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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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Yeh I just saw. Still amazes me that people have to get this via a dataminer. BW so missed the opportunity to make a statement saying they listened to us.


I am happy with the changes, still don't understand why they don't just communicate such things directly or did I miss an announcement from the devs somewhere?


Are you kidding? :confused:


As you mentioned, that stuff was datamined and the PTS hasn't been brought back online yet.


Considering all that, have you contemplated the possibility that they will point it out once the PTS is back up? Or would that be too distracting from your hobby, which is apparently criticizing Bioware at every step?


Do you really think they would advertise or discuss later changes or additions, based on early datamining?



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Lets hope the changes you guys wrote of earlier in this thread go live. That means they listened to the massive feedback regarding the prices and changed it to a reasonable level. Edited by Icestar
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The only place where I would shame those that railed against price reductions is those that used the term "whining"...obviously feedback in this case, if this goes live, served it's purpose. I take issue with those that lack patience for critical feedback.


That does not mean I support blustered outbursts...naturally folks can demonstrate some self control when presenting critical feedback. But it seems to happen too often, the "whining" label. Would like to see that process end.

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Yeh I just saw. Still amazes me that people have to get this via a dataminer. BW so missed the opportunity to make a statement saying they listened to us.


I am happy with the changes, still don't understand why they don't just communicate such things directly or did I miss an announcement from the devs somewhere?


BioWare posts PTS patch notes when they make changes and bring the servers back up, usually during business hours.


With just a bit of patience, you would have, and still will, almost certainly see the change reflected there.

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Are you kidding? :confused:


As you mentioned, that stuff was datamined and the PTS hasn't been brought back online yet.


Considering all that, have you contemplated the possibility that they will point it out once the PTS is back up? Or would that be too distracting from your hobby, which is apparently criticizing Bioware at every step?


Do you really think they would advertise or discuss later changes or additions, based on early datamining?






BW as any game company should know by now that people datamine stuff. When you know that, you can communicate before people get the chance to do this.


As it stands now, the information is here before they made a statement. So it's a missed opportunity for them. By the time they bring it up it's old news. I don't see what so extremely weird about saying it's a missed opportunity. Do you expect me to believe they are not aware of these dataminers and information leaking out early that way?



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BioWare posts PTS patch notes when they make changes and bring the servers back up, usually during business hours.


With just a bit of patience, you would have, and still will, almost certainly see the change reflected there.


As I said, it's a missed opportunity for them. By the time they post it, it's old news here on the forums. Or do you also want to tell me there's no way BW could know these dataminers would bring this out before the patch notes? There's not even a message saying, listen guys, we saw your comments and we've had a look at it and the next patch will have some adjustments.


To me that would've been a way for them to be in control of these subjects. Now, everything they do is reactive. Not a good place to be.

Edited by Tsillah
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Well, one thing it will be useful for, at least to me, is DYES. No more hunting down which alt has my dyes and then mailing them off. This and XP boosts. I may not buy 50 Mil worth of tabs, but I'll have enough for that at least.
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As I said, it's a missed opportunity for them. By the time they post it, it's old news here on the forums. Or do you also want to tell me there's no way BW could know these dataminers would bring this out before the patch notes? There's not even a message saying, listen guys, we saw your comments and we've had a look at it and the next patch will have some adjustments.


To me that would've been a way for them to be in control of these subjects. Now, everything they do is reactive. Not a good place to be.


I don't think your need to see official word ahead of datamined supposition is burning enough to require Eric and staff to work weekends. I'd rather Eric have his weekends free to do whatever he wants to do with them.


You might want Eric and his team to work 80 hour weeks so you can get that knowledge about a feature that you simply must have right now, from official channels, delivered weeks before it is released. Maybe you can convince him that his weekends are a mere pittance to pay in light of that.

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I don't think your need to see official word ahead of datamined supposition is burning enough to require Eric and staff to work weekends. I'd rather Eric have his weekends free to do whatever he wants to do with them.


You might want Eric and his team to work 80 hour weeks so you can get that knowledge about a feature that you simply must have right now, from official channels, delivered weeks before it is released. Maybe you can convince him that his weekends are a mere pittance to pay in light of that.


That's a nice opinion but I have my own. I think companies need to communicate better with their customers. The timing is also theirs. It can be before the weekend.


They release the pts and throw the forum in a rage, which frankly was to be expected. I do not know how they can think this is a good idea. Then they say nothing on the forum for a whole week and then we find out via some dataminers that they have changed prices.


It's just dumb.


Think what you will, but I never said they should work weekends, again they can plan better. You'd be an idiot for thinking I want them to work more. I am asking them to work smarter not more. Especially when it comes to their communication. Eric's a community manager. How exactly is he doing that by being absent?


Honestly, they don't need to work 80 hours just to communicate more clearly and with better timing. The fact that you suggest that means you are being ridiculous. You should know better.


And also it's not just Eric. It's the whole company that's never been good at communication, I daresay the gaming industry still has a lot to learn about that and customer service.


No, what you suggest is nonesense. I never implied such things and it simply is a missed opportunity when you have good news to offer and you don't offer it early enough to beat the dataminers. That's just naive.


Work 80 hours a week to keep me informed....seriously, what a preposterous suggestion on your part...

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That's a nice opinion but I have my own. I think companies need to communicate better with their customers. The timing is also theirs. It can be before the weekend.

And your opinion is based on how much experience running a company that produces a popular MMO?


Plus frankly, there is a lot of utility in letting info "leak" via data mining. It doesn't carry BioWare's imprimatur. The next patch to the PTS, before it even goes live again, could double those prices and no one would have any legitimate cause to complain, because BioWare never said those would be the prices, not even on the PTS. So, you can allow things to leak to act as trial balloons. That is harder to do with an official announcement.


And let's also remember that the PTS exists for testing. BioWare may have lowered the prices below what they intend for the live servers so that more PTS players fully unlock the Legacy Storage purely to stress test the Legacy Storage code. So until we get official word from BioWare, we shouldn't make assumptions.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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The preposterous thing is that you are unable to chill out until the patch notes are released.


Bull, I only got upset when people like you and others start putting words in my mouth that I never said. You made it bigger than it was, so deal with it.


I said it was a missed opportunity and all of a sudden I said something horrile apparently and you come with all kinds of ridiculous scenarios that you just made up yourself. That's what ticks me off more than anything.


You have a more sensible side, I've seen it. This isn't it. If this is your way of trolling, well done.

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And your opinion is based on how much experience running a company that produces a popular MMO?


Plus frankly, there is a lot of utility in letting info "leak" via data mining. It doesn't carry BioWare's imprimatur. The next patch to the PTS, before it even goes live again, could double those prices and no one would have any legitimate cause to complain, because BioWare never said those would be the prices, not even on the PTS. So, you can allow things to leak to act as trial balloons. That is harder to do with an official announcement.


And let's also remember that the PTS exists for testing. BioWare may have lowered the prices below what they intend for the live servers so that more PTS players fully unlock the Legacy Storage purely to stress test the Legacy Storage code. So until we get official word from BioWare, we shouldn't make assumptions.


It's my opinion. What more do you want. Honestly it's how I feel. Why do you feel the incessant need to disprove an opinion. That's pointless.


And you are correct about PTS pricing, but to be honest, if you are going to say they are not also using these prices to see how people react to them I think you're deluding yourself. Of course they are and if no one would've said anything but like a good citizen waits till the patch notes, well, then it's a bit late isn't it? I don't think they had no idea that these prices would get such a reaction. I don't think they're that naive. I hope they're not.


But all in all, when they do stuff on the PTS and they say they want our feedback, well they got it and it shouldn't have been a surprise there would be a lot of resistance against some of the pricing. Again, if you think that wasn't on purpose then that's...well let's just say I would be surprised at you.


But jesus, it's my opinion. Nothing more.

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BW as any game company should know by now that people datamine stuff. When you know that, you can communicate before people get the chance to do this.


As it stands now, the information is here before they made a statement. So it's a missed opportunity for them. By the time they bring it up it's old news. I don't see what so extremely weird about saying it's a missed opportunity. Do you expect me to believe they are not aware of these dataminers and information leaking out early that way?




Maybe the changes aren't final. They could be trying to bracket their target and are not ready to say what the prices will be. They shoot high, people say it is too much, they shoot lower and might find that it is too low and will aim a little higher on the final shot.


You should probably relax and let things unfold.

Edited by TheBBP
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It's my opinion. What more do you want. Honestly it's how I feel. ...

But jesus, it's my opinion. Nothing more.

So why do you keep arguing with people over this if your opinion is just based on your feelings?

Do you think mere feelings carry persuasive weight?


And do you think you are justified in calling BioWare "dumb" just because you don't feel they are handling their PR correctly? It's fine to have a difference of opinion, but insulting people who have differing opinions, when your own opinion is no more than "how you feel," seems unreasonable.

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The preposterous thing is that you are unable to chill out until the patch notes are released.


the preposterous thing is your inability to read what he said. BW has repeatedly fallen into this hole. they do something good and dont even bother to mention it. They have done some really cool things in this game..they are entitled to toot their own horn...It takes less than 5 min to post a message saying "we read your feed back and are responding to it. look in the next patch for changes to ____________." this is something BW needs to address. they have some talented people working there...talking about it is Erics job...this is something that should make his day go just a little bit better.

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I know the changes aren't final. I understand that you want to believe guys like DarthTHC and Infernixx but they are being dishonest. They claim things I never said.


Link to one instance of my dishonesty. Should be simple, right?


Otherwise, apology and retraction, please.

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And do you think you are justified in calling BioWare "dumb"


Sorry but this is what I mean with poor reading skills.


I assume you know the difference between being dumb and doing something dumb. I said that the way they handled it was dumb.


If you disagree with that, that's fine. Tell me why you think it was the correct way or a smart way to handle it.


But instead you now act as if I said that I called them dumb. No I did not. I only said that the way they handled that was dumb. I also do dumb things, everybody does. Doesn't mean we are all dumb. That's something else.


So please, react to what I say if you want, but don't turn it into something else.

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Someone probably beat me to this somewhere in this massive thread, but I was messing around with some mats and a low level character that had some empty bays to work with in their cargo hold and I found that limiting it to just one stack of every material (all greens, blues, and purples from crew skills plus a few exotic materials) will still require about 3 pages of storage. (It was around 195 different materials in total.) Pages 1 and 2 fit all the color crystals, blue/purple mats, and exotic mats while page 3 fit all the green mats that aren't color crystals. (I did not include any of the white materials in this. Those would take up about 20 more slots somewhere though.)


I'm still undecided if I want to commit three legacy bays to this sort of minimalist but thorough overstock as an emergency supply for my crafters to dip into if they really need it or if I want to just move only the rarest and most in demand materials into only one legacy bay. Either way, I'm probably looking at still maintaining a 2 bay stockpile for each crafter in their own private cargo holds. Legacy bays will add some convenience here and there on the side, but they really can't take over as primary storage for everybody's crafting.

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Someone probably beat me to this somewhere in this massive thread, but I was messing around with some mats and a low level character that had some empty bays to work with in their cargo hold and I found that limiting it to just one stack of every material (all greens, blues, and purples from crew skills plus a few exotic materials) will still require about 3 pages of storage. (It was around 195 different materials in total.) Pages 1 and 2 fit all the color crystals, blue/purple mats, and exotic mats while page 3 fit all the green mats that aren't color crystals. (I did not include any of the white materials in this. Those would take up about 20 more slots somewhere though.)


I'm still undecided if I want to commit three legacy bays to this sort of minimalist but thorough overstock as an emergency supply for my crafters to dip into if they really need it or if I want to just move only the rarest and most in demand materials into only one legacy bay. Either way, I'm probably looking at still maintaining a 2 bay stockpile for each crafter in their own private cargo holds. Legacy bays will add some convenience here and there on the side, but they really can't take over as primary storage for everybody's crafting.


I see what you mean but you may not have as many alts as others or simply are more organised. I also won't need to put all mats in legacy storage, but particularly shared mats like scavenging, underworld trading and archeology mats are used by multiple crew skills.


I also would want to put my legacy gear in there for transferring mods. I tell you with 21 characters things get "lost" sometimes. Also items like hydrothinners and such are handy to have in a central place.


It really just depends on the person how they want to use it.

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Sorry about that. What I learned from these exchanges is that I shouldn't let them get to me and the best way to do that is to put them on my ignore list. I've done so. Infernixx already earlier and that helped. Now THC feels the need to play that role, I am not waiting any longe


Your ignore list looks a lot like mine.

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