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A Snave in the Grass - Civil War off node help and roll guide


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Hey peeps,


I've had some requests on how to be more annoying on the off node so I put together I quick tutorial based on some game play that happened yesterday,


This isn't some all encompassing guide but hopefully it will give you some pointers to use and help your on the path to becoming a Regstar Lion.


Yolo one take Snave doesn't do reshoots so apologies for me stumbling over any words, at least my microphone records in both channels now!


A Snave in the Grass


The original footage can be found on this link and that contains the actual commentary from when I was playing, think of it as a directors cut if you will so I'd recommend watching that if you are looking for more laughs than information.


Original recording


Also shout out to 420hearthstoner for helping with the name and music choice, you must be from a very handsome country.

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Great video, thanks for the tips. I'm not familiar with you, so I'm not sure if you were on Teamspeak or whatever, but shouldn't you have called incoming once there were 4 of them trying to cap grass?

he was on ts, but they hardly spoke about the game.. actually you can see that in the full twich stream.


Ofc you are right, if he was playing completely serious he should have called in chat. But knowing snave a bit, it was probably more about pissing the the guy spamming ops chat even more off :p

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Great video, thanks for the tips. I'm not familiar with you, so I'm not sure if you were on Teamspeak or whatever, but shouldn't you have called incoming once there were 4 of them trying to cap grass?


This is a fair point, I was on TS and I did mention it on there but the game was pretty much killed off. I was hoping the number advantage would allow mid to be capped but alas it was not meant to be.


You are spot on though, calling out the incoming is best practice and ideally it should have been done.

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Ouch. Thought so.


Imperial high school drop out :p


No it's more like straight A- not A+, we scoundrels and operatives are still smarter than everyone else(even if those damn scoundrels are abit more curt) I mean we can stab and punch harder than these people can shoot, use the force or slash with a light saber

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Great video, your team was bad though. They spent the whole match tunneling mid, when they should have dropped a tank/healer on the node you stole. I think one dude came to help you once?


The problem I've found with capping the off node and winning the match, is that the tunneling terribads think that their brilliant PVP style is the reason they won. They never change anything about their play style.

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Great video, your team was bad though. They spent the whole match tunneling mid, when they should have dropped a tank/healer on the node you stole. I think one dude came to help you once?


The problem I've found with capping the off node and winning the match, is that the tunneling terribads think that their brilliant PVP style is the reason they won. They never change anything about their play style.


I wouldn't judge my team too harshly, they probably should have got mid but we were playing for fun laughs for most of the game.


Glad you guys found it at least a little bit more helpful, ironically the same thing happened again today versus 3 players so I was asking people in my stream to link them the video to watch.

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This is an awesome video in terms of both being entertaining and educational (I didn't know that trick with the rolls).


Off topic, but: how do you make these videos? I can use Bandicam to record video of me playing, but what do you use/do to do the voice-over commentary afterward? Thanks in advance.

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If 4 of your team are guarding a node, and only 1 or 2 half dead enemies are left, get to the other node, your teammates should not need you to mop up. When taking a node if 2 or more teammates are the ones actually using the control panel, and the enemies are not in the area, get to the other node. Your teammates can convert the node without you. If you are guarding a node, dont wait till you are dead or almost dead to call out. If you see them coming call early.
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