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Thinking of starting a Marauder


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Been playing an Operative lately, and I absolutely love it. But I need an alt so I don't get too burned out by it, gotta mix things up occasionally.


So I was thinking of Marauder. I don't care what's flavor of the month, all classes go in cycles for what's strong best at the moment.


So my questions...


What's a good PvE leveling spec?

Should I change specs at a certain level?

I hear Sent/Mara is a tough class to master. What should I look out for, and be aware of?

Quinn a good companion to go with for leveling, minimal downtime?

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Yes, Operatives are fun especially Lethality - at least in my most humble opinion.


Mara Guide


As far as Quinn goes, make sure he is geared so he can heal you or if you can keep Jaesa well geared, double the dps output and kill your quarry quickly so there is no time for you to become significantly injured.

Edited by Lorica
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Rage is the easiest levelling/dailies spec. Autocrit Smash just eats through trash mobs so fast.


Rage isn't typically used as an endgame single target DPS spec though. So it's up to you to weigh the benefit of easy levelling/soloing against the possible hassle of learning a new spec at 55.


As for companions, I always found the best companion for a DPS is another DPS, or at least a Tank companion geared for DPS. When you push damage output high enough, enemies die before they have the chance to hurt you much.


It's still a good idea to keep either Quinn or Treek geared up though, just in case you have to solo a Champ or something.

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Been playing an Operative lately, and I absolutely love it. But I need an alt so I don't get too burned out by it, gotta mix things up occasionally.


So I was thinking of Marauder. I don't care what's flavor of the month, all classes go in cycles for what's strong best at the moment.


So my questions...


What's a good PvE leveling spec?

Should I change specs at a certain level?

I hear Sent/Mara is a tough class to master. What should I look out for, and be aware of?

Quinn a good companion to go with for leveling, minimal downtime?


I've bounced around a bunch of different classes and marauder is my favorite class for PvE by far so you're making a good choice IMO. Carnage is my favorite spec but I wouldn't recommend leveling with it until the 30's. I personally started out as annihilation which was a good time. I've heard rage is an easy and fun spec to level with but I can't speak from experience on that (maybe I'll try it when I get home today). Things to look out for: Mara's are very squishy, especially at early levels. Always try to enter a fight with cloak of pain up if there are any strongs or elites in the mob. Don't be afraid to pop those defensive CDs (saber ward, force camo). Also make use of that AOE stun. Definitly level with Quinn, as his healing will be vital to your survival. I guess one last bit of advice would be to be aware of rage management. Having to build up a resource is a different concept and you'll have difficulty maintaining rage at the early levels. Just remember to throw an assault in between attacks now and again. Oh also, use berserk! It's a powerful ability so don't let that fury go to waste!

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Oh also, use berserk! It's a powerful ability so don't let that fury go to waste!


I go berserk every time I play Huttball! The announcer tells me to! ;)


I neglected to mention something... At launch, my first character was a Sentinel. I hated it, and abandoned him at lv25-ish.


Honestly, looking back, I chalk it up to not really knowing how to play the class. The management was a little overwhelming (keeping an eye on procs, managing my resource, different lightsaber forms etc), I think I was trying to synergize certain things that just don't work together. And I didn't keep my companions geared. Plus being a LS Sent was horrible to me, nothing but typical naive Jedi stuff.


Certainly a recipe for disaster with any class, I'd say.

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I love my mara. Especially now since Anni is 'decend' for pvp again. Although I always liked to give Rage a spin... but... the damage I do as rage stinks... and then I respec before really learning the ropes.


I like the sith warrior:

- story is cool

- you get a twilek slave AND a (do dark she stinks as LS) crazy blood-snusnu-sith-lady

- you get one of the most mixed-feeling-companions in the game (Quinn)

- you get a TON of "damn, I'm cool" scenes to screenshot during the story quests.

I like the marauder:

- You feel like the part the story assigns you. It just matches: the attitude, the style

- You get to burn though enemies at a speed and efficiency only topped by a sniper (although, comming from operative: you WILL miss stealthing. You only realize how you miss something once it's gone.)

- You get TWO glowsticks to wave around like a madman.

- You get THREE specs to chose from, depending on what you like best


Definately a great choice unless you want to level via pvp. The DCDs come late and your only hope is to have a whole enemy team full of incompetants.

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Just adding that a Marauder is able to stealth which is also used as his/her aggro drop ability, but you can only stealth for a few seconds.


However this works perfectly in some situations such as avoiding mobs. It can also be used to interrupt a player's or npc's current ability. I usually use it when dealing with the 2 champs you have to kill on Oricon in order to complete the +2 heroic.

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So at the urging of some friends, I actually went with a Jugg. I know.... Filthy single saber users!


I find I'm always out of attacks to use. Not because of the resource mechanic but because everything is always on cool down.


Is this less of an issue with the Marauder as it gets going in battles, especially at earlier levels?

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So at the urging of some friends, I actually went with a Jugg. I know.... Filthy single saber users!


I find I'm always out of attacks to use. Not because of the resource mechanic but because everything is always on cool down.


Is this less of an issue with the Marauder as it gets going in battles, especially at earlier levels?


NOOOO!! You went with the hated FOTM :( Haha I've only tanked on a jugg so I can't comment on abilities DPS wise. However, as a mara I assure you, with correct rage management, you are a flailing torrent of everlasting attacks.

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Got to level 12 last night after finishing Black Talon.


I had a stack of 30 Fury almost nonstop thanks to the points into Annihilation, plus with one of my new abilities (I forgot the name) that adds like 6 rage, resource management was never a question and I was never out of attacks to do.


Plus I've got a +41 crit crystal across my legacy... Things died fast. Vette loves 'em, too. Myself and two lv11 Sorc friends joined me on the BT run.


Been awhile since I felt so powerful as a class. Leaping into battle and just watching everything around me die is a thrill.


Because of the high damage, I find myself actually taking less damage because I kill enemies so much faster, thus ending fights with more health than I did on my Jugg.

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