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Let me save you all 50 million credits for Legacy Storage


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I take care of my grandma with my brother. And I still have time to enjoy the game. What's your point?


It means, get a damm life. You have none of the stuff that my life has kid. If you have more than enough time to play this game, and only help take care of ur Grandmother, then ur very lucky. Go out and do something fun.

Edited by MandFlurry
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If you barely craft on 3 characters 160 Slots is going to be more than enough across 3 professions. Hell even 80 will do.


You really need to improve your reading ability since I've already said multiple times I can't fit in what I want to go in that limited number of spaces.


If you can fit what you want in good for you, but you are not me.



m more concerned with why you care if others choose to pay prices that you don't want to pay. If they lower it cool, if not why does it matter to you, if someone else willingly pays it or not?


Probably because there'll be 1000 happy people who pay those prices and 1,000,000 unhappy people who won't pay those prices?


Maybe you should ask the question "Do I want Legacy Storage to be a massive flop because the majority of players will hardly use it because 50 mil pricetag"?



Perhaps a better question is "If I can pay less why the hell would I argue for keeping it the same price?" But frankly that's just pretty illogical and gets into elitist "you can't have this!" territory.

Edited by Transairion
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Point of legacy storage was never in storage space but in the QoL aspect of it.


Hunting for stuff on alts not being sure who has it/had it last is a pain. Mailing is better nowadays, with the "you're mailing someone not your legacy" prompt but before they added that... 1 spelling error and your mail flew off to a randome aetenro. If you were lucky you got the stuff back a month later if it was an inactive account.

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Point of legacy storage was never in storage space but in the QoL aspect of it.

Hunting for stuff on alts not being sure who has it/had it last is a pain.

^^^ this. I already have 6000 slots. Searching 6000 slots is slow and a pain.

Mailing things 8 at a time is a pain, especially cross-faction.

Legacy storage is going to reduce those annoyances for me, and give me more time to play SWTOR.


YMMV, but I don't really care. I already know how awesome it will be for me.

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It means, get a damm life. You have none of the stuff that my life has kid. If you have more than enough time to play this game, and only help take care of ur Grandmother, then ur very lucky. Go out and do something fun.


I do have a life. I'm happy as a button, maybe you should heed your own advice. I mean last I checked, you weren't in charge of what I consider fun. ;)

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You really need to improve your reading ability since I've already said multiple times I can't fit in what I want to go in that limited number of spaces.


If you can fit what you want in good for you, but you are not me.





Probably because there'll be 1000 happy people who pay those prices and 1,000,000 unhappy people who won't pay those prices?


Maybe you should ask the question "Do I want Legacy Storage to be a massive flop because the majority of players will hardly use it because 50 mil pricetag"?



Perhaps a better question is "If I can pay less why the hell would I argue for keeping it the same price?" But frankly that's just pretty illogical and gets into elitist "you can't have this!" territory.


Tell me In those 3 Crafting characters who barely craft, what exactly is it your making that needs all those slots?


As for your suggestion. It doesn't matter if LS is a massive flop to someone else. If I can find use it then that's all that matters to me.


As for your second question. I don't care what the pricing is right now. If people want it lowered than that's them, if people think it's fine at it's current price that's them. I'm not arguing for or against the price being changed, I am arguing why you care if others want to pay high prices because you won't.

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Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.

Yeah, because I absolutely love relogging back and forth between characters when I need an item which is on another character at the moment, and remembering which one has it. As opposed to just going to my legacy bank and picking it up. This is especially annoying with crafting mats, as I have to actually go through my stock on each character, write down what they need and then mail the necessary materials from the character with the appropriate gathering and mission skills.


I guess using email or sms is lazy too? After all, if I just put the effort in writing a letter and dropping it a mailbox, I wouldn't need them, or the expensive digital devices they need.

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Yeah, because I absolutely love relogging back and forth between characters when I need an item which is on another character at the moment, and remembering which one has it. As opposed to just going to my legacy bank and picking it up. This is especially annoying with crafting mats, as I have to actually go through my stock on each character, write down what they need and then mail the necessary materials from the character with the appropriate gathering and mission skills.


I guess using email or sms is lazy too? After all, if I just put the effort in writing a letter and dropping it a mailbox, I wouldn't need them, or the expensive digital devices they need.


Ignoring the point that you need to log back in and out to access Legacy Storage on another character... you know put it in on X character and pick it up on Y character.



An email or sms is still a mail so I'm not sure your point? It would be more like paying your own personal mailman to deliver things instead of using the regular mail (which may take a few days) system, who does only what you tell him to.


Same thing here. You can use regular "snail mail" or you can use your own personal mailman, but the personal mailman is going to cost you so much more it's almost laughable. I'm sure not going to spend thousands of real life dollars on a personal mailman butler when I just shove it in a mailbox and wait longer.



Tell me In those 3 Crafting characters who barely craft, what exactly is it your making that needs all those slots?


As for your suggestion. It doesn't matter if LS is a massive flop to someone else. If I can find use it then that's all that matters to me.


As for your second question. I don't care what the pricing is right now. If people want it lowered than that's them, if people think it's fine at it's current price that's them. I'm not arguing for or against the price being changed, I am arguing why you care if others want to pay high prices because you won't.


Isn't that exceedingly obvious?


Because if Bioware decides to listen to you lot, then it's worse off for everyone. The people who don't care and will pay whatever will get it, they people who won't won't and the majority suffers.


The price going DOWN can't possibly negatively impact you unless you get your jollies from other people being unhappy.



As far as my crafting goes, sure I'd love a bank where I can put ALL my mats in and use them. But I either go all the way or not at all, I'm not going to spend hours nitpicking through all the mats weighing the pros and cons about whether it deserves my limited Legacy space or not just to fit it all in the limited amount and, basically, trash or ignore the rest.


Honestly I find people claiming I have too many mats when I'm not even an avid crafter kind of hilarious... you'd probably die if you saw the Cargo's of actual crafters.

Edited by Transairion
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It means, get a damm life. You have none of the stuff that my life has kid. If you have more than enough time to play this game, and only help take care of ur Grandmother, then ur very lucky. Go out and do something fun.


.... and yet despite all your real life commitments that prevent you from spending the kind of time you want in game you still manage to find the time to come to the swtor forums to complain.


No matter what you feel about legacy banks they are giving you 80 free inventory slots. I don't know about the rest of you guys but I think I can manage to find a use for them.

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Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


Say I need mats crafting mats. How much polyplast does my scavengers have? I'll just mail some over. I go look and I don't really have any I'll just go buy some on GTN no big deal. Damn. This toon doesn't have any credits. Which toon has credits? Now I have to log into toons and find credits... All of this asspain could have been avoided if I had one place to look for polyplast instead of 4 or more....


I do have to agree that the price for additional bays is too steep.

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No one's going to pay 50 million for those unlocks, trust me when I say everyone's going to be buying them off the GTN from other players. Yes, Legacy tabs are itemized, so you can sell them on the GTN. And for the record, people have been selling the Cavern Varactyl (2400 CC) for anywhere between 900K - 3.5 mil on the Harbinger. It would be silly to think there won't be people who jump at the chance to at least double that for 2500 CC.


Just wait and see, only a very ignorant and impatient person would buy all those unlocks for credits all at once. if you think it's worth it, I won't stop you. But let Bioware's intent be clear. People are going to use CC to convert to credits ANYWAY. This way, there's extra incentive, because we, the players, create the demand.

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It only becomes efficient once it saves you 50 million credits worth of time + mailing fees... which according to my math could be decades after the game shuts down.


I meant 'efficient' in terms of my time. Credits are less important to me than my time and ease of convenience.

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Nice helpful post OP. I've been doing a variation since launch without a problem. I could spend lol millions on the LS tabs but don't plan to since they're a rip. And I don't buy CC, just not interested in supporting the game that way.


One thing for folks that find keeping track of stuff a challenge and don't want to use pen/paper or whatever. Try logging onto your alts or mules on a schedule. Once before playtime and once after, or whatever schedule works best.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I meant 'efficient' in terms of my time. Credits are less important to me than my time and ease of convenience.


Me too but there's a credit to minute ratio for me. Is there one for you? Will you spend 100 million credits to save 35 minutes in total over the course of the next 3 years of playing this game?


Wouldn't that only make sense if you can make 100 million credits in 35 minutes spent over 3 years?

Edited by DarthTHC
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Me too but there's a credit to minute ratio for me. Is there one for you? Will you spend 100 million credits to save 35 minutes in total over the course of the next 3 years of playing this game?


Wouldn't that only make sense if you can make 100 million credits in 35 minutes spent over 3 years?


Depends on how many credits I have, how many I'll be making in the near/far future and other things like whether or not I have other more important things to spend my credits on.


I place a high premium on my time. So, I'm likely to get the 2nd and maybe the 3rd LS tabs with credits. I won't miss 15mil that much and it'll help me out a lot from having to swap chars all the time.

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Depends on how many credits I have, how many I'll be making in the near/far future and other things like whether or not I have other more important things to spend my credits on.


I place a high premium on my time. So, I'm likely to get the 2nd and maybe the 3rd LS tabs with credits. I won't miss 15mil that much and it'll help me out a lot from having to swap chars all the time.


this is hilarious to me. you place high premium on your time... so you are willing to spend EXTRA time just to afford to buy storage?


actualy, considering people's propensity to take long short cuts just to skip killing a small group of mobs, an act that would take far less time to complete - I'm not surprised.

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this is hilarious to me. you place high premium on your time... so you are willing to spend EXTRA time just to afford to buy storage?


actualy, considering people's propensity to take long short cuts just to skip killing a small group of mobs, an act that would take far less time to complete - I'm not surprised.


I'm going to be grinding those credits anyways. I like playing GTN games, it's a fun form of PVP for me.


So, yes. I do place a high premium on my time. So, eventually, I'll max out my LS somewhere in the process of working on the Guild Ship and my Strongholds.

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If 3.0 is a dud then spending 50 mil would be pretty dumb IMO. If there are no new Ops and HM FP's then it will be hard to keep me engaged beyond 3.0, especially if we keep getting tactical FP's.


So, you're worried that the new expansion won't have new Operations and HM FPs?

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If 3.0 is a dud then spending 50 mil would be pretty dumb IMO. If there are no new Ops and HM FP's then it will be hard to keep me engaged beyond 3.0, especially if we keep getting tactical FP's.


Well as of now, it is a tactical flashpoint as of now. However on reddit there was some hints in the files that a HM was being made as well with this flashpoint.


Definitely need new ops though.

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.... and yet despite all your real life commitments that prevent you from spending the kind of time you want in game you still manage to find the time to come to the swtor forums to complain.

No one at work knows they are posting to the forum, it looks like work if you can't see the monitor screen, and you can minimize the browser very quickly.

Playing SWTOR when one is theoretically "at work," though, could create a RL problem.

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Step 1: Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 off the GTN (or however many you need) and apply them to your account


Step 2: Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.



Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


Doesn't help me.


I don't want legacy storage for extra storage but for accessibility so I don't have to make spreadsheets about which character has what and not have to relog so often.


If it was just storage I wanted you'd be right but that's not the point of it for me.

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Doesn't help me.


I don't want legacy storage for extra storage but for accessibility so I don't have to make spreadsheets about which character has what and not have to relog so often.


If it was just storage I wanted you'd be right but that's not the point of it for me.


^ You are correct...


Now how much "work" does it save you to have Legacy storage, only to have to pay 50 million credits for it?


And if you have so much stuff and so many alts that you need spreadsheets, then 5 bays of legacy storage won't be enough anyway.


The math does not lie, for those who it will make a big difference to, it isn't big enough to matter, for those who don't, it costs too much. Actually it costs too much for even you, if you did the math on what you have to profit to afford this, you'd find you are likely better off just not doing those activities in the first place, thus not needing the storage.


The whole thing is one big logic fail.

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I'm going to be grinding those credits anyways. I like playing GTN games, it's a fun form of PVP for me.


So, yes. I do place a high premium on my time. So, eventually, I'll max out my LS somewhere in the process of working on the Guild Ship and my Strongholds.


Then you are the exception, not the rule... LS is wasted development if only 3% of the player base uses it.

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