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Let me save you all 50 million credits for Legacy Storage


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Step 1: Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 off the GTN (or however many you need) and apply them to your account


Step 2: Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.



Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.

Edited by Transairion
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Step 1: Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 off the GTN (or however many you need) and apply them to your account


Step 2: Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.



Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


I wouldn't call it lazy. I'd call it...efficient.

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Yep and in strongholds you could place cargo directly next to cargo. Consider 2 scenarios



1) since strongholds are the only place with legacy storage, you have to be there on all your characters to withdraw the items anyway... You buy the storage for 50M, log into one account, deposit legacy armor, switch over to another toon and withdraw said armor.


2) you go to stronghold and Mail armor, switch over and check mail(which can be done anywhere with deplorable mail bot for wayyyy cheaper.



That means the only advantage is crafting, it'll take years to recoup your 50m investment. gg I'll take free storage and pass on the rest.

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I wouldn't call it lazy. I'd call it...efficient.




But Legacy Storage you can have 400 slots across all your characters.


Mailing via alts you can have 8800 slots across all your characters, only limited by the 22 character cap* (edited for accuracy).



The fact buying as many Character Slots as needed with credits is STILL CHEAPER than the 50 mil for Legacy Storage is frankly staggering. And that's up to 24 characters all with their own 400.


Just get a pen and paper and label each character as storing specific mats, Legacy Gear and so on and you can be super organised and have a wealth of space.

Edited by Transairion
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But Legacy Storage you can have 400 slots across all your characters.


Mailing via alts you can have 9600 slots across all your characters, only limited by the 24 character cap.



The fact buying as many Character Slots as needed with credits is STILL CHEAPER than the 50 mil for Legacy Storage is frankly staggering. And that's up to 24 characters all with their own 400.


Just get a pen and paper and label each character as storing specific mats, Legacy Gear and so on and you can be super organised and have a wealth of space.


I think you only get 22 characters.


And I don't understand why people insist on mailing things. Is this in some sort of direct protest against the 80 slot legacy bank that you'll get for free? You hate it so much that you'll use the mailing system instead of using the legacy bank to transfer between your "bank" characters?

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just one correction. its 22 characters. other then that? right on.


and i use mail becasue its more convenient then traveling to legacy storage will be. at least when it comes to gear transfer and stim distribution.


crafting from legacy storage would have been the only thing that would make it better (since I have multiple farmers AND crafters), but since its limited to 80 slots... there's very little I can personally do with that, so...

Edited by Jeweledleah
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<-14 chars, 1000 stacks of crafting mats, 200+ Legacy-Items.

I dont even bother searching for things anymore, I just buy them off the GTN.

But, 50 million. thats a theoretical sum, I dont think I had that much credits in my whole career.

Edited by Uvirith
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Corrected my math as the 22 character cap is correct (don't know why I thought it was 24 >_<)



And make no mistake I'll surely use the free 80 tabs for something, but likely just storage of Legacy currency/gear for transferring mods which I'm already doing on a certain character... because really that one tab is all that will fit that I'd want to put in.


I'm certainly not going to be unlocking any more tabs/bays unless something is done about them.

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Corrected my math as the 22 character cap is correct (don't know why I thought it was 24 >_<)



And make no mistake I'll surely use the free 80 tabs for something, but likely just storage of Legacy currency/gear for transferring mods which I'm already doing on a certain character... because really that one tab is all that will fit that I'd want to put in.


I'm certainly not going to be unlocking any more tabs/bays unless something is done about them.


Isn't it hypocritical to suggest to other users save their credits and not use Legacy Storage by making bank alts and turn around and admit you're going to use it?

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Isn't it hypocritical to suggest to other users save their credits and not use Legacy Storage by making bank alts and turn around and admit you're going to use it?


nothing hypocritical about using free portion of it. since the whole thing is about saving credits to get 4 tabs of space in an alternative, cheaper way, rather then making a point by cutting off your nose to spite the face or refusing to use something you'll be getting anyways out of principle or somesuch. that's just unnecessary.


in other words, he's not suggesting not to use legacy storage. he's suggesting how to get more space without spending 50 million on additional legacy storage tabs.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Step 1: Buy Cargo Bay Unlock (Account Wide) x 4 off the GTN (or however many you need) and apply them to your account


Step 2: Press "Create Character"


Congratulations you now have 400 inventory slots for not even a 1/5th the cost of Legacy Storage that'll function all but the same, you simply have to put the effort in to use your fancy mailbox to move things for a few moments of your time.



Really, is anyone so lazy they'd rather spend 50 million than spend a few minutes (if even that) mailing things? Remember, Legacy Storage cannot hold anything you cannot already mail.


^ I nominate this for thread of the month.


Lol @ Legacy storage.

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nothing hypocritical about using free portion of it. since the whole thing is about saving credits to get 4 tabs of space in an alternative, cheaper way, rather then making a point by cutting off your nose to spite the face or refusing to use something you'll be getting anyways out of principle or somesuch. that's just unnecessary.


in other words, he's not suggesting not to use legacy storage. he's suggesting how to get more space without spending 50 million on additional legacy storage tabs.


But his whole premise is based on the idea that he thinks it would be easier to mail things to a different character than to use LS...

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Isn't it hypocritical to suggest to other users save their credits and not use Legacy Storage by making bank alts and turn around and admit you're going to use it?


Where did I say "don't use the free tab?"



All I'm doing is saving you 50 mil you might spend on 4 other tabs. I'll hardly use the free tab at all, not enough room for what I'd want to do but if anyone else wants to use that tab for important stuff go for it.


Just don't kid yourself into paying 50 mil if you can save that 50 mil easily, then you're just being a sucker or have so many money you can do whatever you want regardless of price.

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I will get 1 tab and that is it. If it can't be use by other crafters then it doesn't go in. Like Biochem. Just a note I do have 22 chrs and I have plenty space. It is just so much easier with crafters able to access mats they share with other crafts. Edited by well
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But his whole premise is based on the idea that he thinks it would be easier to mail things to a different character than to use LS...


Compared to grinding 50 million? Yes, it will be easier. Much much much easier AND faster.



Edited by Pietrastor
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just one correction. its 22 characters. other then that? right on.


and i use mail becasue its more convenient then traveling to legacy storage will be. at least when it comes to gear transfer and stim distribution.


crafting from legacy storage would have been the only thing that would make it better (since I have multiple farmers AND crafters), but since its limited to 80 slots... there's very little I can personally do with that, so...



Because if you put your legacy bank right next to your cargo hold, you'll have it pretty convenient. Especially since the travel time to the strongholds are a few seconds and you can return to exactly where you were again within a few seconds more.


But if you still consider mail transfer more efficient then sure. (even with a mail bot it'll take you something like 6 seconds of channeling to summon it, which is about the same time it takes to travel to the stronghold. And it won't cost you any money to transfer and you can transfer more than 8 items at the same time)

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only limited by the 22 character cap* (edited for accuracy).


You must have your accuracy wrong then as I'm sitting on 30 characters/slots currently on my server

8 slots when game launched, then Character slots got released, I bought and added a stack and kept some to the side, Then the update came out upping your slots to 12 then I added more slots and BW stated that slots you already had added previously would be automatically updated and added to your account, When the update came it only showed 12 slots for me, so after a ticket an a lovely live chat to CS my previous added slots were added totalling to 30, And I know I'm not alone with this bug also, there's a fair few players with more than the capped 22 character server bug


As for the Legacy bank.. meh just pointless trash, I'm happy to send all my stuff via legacy gear mods wise otherwise normal mail will do as you can't put BoP items into the bank so therefore pointless for me

Edited by dacentabaal
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Why not simply buy 'additional Legacy Storage tab' off the GTN x 4 if you're going that route?


becasue while most likely far cheaper then 50 million, it will still be considerable amount for relatively little added utility.


considering how much Treek sells for on GTN on my server.


amusing fact. if it had been possible to deposit materials into legacy storage without having to travel there physically, directly from your inventory (kinda like I can do with crafting mats in GW2) I may actualy consider it (still think that current cost is too much, but GTN cost of resold CM unlocks might be worth it)


as it is though, my options are... park my farming alts in strongholds, meaning that whenever I want to do something on them out in a world, I have to deal with extra loading screens. or just mail mats as I get them which is my current already established system.


but this issue will still exist even if tabs were cheaper. correct. it would. but if they were cheaper, they may have been worth it to consolidate other things in addition to the few things I could fit into those 80 slots that would be worth the bother.

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You must have your accuracy wrong then as I'm sitting on 30 characters/slots currently on my server


As for the Legacy bank.. meh just pointless trash, I'm happy to send all my stuff via legacy gear mods wise otherwise normal mail will do as you can't put BoP items into the bank so therefore pointless for me


It's 22. Please provide proof otherwise everyone here will know you are lying.

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