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Server wide apology


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This thread was not meant for bashing people. It was generally for me to get my apology out in a way that I could. Please, if you really wish to bash someone take it ingame and do it through mails or whispers. The bashing needs to be left to those specific threads or not. Edited by Nayrhollis
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This thread was not meant for bashing people. It was generally for me to get my apology out in a way that I could. Please, if you really wish to bash someone take it ingame and do it through mails or whispers. The bashing needs to be left to those specific threads or not.


It doesnt matter what this thread is made for the drama must live on ! ... kidding aside tough all the threads get infected by the drama :C cant we all be friends?

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I'll say my piece and be done with the whole deal...


I got booted from Exiles for sticking up for a buddy who had actually done nothing wrong other than play PvP correctly. When I said something to Zee, he flipped **** and booted me for calling him out on being exactly what you are: an arrogant ****tard. Sticking up for my buddies, the ones still in guild and the ones who have been removed does not make me a troll bud.


You calling yourself good when you sit in a guild that does nothing but run premades is laughable. The amount of hypocrisy in your reply and in your original post is *********** terrible. Make a coherent argument to me in game and support some points I don't have tangible defenses against boi.

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I'll say my piece and be done with the whole deal...


I got booted from Exiles for sticking up for a buddy who had actually done nothing wrong other than play PvP correctly. When I said something to Zee, he flipped **** and booted me for calling him out on being exactly what you are: an arrogant ****tard. Sticking up for my buddies, the ones still in guild and the ones who have been removed does not make me a troll bud.


You calling yourself good when you sit in a guild that does nothing but run premades is laughable. The amount of hypocrisy in your reply and in your original post is *********** terrible. Make a coherent argument to me in game and support some points I don't have tangible defenses against boi.


:rolleyes: Kettle meet pot.


Poor guy is trying to apologize to the server, and you have to go an derail his thread, by making it about you. That's the definition of a troll mofo.


I personally wasn't involved when you got booted out, nor do I waste a second caring why you got kicked out. If you don't like me because you think I'm arrogant, that's your prerogative. C'est La vie.


I said I was good, not that I was elite, or better than anyone else. It's fine with me if you want to misconstrued my claim for arrogance, but if I said I was still terrible, you know that would be a lie.


Every pvp guild runs premades: Grim, Reign, Infamous, company etc. It's my hope that the pvp community continues to grow, and more people will run premades. That's the only way this game will stay fun. :)


To me you are a funny guy, and of course I will take you on in game. I love players who can give me a good challenge. :D


I apologize to the OP for derailing the thread, it was not my intention to start a flame war with Lawlz.

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I don't think I have ever heard you complain in WZ, thus your apology is not necessary for me.
omg lol look you made it about you .-.


To become really good is not about having an ego, it's actually about being humble, and confident. The best players are usually the quietest. The flamers, egomaniac's, trolls, are all wannabe's.


I can say without sounding arrogant that I'm good, only because, I spent a lot of time learning how to play when I was terrible.

And this is where your argument about me making it about myself (when i only was pointing out your fallacies) falls apart. Apparently you enjoy some sort of immunity to the appearance of arrogance even though you probably aren't even in the top half of the server in PvP. G effin' G bud. Hypocrisy abounds.


His apology was for the server, and he certainly didn't require you to explain to him what makes a player good or bad. Stop trying to act like you're in any way "good" because, lets be honest, you aren't.

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But now I can own most of those people, because I practiced my class day after day after day. I looked at my talent points, changed gear, tested out rotations, and read about the other classes strengths and weaknesses.


There are other players (I will mention no names), that were terrible pvpers until they changed their talent trees, and now they own that **** up.


To become really good is not about having an ego, it's actually about being humble, and confident. The best players are usually the quietest. The flamers, egomaniac's, trolls, are all wannabe's.


I can say without sounding arrogant that I'm good, only because, I spent a lot of time learning how to play when I was terrible.


Well, to be honest you DID sound quite a lot arrogant. It almost sounded as you were giving pvp lessons to Canin, lol... Have u ever fought against Canin? Hes is undoubtely in the top 1% of the server. As much as he tries now to say that he isnt good, the truth is he is one of the top 2 or 3 operative/scoundrel healers and i would say top 1 operative dps... the guy is scary and warzone-outcome-changing...


This thread was about him being brave enough to ask for forgiveness for his past mistakes (mistakes that are very common and present in players with far less skill than him), not about him asking for pvp lessons... Maybe i am terribad and I suck, but i would not dare to give Canin pvp lessons...


As for what you say about Lawlz, I can testify for his great quality, both as a player and as loyal human being. Kudos to him for being kicked out of a guild just for standing for a friend! Loyalty>>>>a guildname.

Edited by ANDRESHG
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Thank you Canin for showing humility in this thread, something which a lot of PVPers (myself included) find it hard to do.


If I do see you on the other side you are one of the players I have to keep an eye out on as you can alter the course of the WZ by yourself even if not playing the objective, sometimes drawing enough ppl away to create imbalances (still find it funny when multiple ppl try to gank me and I just lead them away from the objective).


The Nabi's salute you for being honest and admitting to your mistakes. I know I have made a lot of them myself including flaming people in lowbies when I should realize some of the players have never played the WZ before yet alone know any tactics for said WZ.


Anyway, it takes a big man (or woman) to admit their faults so I think I need to go on a diet too and not flame anymore in PVP chat....:D

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Well, to be honest you DID sound quite a lot arrogant.


So rumor has it :rolleyes



It almost sounded as you were giving pvp lessons to Canin, lol...
Let Canin speak for himself. Don't jump to conclusions, about what either of us had intended to say. Please and thanks.



Have u ever fought against Canin?
Is that a serious question?


Hes is undoubtely in the top 1% of the server.
Top 1% huh. That's good to know.



As much as he tries now to say that he isnt good, the truth is he is one of the top 2 or 3 operative/scoundrel healers and i would say top 1 operative dps... the guy is scary and warzone-outcome-changing...
He made a good song and dance about being bad, and I think it's amicable you would say otherwise. I personally was responding to what he said, not changing his words around.


And yes, I would agree with you that the guy is good. I never stated otherwise.


This thread was about him being brave enough to ask for forgiveness for his past mistakes (mistakes that are very common and present in players with far less skill than him), not about him asking for pvp lessons... Maybe i am terribad and I suck, but i would not dare to give Canin pvp lessons...



You know what? I don't believe in giving people sympathy or petty. If that was what his thread was for, than yes I misunderstood it's purpose.


I made no pretense as to who I was giving feedback to. I have been on this server since launch, and rarely come on this forum. Hence if I offended anyone, then I apologize for that.



As for what you say about Lawlz, I can testify for his great quality, both as a player and as loyal person. Kudos for him for being kicked out of a guild just for standing for a friend!


Tbh I really don't have an opinion on Lawlz. I can only judge how he behaved while in the guild and what he has done on here. He instigated this exchange, much like he instigated his own dismissal from the guild.


Remember I never called him out on anything, which is why I find it bizarre the thread has degenerated into something personal.

Edited by Targarion
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omg lol look you made it about you .-.
Um no. The sentence subject was regarding his apology that was addressed to everyone on the server (which includes me). Your entire exchange with me was regarding something that happened to you and some one else weeks ago. Which had nothing to do with Canin's apology.



And this is where your argument about me making it about myself (when i only was pointing out your fallacies) falls apart.
It's not an argument, it's a fact. You changed the subject of this thread to be about you.


Apparently you enjoy some sort of immunity to the appearance of arrogance even though you probably aren't even in the top half of the server in PvP. G effin' G bud. Hypocrisy abounds.


Spare me your equivocal B*** Sh*t. ;)


His apology was for the server, and he certainly didn't require you to explain to him what makes a player good or bad. Stop trying to act like you're in any way "good" because, lets be honest, you aren't.


Well I think you are bad also, so I guess because I said it, then it must be true. Real sound logic bud. ;)


Thanks for making my day interesting. :)

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The only time my behavior portrayed a nasty side of myself while in Exiles was when my friends got pushed a little too far. You keep acting as if you haven't wronged anyone with your posts even though it's blatantly obvious you're a cocky sonofa***** what can't seem to listen to his peers at all. Fairly obvious that you think you belong in the "top 1%" of server pvpers and I can attest to fighting you and most of Exiles in ranked and being unimpressed. Even your little premades in regs are sad. Continue acting high and mighty about your *cough* "skill" in PvP. You couldn't do more than 10k damage in ranked every single round I played with and against you. Don't try to act like you garner any kind of respect just because you're in a guild where the real GM doesn't even play anymore and instead some douchey **** that thinks he's hot **** on a shadow. Once Exius and more people that are widely respected as good players get back and make the guild a force that doesn't roll around strictly in premades and only in regs people might ease up on you ****tardicus.
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Let me clear this up right now Lawlz got kicked for basically being my friend. I have more friends in your guild than you do Legenz, so are you gonna try and get them kicked from the guild just like you tried to get Dredd kicked for hanging around with Teut? But let us be honest you have been trying to get dredd kicked out since before I dropped Exiles. Noticed how all the bastion players you guys recruited left? Cause your guild is just filled with Regstar bads who can't win outside your premades and won't touch ranked, but run around and talk **** like they own the server. Last I heard you guys are turning in to a RP guild from all those JEDI ORDER members you guys are picking up. Edited by Pinnaples
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I made no pretense as to who I was giving feedback to. I have been on this server since launch, and rarely come on this forum. Hence if I offended anyone, then I apologize for that.


Well Legendz, it seems i missunderstood your post regarding Canin. Sorry about that.

As for Lawlz, I know for sure he is a great player and a loyal friend...

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OP... While none of this applies to me.... your post is Admirable, Uncommon, and Brave.


Trolls and haters abound on the inter-webs and it takes a big person to admit they were won, and turn from the dark-side that is anonymous cruelty.

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Let me clear this up right now Lawlz got kicked for basically being my friend.


Thanks for clearing that up.


I have more friends in your guild than you do Legenz, so are you gonna try and get them kicked from the guild just like you tried to get Dredd kicked for hanging around with Teut?





But let us be honest you have been trying to get dredd kicked out since before I dropped Exiles.


Where's your evidence of that?


Noticed how all the bastion players you guys recruited left?


I wasn't part of that recruitment drive. Only Exius and Zanie have the ability to add peeps.


Cause your guild is just filled with Regstar bads who can't win outside your premades and won't touch ranked, but run around and talk **** like they own the server
. Noted. :)



Last I heard you guys are turning in to a RP guild from all those JEDI ORDER members you guys are picking up.
Like who?
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Well Legendz, it seems i missunderstood your post regarding Canin. Sorry about that.

As for Lawlz, I know for sure he is a great player and a loyal friend...


Even if he was bashing me, I wouldn't care. Thanks for having my back if he was hun <3 but I have seen Legionne around for a long time and I don't ever recall having problems with him. Either way, Toostronk is a good player, yea he along with me and everyone else has their faults when it comes to flameing and rage. But someone please, at this moment, be the better and stop. You both have reasons why you dislike the other and you see them and note them, then flat out ignore the other, that is why the /ignore feature is very over-powered at the moment.


You are feeding mallo entertainment >:D. <3

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Even if he was bashing me, I wouldn't care. Thanks for having my back if he was hun <3 but I have seen Legionne around for a long time and I don't ever recall having problems with him. Either way, Toostronk is a good player, yea he along with me and everyone else has their faults when it comes to flameing and rage. But someone please, at this moment, be the better and stop. You both have reasons why you dislike the other and you see them and note them, then flat out ignore the other, that is why the /ignore feature is very over-powered at the moment.


You are feeding mallo entertainment >:D. <3


There was definitely no intent to bash you. I think Ebola, was upset because I gave you advise, when clearly you didn't need me to tell you how to play.


Sorry Canin, I should have read your alts at the bottom of the screen and not the user name. She is right, you are a great player. :)

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Look what you did Drizzt.


You got the "self righteousness rooted in ignorance" Orion guy making posts in here too. Originally, I was gonna lol at him for attempting to RP.


But in reality, that's actually an insult to RPers since he doesn't actually know how to RP.

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Look what you did Drizzt.


You got the "self righteousness rooted in ignorance" Orion guy making posts in here too. Originally, I was gonna lol at him for attempting to RP.


But in reality, that's actually an insult to RPers since he doesn't actually know how to RP.


How does one RP?

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