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Early adopters are going to get ripped off


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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits. If you remember ship GTN and rocket boost prices, hardly anyone jumped on those as soon as they could.

I am NO early adopter, I don't have to be the first to own, or the first to show off. Bragging rights in this game do not exist. Prices will drop as they always do, I'll get my stuff for the price that I am willing to pay - cc or credits.


Also, I will take advantage of these people with ridiculous listed cm items. The latest rare stuff will always be priced to gouge as much as I can.


I'll be sitting tight, crafting and watching market closely. Spending as little as possible. Its not like I am going to let anyone in my stronghold anyway, If its going to be anything, It will be where I turn chat off and just chill away from people.

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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits. If you remember ship GTN and rocket boost prices, hardly anyone jumped on those as soon as they could.

I am NO early adopter, I don't have to be the first to own, or the first to show off. Bragging rights in this game do not exist. Prices will drop as they always do, I'll get my stuff for the price that I am willing to pay - cc or credits.


Also, I will take advantage of these people with ridiculous listed cm items. The latest rare stuff will always be priced to gouge as much as I can.


I'll be sitting tight, crafting and watching market closely. Spending as little as possible. Its not like I am going to let anyone in my stronghold anyway, If its going to be anything, It will be where I turn chat off and just chill away from people.


Welcome to MMOs, I guess?

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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits. If you remember ship GTN and rocket boost prices, hardly anyone jumped on those as soon as they could.

I am NO early adopter, I don't have to be the first to own, or the first to show off. Bragging rights in this game do not exist. Prices will drop as they always do, I'll get my stuff for the price that I am willing to pay - cc or credits.


Also, I will take advantage of these people with ridiculous listed cm items. The latest rare stuff will always be priced to gouge as much as I can.


I'll be sitting tight, crafting and watching market closely. Spending as little as possible. Its not like I am going to let anyone in my stronghold anyway, If its going to be anything, It will be where I turn chat off and just chill away from people.


But... the price for ship GTN or rocket boost never dropped... Inflation just made it easier to reach those sums.

Well, inflation and simply playing the game knowing that there's something you might want to save up to instead of buying everything with one clump sum.

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Early adopters will ALWAYS pay. I spent a total of $7,000 for my Apple ][ setup in 1979. Memory cost $120.00 per 16 KILObytes. Much much later on a 10 MB (not giga: mega) cost $1000. If you want to be first on your block, you will pay for the privilege. That doesn't mean you got "ripped off." It means you gained the advantage of having whatever you spent more money for before everyone else. Presumably "early adpters" do so for a reason, even if it's just for bragging rights. If you're lucky, the price will go up, not down.
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Lol. I guess you don't understand what an early adopter is. They pay a premium to be first. It is and will always be this way in RL and in any game of this ilk.


I was one of the first with Rocket Boost. I paid. I got to use it early, knowing quite well that eventually the price and availability would no longer be a gate. I don't begrudge anyone for getting a better deal later because I got to use boost first.


It is not a rip off. Lol

Edited by Rafaman
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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits.

Isn't this true for every Next New Thing in the real world?


And it makes sense. Look up "differential pricing" - the strategy of charging different prices for the same product in different markets. The group of people who want a Stronghold or Guild Ship in 2014 can be considered a different market than the group of people who want those same products in 2016.


Apple follows this exact strategy with iPhones, which are very pricey when they first come out, and become free-with-contract when the next model is released.

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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits.


hmm, how does that differ from RL?


It is all the same.


but I must mention I have bought few VERY nice CM items for incredibly low prices just after the release.


the reason was, ppl did not realize HOW nice the items were and tried to sell "all that junk" because the only thing they care was Revan mask/Overwhatever throne/Eradicator robes/etc.


Examples: at the beginning clothes like Relaxed Shirts were very cheap, now they are way too overpriced.

The Something Extrovert chests - same story

And many, many more.


I bought the whole Diabolist set for some 50 K.


Etc, etc.


What makes the item "expensive" and luxurious is teh perception of the masses or...the elitism of the manufacturer.


I mean, what the heck woudl anyone pay such ridiculous money for something like a leather bag?

Yet, mr Vuiton sells tons fof those, for absurd money.


WHY, oh why.

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It's fake money I get from doing things I enjoy. I'm not exactly choked up about spending it.


Same here. I'm getting the Tatooine Stronghold with all rooms first chance. I might get every stronghold.

Edited by akdonkey
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Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits. If you remember ship GTN and rocket boost prices, hardly anyone jumped on those as soon as they could.

I am NO early adopter, I don't have to be the first to own, or the first to show off. Bragging rights in this game do not exist. Prices will drop as they always do, I'll get my stuff for the price that I am willing to pay - cc or credits.


Also, I will take advantage of these people with ridiculous listed cm items. The latest rare stuff will always be priced to gouge as much as I can.


I'll be sitting tight, crafting and watching market closely. Spending as little as possible. Its not like I am going to let anyone in my stronghold anyway, If its going to be anything, It will be where I turn chat off and just chill away from people.


Now do the Mr Burns finger wiggling thingy. :p

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