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This early access launch is pure success!


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You know what they could do to send more people away?




that would send all those devil elitists away for good!


or better! dont close it, and just cap the xp for the day, or the time that one can play at a day, that wouldnt hurt the roleplayers and would hurt the elitist nerds!


Do all of this! it will be great to the community , then the 10 of you left playing would be able to roleplay all you want with your fellow npc companions!

Edited by Acron
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When the Servers inevitably suffer from lag and stress in a few days (it's bound to happen) My position remains the same. I'm Australian, and so basically I'll always have a significant degree of lag. Waves should of continuously rolled out every few hours, so Bioware/EA could effectively observe and manage the effects.
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I think you're missing a point here, The game has NOT launched today. It's two days before head start was to even begin. We have no reason to complain. Getting in early today would have been nice, but not expected.


The game has indeed launched today. People are playing the retail client they have bought. Terms like "Early Game Access" etc are all nice etc, but when you look beyond them they're just marketing and public relations terms. "Oh wow, they're such an awesome company for letting us play early". I'm not dissing Bioware or anything, but don't be so naive!

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The game has indeed launched today. People are playing the retail client they have bought. Terms like "Early Game Access" etc are all nice etc, but when you look beyond them they're just marketing and public relations terms. "Oh wow, they're such an awesome company for letting us play early". I'm not dissing Bioware or anything, but don't be so naive!


Also in the launcher they say that today they're launching the game, so its a launch.

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First of all today wasn't a 'launch' so anyone whos having a bad 'launch' day because they aren't in cant complain about it until the 20th.

I'm not in so i must be having a bad launch day, is what your saying.

No im not in because im in the line for the gift BW gave us of extra play as well as making it seemless so we dont have days where the servers crash.


Now thats over i have to say i agree with the OP about the winers leaving and that i too was worried about the comunity as well.

Still am and its because i've learnt, as someone has stated that the complainers of the complainers are just as bad.


There is no such thing as a "gift" in business. See my previous post.

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We're asking for them to let 2M+ players in all at once, we're EXPECTING them to handle things a hell of a lot better than this. When I read about people that ordered in the 1st day (21st of July), that hasn't gotten in yet, but people that ordered in October/November are in, then it's a big problem. But BioWare just puts their fingers in their ears and ignores everything that doesn't come out of a BioWare fanatic or one of their own's mouth. They have the ability to throw in a LOT more players, keep the waves going all night and give us a LOT more information about *** is going on, than they have today. THAT is what I'm complaining about.


Most likely:

The people who ordered on 7/21 but haven't got in yet, still haven't figured out that they need to register their order on the site .


The people who say they got in with Oct/Nov preorders either got them on 7/21 and/or are trolling.

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Will you still feel this way 5 days from now when the majority of the pre-orders are finally playing and the servers crash or have unbearable lag? They can start off slow all they want, but the problems are inevitable. The sooner they address them, the better off we'll all be for the release date.


Exactly what I am expecting, they can only avoid the problem for so long... infact when servers reopen on 20th they are gonna be forced to deal with it.. I don't know what kind of magical rabbits they have in theyr hats... but it better be a gigantic one.




Also for poster, a burger unlike mmo's don't last for years, and burgers generally don't involve alot of competition, so i feel that your analogy misses the mark by quite a bit.


The effects of EGA will be felt for the months to come (mainly economics wise), that burger will be gone by the end of the day.



Also the fact that you speak of thinning out the "bad" community... If anything this is a great community, yes people are upset, in some cases its understandble in others its not.

How ever what they all share is a EXTREME passion for the game, cause lets face it, if they did not they would not waste theyr times filling the forum with this junk.



also the "you mad?" comment you made at the end, just shows you are no better then the people you so willingly judge.

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I'd start naming the list of in game exploits I've... exploited in other games. But there are so many its impossible to count.


I got my smithing in skyrim to level one hundred on iron daggers alone.


Wow. I can't even...


You're comparing Skyrim exploits to an MMO's exploits?


Okay, for anyone that has played any MMO ever, they'll know exploiting an exp bug to get to max level in an hour or two is not a good thing. It is not an acceptable thing.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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The game has indeed launched today. People are playing the retail client they have bought. Terms like "Early Game Access" etc are all nice etc, but when you look beyond them they're just marketing and public relations terms. "Oh wow, they're such an awesome company for letting us play early". I'm not dissing Bioware or anything, but don't be so naive!


Fine, lets rephrase it for you. Everyone is guaranteed to play on the 20th, but were going to stagger people in over 7 days in order to ensure servers don't explode.


Your absolutely right they've sugar coated it. But in the end a spades a spade. They felt the population may destroy them if they let them all in at once. You can complain and moan all you want but the other day we went to this festival of lights for christmas deal in Balboa park, a place with tons of museums. All the museums were open for free, but had long lines.


Now, these museums could not house the thousands of people at this event all at once, they had to be let in bit by bit, 2 at a time, 4 at a time, here and there by the person guarding the door.


We saw the huge line, we butted in line and nobody cared, got in ahead of others who had been waiting a long time. Either way though, the same 'amount' of people were let into the museum at a given time.


If they let all of us in at once, I wouldn't of gotten to see the mummies behind those 3 kids who are 7 feet tall. Then I'd be complaining because I didn't get to see the entire museum.


Which is better? Complaints about launch day going bad because servers explode, or people crying because their friends wont wait for them or because they were smart enough (sarcasm) to take days off on days they may or may not get to play?

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I think why alot of people are complaining, is the fact they are basically missing the launch day.


EGA was a good marketing ploy (which may have been needed I don't know), but it has convinced alot of players that it's a good thing that they're missing launch day.


If they have to ramp up the games population over 7+ days to full population, then how will expansions etc work, the same way? Either the servers can cope, or they can't.

Edited by xBuzz
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First off let me say just how sad that this is what we gamers are: a million-member pile of entitled spoiled brats yelling at McDonalds because they served someone in the front of the line before us.-stolen from someone else.


But just about sums it up.


Whats that? You didn't 'read' the part about early access? Well probably a good thing because since you took time off from school you get a whole day off, no school, no swtor. Maybe you should practice that reading bit.


Took a day off from work despite knowing you might not get staggered in today? Lol, I bet your the big time manager of your store... not.


So far, this early access launch has been great. Were thinning out the bad community.


I for one, as a long time SWTOR fan and devotee am glad to see this go the way it has.


Here is what the early access wave system has done for us devout fans:

Yes, maybe hurt there sub numbers a bit, but just like every other whiner on the net, we'll see them in game where they will still whine, but continue to play. So no real harm done there.


What it really has done is weeded out the people we don't need. All those 'entitled' children out there complaining about early access who are no longer going to play this game, are finally gone. I for one am glad to hear so many people are quitting the game before it even started. It does a number on our community. Makes sure the real players, the real subbers will stick around. The trolls, the people with an intelligence score so low that they took days off despite not knowing they'd get to play today, all these people are going to be gone.


What does that mean for us? Better community. The quality of a person, and nay a player and his character directly comes from the level of overall patience and understanding.


Nobody gives a crap about the whiners haters and trolls. These people are the trash that our community throws our trash into. Over-all, trolls and haters and whiners will remain, but many are now going to be gone. All those 'world 1sters' we didn't want them in the community anyways.


Screw WOW and the elites, this game is about story, gameplay, enjoyment, not about Epeens and children who don't get what they want.


I for one, who am still not in the game yet, am glad to hear Bioware has finally found a surefire way to rid our community of the most volatile people from these groups. Only the truly dedicated whiners haters and trolls will be there, and lets face it, these people help re-affirm beliefs in the game due to their lack of intelligence. The more someone with an IQ of 3 argues in favor of something, the more you should agree with the opposite.


Good job Bioware, successful launch. My only worry for this game was the community, and now you've fixed it. I am a satisfied customer.


Hey children? You mad? :cool:


I agree with you except for one point. Yes, we need those world firsters, We need the hardcore raid guilds, we need the people that spend way more time playing the game than spending time with their (ex) wife and kids. What does WoW and rift have that DCUO, DDO, LOTRO, COH, and all those other Free to play MMOs don't? A hard core community. With out the need, with out the requirement to release new content on a timely basis, to continue to make raid environments challenging and new, the game falls apart.


Casual people that play the game a few hours a week for fun don't drive the game forward, there is no demand for new content, people at max level get bored and leave the game, and the game starts to crumble.

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Just kidding. I agree with you. For so many reasons. A few are...


It's really just a game. I am a Star Wars nerd and am dying to play. I was in weekend testings and am having withdrawals, but I am handling it.


I preordered Aug 27th. I really thought I would get in today. But I didn't, and may not tomorrow. But I really want to get in... but no rage or blame. I will get in when i get in. Wasn't expecting until the 20th, then with the announcement of early access the 15th, so I can be patient.


I know they want people to play their game, so I trust they are doing things as quick as they can without breaking the thing.


I Totally agree. I preordered and registered August 12th so i HOPE i will be able to play tomorrow. If not, well theres not much to do about it really, but wait.


about the naming thing: if you thing "MufasaPrime" or "Boba" are great names because your genius took you to a level of creativity where you came up with these yourself, i think you are better of using the "random" button. Why not be a little original and make up your own RPG name? (its not that i don't like Boba, but yeah, keep pretending its you that came up with it.)


Everyone be patient.

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Wow. I can't even...


You're comparing Skyrim exploits to an MMO's exploits?


Okay, for anyone that has played any MMO ever, they'll know exploiting an exp bug to get to max level in an hour or two is not a good thing. It is not an acceptable thing.


Fine, compared to MMO's such as the most successful and largest MMO to date? WoW


In B.C there was a exploit during a quest in the first place you start (firecasm or... something rather, its been a while) the place where the Gate is, where you first start off in.


Basically, there was a totem you could place, and tons of weak enemies with good exp spawned. You killed them, after killing X amount they powered up the totem and you took it back to the quest giver to finish the quest. The exploit at the time basically allowed you to keep the enemies spawning. Bring a group of 5 people with the quest, set up 5 totems, and mow down enemies for hours on end. We reached level 70 significantly faster than anyone in our Guild, I don't know about world firsters or whatever else because we heard about the exploit later in its existence, after people had been already using it.


But the point is moot. Many many mmos have had exploits, it happens. Your a moron if you seem to think ANYTHING in this world is perfect. Including yourself ;)

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fanboy ftw


:rolleyes: I love the bipartisanship of these forums. Apparently you're either a fanboy or a whiner.


I like the way this EGA is rolling. My only complaint is that they got rid of the grace period, but that's more on principle than anything, seeing as my copy's gonna be here on the 20th.

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OP, do you have a job in customer service? I hope not, because paying for a service, and not getting it does suck you know. There is no distinction between the money we paid, and the money that others paid when they swamped the site, crashed it, all because they spammed f5 on swtor.com just to pre order the day it came out. We waited for almost five years. I shouldn't have to wait further.
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First off let me say just how sad that this is what we gamers are: a million-member pile of entitled spoiled brats yelling at McDonalds because they served someone in the front of the line before us.-stolen from someone else.


But just about sums it up.


Whats that? You didn't 'read' the part about early access? Well probably a good thing because since you took time off from school you get a whole day off, no school, no swtor. Maybe you should practice that reading bit.


Took a day off from work despite knowing you might not get staggered in today? Lol, I bet your the big time manager of your store... not.


So far, this early access launch has been great. Were thinning out the bad community.


I for one, as a long time SWTOR fan and devotee am glad to see this go the way it has.


Here is what the early access wave system has done for us devout fans:

Yes, maybe hurt there sub numbers a bit, but just like every other whiner on the net, we'll see them in game where they will still whine, but continue to play. So no real harm done there.


What it really has done is weeded out the people we don't need. All those 'entitled' children out there complaining about early access who are no longer going to play this game, are finally gone. I for one am glad to hear so many people are quitting the game before it even started. It does a number on our community. Makes sure the real players, the real subbers will stick around. The trolls, the people with an intelligence score so low that they took days off despite not knowing they'd get to play today, all these people are going to be gone.


What does that mean for us? Better community. The quality of a person, and nay a player and his character directly comes from the level of overall patience and understanding.


Nobody gives a crap about the whiners haters and trolls. These people are the trash that our community throws our trash into. Over-all, trolls and haters and whiners will remain, but many are now going to be gone. All those 'world 1sters' we didn't want them in the community anyways.


Screw WOW and the elites, this game is about story, gameplay, enjoyment, not about Epeens and children who don't get what they want.


I for one, who am still not in the game yet, am glad to hear Bioware has finally found a surefire way to rid our community of the most volatile people from these groups. Only the truly dedicated whiners haters and trolls will be there, and lets face it, these people help re-affirm beliefs in the game due to their lack of intelligence. The more someone with an IQ of 3 argues in favor of something, the more you should agree with the opposite.


Good job Bioware, successful launch. My only worry for this game was the community, and now you've fixed it. I am a satisfied customer.


Hey children? You mad? :cool:





The only thing I got from your post is that you are either not old enough to actually hold a job, or you really ARE the epitome of spoiled little brat.

Your point could even be valid, but I can't get past your obvious lack of knowledge about everything else in your post to care...


Let us start with the first simple enough point... Early Access was initially touted as "Play the game up to 5 days early!" just like every other game that has done Early Access has stated, with the same careful wording. They do not word it "up to" for staggering releases, they do this because there is a very real possibility that massive issues could cause the service not to work for 1 or more of the first days.

After QUITE a long time, they then announced that they were doing a staggered Early Access by purchase date.


Why does this matter? On to one of your more ignorant points...

"Took a day off from work despite knowing you might not get staggered in today? Lol, I bet your the big time manager of your store... not."

This makes it painfully clear you are too young, unsuccessful in the extreme, or a spoiled brat who doesn't have to work...

You understand that most people have to request time off WELL in advance of taking it? The larger the company you work for, the earlier you typically need to request it because they will not grant as many requests as you assume they are going to. Especially this close to a major holiday.



The rest of your post saying it is a good thing to weed people out of the community?

"So far, this early access launch has been great. Were thinning out the bad community.


I for one, as a long time SWTOR fan and devotee am glad to see this go the way it has."

This is even more damning...

You basically just said what everyone else has been trying to tell you and others... The entire counter-argument for the early release being terrible is being held up by "rabid Star Wars fanboys". You yourself made this quite painfully clear in your post, even without adding in your massive insults to everyone who does not share your massive enthusiasm for Star Wars.



Do you seriously think that the game would be a better place if they alienated everyone who was not a hardcore Star Wars fan? Whether you said that openly in your post or not, your entire post is SCREAMING it is what you want.

What is making this Early Access even worse for a lot of the people complaining about it? People like you. Yes, continue to cause people to cancel orders(you are foolish if you believe people are not canceling orders over this, no matter the total numbers) that otherwise would not have. You are showing what they will have to deal with in the community once this 7 day period finally passes.

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Im happy that you are fine with having a hugely biassed launch, but for those of us that enjoy the competative aspect of the game this launch is a huge failure.


I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I have a hard time paying attention to someone that wrote Noob Zergers in their sig.

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I agree with you except for one point. Yes, we need those world firsters, We need the hardcore raid guilds, we need the people that spend way more time playing the game than spending time with their (ex) wife and kids. What does WoW and rift have that DCUO, DDO, LOTRO, COH, and all those other Free to play MMOs don't? A hard core community. With out the need, with out the requirement to release new content on a timely basis, to continue to make raid environments challenging and new, the game falls apart.


Casual people that play the game a few hours a week for fun don't drive the game forward, there is no demand for new content, people at max level get bored and leave the game, and the game starts to crumble.


Well, not that I am mad for you agreeing with me, but try to remember the internet is full of people trolling others and being sarcastic but you can't 'hear' the sarcasm in their text so...


but yeah I was just kidding about not needing elitists and all that blah blah blah. Mostly its just because I think the amount of entitlement is ridiculous.


Anyone whos older than 20 should know that nothing goes perfectly, launch for every MMO i've ever played has been hairy one way or another and every single time, I've ended up either on the chat in game or the forums of said game laughing at all the QQ.


It happens everytime with out fail. Something always goes wrong however big or minor, and people explode into a rage.


Seems to me like anyone who is a mature adult would be mentally prepared for these things in life to happen.


Anyone who has had to go to the DMV more than a few times should have enough patience and understanding to have prepared and been ready for these things to go wrong.


I mean, here I am, having a great day. I am high as a kite (wake and bake) and I knew I wouldn't get in today because I know I didn't get the game on day one or that early. At the time when they mentioned pre-orders and early access, I had the opportunity to purchase the game, but I didn't. Why? I spent the 60 bucks on another game :p. I knew it would result in my limited early access. I went into the code redemption center knowing full well I had gimped myself for the sake of the other game, but at the time I wasn't looking to spend anymore money on games that month, I just recently purchased a new car and can't afford to go all out on myself especially with christmas around the bend here too.


So as a responsible freethinking adult, I weighed the pro's and cons of what I knew. I didn't sit around 'hoping' that I would get in just to be disappointed. I looked, I read, I thought for three seconds (I know right?) and decided the game at the time was more important to me than the few days I might get here.


And guess what? Today I am a million times happier than the most of the community. I am smiling, having a good day, and this launch has had more effect on me in a positive way than negative because its hilarious to see all the idiots who are too immature and let themselves get all riled up.


I control my emotions, I control myself, and I am happy. How many people here can say the same? QQ more.

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Fine, lets rephrase it for you. Everyone is guaranteed to play on the 20th, but were going to stagger people in over 7 days in order to ensure servers don't explode.


Your absolutely right they've sugar coated it. But in the end a spades a spade. They felt the population may destroy them if they let them all in at once. You can complain and moan all you want but the other day we went to this festival of lights for christmas deal in Balboa park, a place with tons of museums. All the museums were open for free, but had long lines.


Now, these museums could not house the thousands of people at this event all at once, they had to be let in bit by bit, 2 at a time, 4 at a time, here and there by the person guarding the door.


We saw the huge line, we butted in line and nobody cared, got in ahead of others who had been waiting a long time. Either way though, the same 'amount' of people were let into the museum at a given time.


If they let all of us in at once, I wouldn't of gotten to see the mummies behind those 3 kids who are 7 feet tall. Then I'd be complaining because I didn't get to see the entire museum.


Which is better? Complaints about launch day going bad because servers explode, or people crying because their friends wont wait for them or because they were smart enough (sarcasm) to take days off on days they may or may not get to play?


I'm not going to argue with your anecdote, but your initial assumption that everyone is guaranteed to play on the 20th is false.


Servers will go down on the 19th. All preorder customers and standard customers will be wanting to get in on the 20th. Will they stagger them again over 7 days to reach full capacity, or will the servers crash? Nothing is guaranteed.


None of us are guaranteed to get any days Early Access. They might say we are, but things happen at launch.

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