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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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+ 1 million for a rebirth of X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter as part of SWTOR.


This needs to happen. Im sure it wll in the form of a payware expansion like Jump to LIghtspeed. I would say this is the number 1 on most peoples wish list.



But please make it sufficiently complex, more along the lines of a sim than a simple shoot em up.




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My main is a level 30 Gunslinger (who I'm leveling through PvE) - 3 days 15 hours /played

My alt is a level 15 Sage (Who I'm leveling through PvP) - 16 hours /played


I played early access and am having a blast.





Freeform space please. :D

Edited by Gilthoras
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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


There really AREN'T that many people at 50.... lol just saying. You are the 1% How does it feel up there? :p

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If I wanted freeform space I would have bought a freeform space game. I don't and I won't personally I did not enjoy the space missions so I don't play them.


That being said, I don't understand what people mean when they say there is nothing to do, Try getting an OPS team together and kill the world bosses, I know my group did that just yesterday. We fought the TARIS world boss and he had 333K+ HP. Granted The drops were lacking but the sheer satisfaction of saying you beat a world boss is good enough.


I just hit level 23 and am on my way to Nar Shadaa, I'm not 50th level yet and I've played almost a week straight with 10-12 hrs of game play each day on average (Holidays) all on PVE so those who say they have hit 50 already? REALLY? I do not know what speed levelling you have done but it is unlikley you are an xample of the normal pace of the general playing population.


As for Flashpoints I haven't even completed one yet so I still have to do those plus I have crew skills and a myriad of other things.


Granted an MMO means Massive Multiplayer, but to me in all honesty there is enough of a MMO component balanced with the right level of SOLO play because lets be honest, if a game involves nothing but getting a group together to do anything at all then that to me is just a massive detractor.


And I've heard people complain about the mobs staying put unless you attack them which personally isn't a bad thing as there are some instances where you don't wanna be bothered by them as your going someplace. And really groups of animals in thier natural habitat don't usually bother other things unless they find that thing a threat. Go watch National Geographic.


Not to mention the fact people say this MMO is just like any other MMO etc and so forth. It's an MMO obviously certain things need to be simular in order to group the game to the MMO category


How about posting something that isn't tantamount to a tantrum because BIOWARE did not put out what YOU wanted. Or better yet, become a game developer and develop a game that you can play by yourself.

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You knew what content was going to be available at 50, yet you still decided to buy the game and rush to 50, and now you are there you are scratching your head.


What did you expect? Did you think that BioWare had hidden large amounts of content and was going to throw it in as a surprise when people hit max level?


Seriously, why buy a game when you don't like the content it offers? Or did you think there would be a miracle patch to add tons of new content within the first month?

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Wow man, you must have played a lot. I played so much that I started to feel bad about how much I played the last two weeks, and I'm only at level 32.


Some questions for you.


1) Did you know that we had Christmas?

2) Did you ever have to shower or take a bio break?

3) Doctors recommend about 8 hours of sleep depending on the person a night, did you make sure you got enough sleep?

4) How much caffeine did you have during this time period?

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With your quote below, this is the same problem Star Trek Online had within their first month. The way the experience system and mission system was set up, people were Admiral (level cap) that fast. And they started complaining because ST:O didn't have any end game content at all yet.


Why I am concerned now. I've been playing since about 3 days before launch and I'm already almost 30. Really? I'm not grinding anything, just doing missions, exploring, and doing Bonuses.


BioWare .. miiight wana check that EXP rate and curve guys.


I don't PvP (except RP wise) and space combat I am not thrilled with at all (which BTW should NOT give you regular exp .. I think that's why many can be leveling so quickly too. This needs to be seperate or something).


Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)

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Level 28 bounty hunter reporting in.


I'm not leveling fast because I'm not spacebaring my way to 50. I'm gonna soak this game for every bit of story I can squeeze out of it. :jawa_biggrin:


Same. I play when I can, but of course spending the holidays with my fiancee and both families was more important. When I do play, I try to pick up every quest and revel in being a sociopath of a sniper(Hey, there's a kill option for this dialogue! He'll never see his family again, huzzah!)

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


I have over 150 hours played on my main character. I am level 49. 150 hours is a good chunk of playing time to go through the main story arc. I still have plenty of crafting, PVP, bonus quests, datacron farming, companion loving, hard mode flashpoints and operations to enjoy. Oh yeah and a ton of alts to work on and the Legacy System to enjoy. There is already more end game content coming. Do you not read Dev posts? Or are you just one of the many flamers on here who'd rather fill up the forums with pointless dribble like this that takes away from posts with constructive and meaningful feedback that the develops can actually use?


Anyone who's bored at 50 and is crying for more content has ZERO right to complain or ask for more content from a game that's just come out. They're working on bug fixes and content at this point. You either stay and wait or you go and play something else. I'm sure BW will have plenty of subs left without yours. Honestly, what was the point of this thread other than to show everyone that you've been overcome by nerd rage?


There are changes coming to space combat coming per Stephen Reid. But right now it's a mini game that acts much like a set of daily quests...oh and it's quite lucrative. There are other more important priorities other than adding your free form space combat to a MMORPG. Now go outside and calm down.

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This game is not designed for people like OP. Hardcore, whatever the term. This game is made for the most prominent group of customers ...the casual. Maybe your in the wrong MMO if your bored after a week, cause that's a sure sign. I find most Korean MMOs to have a hardcore base, maybe try one of them.


Common sense and reading dev interviews will tell you they are focusing on fixes first but they still have some additional content before February as they have already announced. I don't see the point in a game if your gonna rush it. SWTOR has been advertised as a story based MMO since its conception. I think you missed the point of this game entirely. And it has so much compared to most new releases.


If massive end content is what your looking for you may want to try a matured MMO. Cause right now the focus is on lvling as that is what most are doing. We're not gonna have to lvl another 50lvls with a expansion. So here on out, I'm sure a lot of focus will be end content. You must lay the foundation before you start building the structure.


In my opinion, this MMO is not for you.

Edited by WarheartZero
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