be great. And Beni, calling this sooner rather than later would be appreciated.

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I see.


Alright, I'm heading out now for a little. If anyone wants to cover for me, that'd be great. And Beni, calling this sooner rather than later would be appreciated.


Glad that we got that sorted out. And, yes, I would like to see this called soon.

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Glad that we got that sorted out. And, yes, I would like to see this called soon.


Yeah, it's going to be a main to combat you with Dooku. But I have plans. And Aurbere,

I was relatively convinced I was going to win the fleet engagement before you showed up (well, and Sel).


Oh well. I tried at least. And I hate fleet stuff. You should be honored I even participated :p

Edited by Canino
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Yeah, it's going to be a main to combat you with Dooku. But I have plans. And Aurbere, I hope your happy. I was relatively convinced I was going to win the fleet engagement before you showed up (well, and Sel).


Oh well. I tried at least. And I hate fleet stuff. You should be honored I even participated :p


Dooku's a tough nut to crack. If the right person is using him, of course.


You made space a tough fight. We just have to wait to see what Beni's decision is now.

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Dooku's a tough nut to crack. If the right person is using him, of course.


You made space a tough fight. We just have to wait to see what Beni's decision is now.


Thank you :D And of course, you always make incredible factions. I couldn't beat you last round, but I'll have my revenge;)


And yeah, I'll stop posting as well. Off to dinner, I'll be back later in case anyone needs me.

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Yeah, it's going to be a main to combat you with Dooku. But I have plans. And Aurbere,
I was relatively convinced I was going to win the fleet engagement before you showed up (well, and Sel).


Oh well. I tried at least. And I hate fleet stuff. You should be honored I even participated :p


I'm pretty sure you won anyway :/


Gg either way!

Edited by Selenial
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Thank you :D And of course, you always make incredible factions. I couldn't beat you last round, but I'll have my revenge;)


And yeah, I'll stop posting as well. Off to dinner, I'll be back later in case anyone needs me.


You had your revenge when the DS beat the AE. It's my turn to take revenge on you and all those who choose to ally with the underworld.


Besides, there are so many ways for me to make Dooku unkillable. But that's for later.

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A not about Hyperdrives, and hyper space travel. Jumping in and out took time sent off "waves". When the CIS jumps back to begin their successive assaults, the FE will know exactly where they are coming out at. Secondly, the CIS has to putter beyond Tatooine's gravity well, hyperdrives won't function there. Hit and run is great, but if Broadsides are as slow as they are indicated to be, they will take fire as they try and out run the gravity.
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All right folks the space scenario is finally here, apologies for the wait but I was much busier today than expected.



“We’re detecting a fleet of ships directly ahead, sir. But we’re unable to get a lock, I think their jamming our scanners.”


“Blasted pirates.” Kilran hissed. “Intensify the forward deflector shields and move the fleet into firing range.”


“Yes, si- Sir! We’re detecting incoming projectiles! Missiles!”


Kilran eyes darted to the viewport, as hundreds of smoke trailing objects began rocketing towards them. He quickly ordered the Gladiator’s into position, point-defence cannons at the ready. Moments later the viewport became awash with laser fire, then explosions all over as the missiles exploded with violent orange and reds.


But they couldn't destroy them all.


“Raise the thermo shields!” Kilran barked, grabbing onto a control terminal as the Invincible was violently shaken by the force several missiles impacting with the bridge, for a few seconds engulfing the viewport in a blinding white haze. And for a moment all they could hear was the thundering sound of explosions as the wave of missiles blossomed into flames around them.


“Damage report!” Kilran ordered as the haze cleared.


The Confederacy’s initial attack takes Kilran’s fleet by surprise and while their point defences prove effective they are incapable of eliminating all the missiles and only through concentrated fire are they able to pierce the MS-15’s armoured blast plates. Several of the Gladiator’s suffer crippling damage whereas the Harrower’s remain largely intact; however several weak points have been created in their particle shield defence, leaving them vulnerable to another volley. The Confederacy wastes no time in issuing it, pinning the fleet down as diamond boron missiles capitalise on their tight formation to deal heavy damage. With several of the Harrower’s suffering crippling damage to their bridges.


In attempt to intercept the enemy however Kilran initiates a pincer movement, splitting the fleet and breaking away from the firing line to bear down on the enemy from opposite sides – all the while angling their hulls towards the enemy to protect their vital points.


“Move into position! Move into position! Get em’ in your sights now!” The pirate captain barked orders into an open comm channel, transmitting to all the Broadsides as the enemy fleet began to break off and bear down on them. They were fast, faster than he had expected and as the Broadside’s pivoted they found their missile bays struggling to keep up. Erratic missile salvos doggedly pursued the fleets as they arced about to attack, and those that struck did only superficial damage to the enemies sturdy hulls.


Then as the Harrower’s began to tip a cool metallic voice cut through the chatter.


“This is Guri to all personnel. All Broadside’s make the jump to hyperspace immediately and await further orders. The rest of you are to engage the enemy at point blank range immediately before they can bring their guns to bear. All Dekards prepare for boarding.”


As Guri finished the channel exploded into a discordant chorus of babbling voices. She repressed a sigh.


“Those are your orders.” She barked. “Follow them if you want to get paid.”


On Guri’s command the Broadside’s leave the battlefield, though several other cruisers get cold feet and disappear with them. The rest obey Guri’s orders and charge the enemy fleet, quickly closing the gap with superior speeds and engaging the enemy before they can bring their full firepower to bear. The Interceptors bore into their weak spots with proton torpedoes while the Crusader’s protect them from fighters and projectiles with point defence and laser batteries. Meanwhile Dekard-class transports manage to breach several hulls.


“Sir, we’ve been boarded!”


Kilran smirked. “So the pirate scum want to test themselves against the might of the Imperial military. Let’s give them a proper welcome. Captain, prepare to repel the enemy.”


The boarding craft bit into the Invincible’s hull with a sharp grinding sound, following by electric hum as plasma torches slowly cut around the entrance. A squad of Imperial marines readied their weapons in preparation for the enemy. The glow of the plasma torches petered out, and a door shaped hunk of metal fell to the floor with a metallic thud.


A moment’s pause, and then the distinct sound of something rapidly rolling towards them.


Droidekas. Springing apart before them to reveal a bristling array of laser cannons. They open fired with cool efficiency, wiping out the entire squad in seconds.


Silence, but the for chattering of one now dead marine’s comlink.


“Status report! What’s going on down there? Lieutenant, do you read me!” But the only reply is the loud clanking sounds of hulking battle droids marching on by.


The reports came streaming in and streaming in fast.


“Sir, these droids aren’t like anything we’ve seen!” The voice of a nervous commander shouted over the comm channel, bolts of blaster fire whizzing about his projected image. “There tearing through my men, we can’t stop the-” the commander was cut off as a hail of blaster fire studded him in the chest. For a moment the projection remained as several balled automata rolled past accompanied by lithe battle droids and walking walls of obsidian.


Kilran snarled as the image cut out. Then the bridge doors slid open and a hooded figure walked in.


“Ventress. Our opponents are proving more difficult than we anticipated. I’m entrusting you with their destruction.”


“Very well, Admiral. But I will require your best.”


The Admiral smiled. “And you will have it my dear.”


Combined with Ventress’ expertise and Kilran’s ingenuity the Fist is able to isolate the boarding parties and eliminate them, exploiting their weaknesses with cunning traps. However, they are unaware of Guri’s presence on board who using the droids as a distraction manages to bypass Kilran’s defences and make her way to the bridge. Outside the battle begins to turn in the Fist’s favour as despite the Confederacy’s attempts to minimise the impact of their firepower they find their defences slowly weakening and several craft and forced to break off and retreat into hyperspace.


Guri is quickly running out of time, to kill Kilran.


Guri dropped into the bridge from above almost without making a sound. Almost. Flexing her hands she prepared to pounce, quickly assessing how she might break his neck and escape before the enemy had a chance to react. But she overlooked one critical factor. Kilran’s eye twitched as Guri pounced at him, and with a practiced movement he spun around to intercept her attack, catching her in a deadlock.


“How?” she gasped.


Kilran smiled, a practiced smile. And responded with barely a hint of exertion. “I have mastered eight forms of hand-to-hand combat, and, well, let’s just say I have quite a lot of people try to kill me.”


As he spoke the marines around him reacted, levelling their weapons at the intruder.


“Open fire, men.” Kilran said with a smile.


Guri disengaged, pulling away from Kilran’s grip with inhuman strength and speed, causing the marines to hesitate as they Admiral became their target. But before they had time to re-aim Guri had drawn twin pistols and in moments they were dead. She turned her weapons on Kilran, now it was her time to smile.


Or so she thought, as she tried to pull the trigger she felt an invisible force prevent her. The doors behind her slid open and a pair of Sith Warriors entered the room, one with hand extended and both with lightsaber drawn. Several more marines poured in behind them.


“As you can see” Kilran began, “you are hopelessly outmatched. I sincerely suggest you surrender.”


Guri growled but instead of laying down her weapons she somersaulted high into the air. Flinging a pair of spherical objects in either direction as she did.


“Grenades!” a marine barked and they all jumped clear, then the bridge became engulfed in flames and debris and the explosives detonated. As the smoke cleared Kilran clambered from his cover to survey the carnage, most of the marines were dead, and the Sith Lords were moaning on the ground. But Guri was nowhere to be seen.


“Blast it!”


Guri manages to escape the Invincible, but with Kilran still alive the space battle becomes unwinnable, and she orders the remaining fleet to retreat. But there attack was not without success, with three of the four targeted Harrower’s succumbing to their invaders and being captured. The Confederacy breaks away from Kilran’s fleet and makes the jump to hyperspace.


The Fist of the Empire is victorious... for now.




Fist of the Empire: 40

Confederacy of Independent Criminals: 38

Important Details

The Confederacy escapes with roughly 3/4 of its fleet intact, but damaged in varying forms - losing only a handful of Broadsides. They also manage to capture three Harrowers and retain most of their expended boarding parties.


The Fist of the Empire loses two Harrowers to the Confederacy's attack, and a handful of Gladiators. With the entire fleet suffering varying extents of hull damage across the board. But remains largely in tact.

My after thoughts

From early on it became apparent to me that the Confederacy didn't have it to win the space battle, and would be much better of attempting to capture a few warships before fleeing in classic pirate style, and likely using the remainder of their force to harry supply lines. This is the pirate way.


Edited by Beniboybling
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