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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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To be honest, i dont think BW should or will care if it loses the subs of a few thousand people who rushed to 50, expecting, well, what exactly there ?


The next big title will come for them to rush, until then there is always the forums to complain about lack of content.


Funny thing is, if games took month to reach cap then again people would complain.

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I dont know what server you play in but the Tomb of Freedon Nadd has a very healthy lvl 50 population.


Remember I am not griping, I am concerned that asking us to do what we were bored to the back teeth with in other MMO's is not going to maintain the amount of subs required to fund the content we need to see.


have you really done all raids and heroic flashpoints?? :o

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All I can say is that it is a newbie server, you are probably playing with people that do not even know what an mmo is.


The Tomb of Freedon Nadd is one of the pop servers, it houses some of the hardcore guilds.


As I said it will not be the fanbois and StarWars fans that float this game.


I do feel I have a good grip on what the average gamer expects and what will keep him subbed, as a vet of ALL major mmo's I think it gives me a valid opinion. Being disregarded by someone that plays casually bothers me not.


You don't. This is Dunning-Kruger. You do not have the competence to understand that you are incompetent. "Playing MMOs" is NOT experience in what "the average gamer expects". Come back when you've worked in Community Management for a decade or two.


Professional developer, hardcore player, MMO veteran here. You aren't impressing me, mainly because your point is blinded by your own arrogance.

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Star Wars Galaxies JTL comes to mind. That was within half a year of release.


Not exactly. SWG released in June 2003 and JTL released in October 2004 -- 16 months, not 6 months, later. It was within the normal timing range for a significant expansion, not very close to the original launch.

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Scan, I have honest faith that they will expand space combat.

Jump to Lightspeed was the expansion which the SWG received which contains these features, but before then it didn't have it.


Good things come to those who wait, and it's not unreasonable for them to not announce within the first week or two of launch their exact vision and plans for future content; it might be jumping the gun just a bit.

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I Feel as if I've played a lot and I'm just at 21 with a lvl 10 alt. I can't imagine the insane hours that they've gone through to reach lvl 50 if they didnt spacebar their way through content.


Odds are, he did NOT space through the Class quests... Probably did those and a bunch of pvp and nick'd 50 fast. Better odds are that he missed all the bonus quests and half the side quests of every planet.


-The hardcore will make a game for themselves in that couple of months that it takes for any dev team to flesh out their base system. It is what hardcores do. They never worry about the end cap and the end game in such early terms, and the beginning days of an MMO. They know how it works. They will entrench in the end game and task it to the dynamic limit in the meantime.


-The casual will peter out and let the sub lapse while they wait for new story content to lead them through the theme park. :(



So I guess you ask yerself, what bracket you fall in....

Edited by Uben
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1. Quit poopsocking.


2. You're asking for a whole new game within a game. Freeform space combat akin to something like Eve Online takes years to develop.


3. Quit poopsocking.


Do you even understand what the term "Poopsocking" refers to or are you just repeating a terrible catchphrase because you think it sounds cool?


The term refers not to how long you sit at a computer playing the game it refers to the length of time sitting at a raid boss waiting for it to spawn so your guild can kill it (The term originated with EQ1). There is a difference between the two.

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As for space combat they should look at STO as even though the game sucked hard the way space combat worked was really good at least at launch, I have no idea how it is now.


+10 STO, for all its flaws, had some fun Space Combat. If SWTOR modeled after that game this would be a great game!

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Odds are, he did NOT space through the Class quests... Probably did those and a bunch of pvp and nick'd 50 fast. Better odds are that he missed all the bonus quests and half the side quests of every planet.


-The hardcore will make a game for themselves in that couple of months that it takes for any dev team to flesh out their base system. It is what hardcores do. They never worry about the end cap and the end game in such early terms, and the beginning days of an MMO. They know how it works. They will entrench in the end game and task it to the dynamic limit in the meantime.


-The casual will peter out and let the sub lapse while they wait for new story content to lead them through the theme park. :(



So I guess you ask yerself, what bracket you fall in....



Guess I never thought about it. But Id say casual to Hardcore. It takes me a loooong time to lvl. But then I usually end up progressing through all the raid content as well.

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This is a problem that EVERY MMO has....I repeat EVERY MMO has....people will power grind their way to max level at super insane speeds..



The only way to fix this issue is to make insane XP reqs or change the system alltogether.

Now we all know what is likely could happan (NONE OF THE ABOVE). The Freeform spcecombat dead horse has been beaten since the forums opened way back when. The devs have stated that they are planning something for space but it IS NOT the main thing their working on.




I have been down this road before TWO TIMEs in sci fi MMOs (SWG) (STO)....when 2 different gameplay systems are rushed together...they never are perfection and we know what happans when people dont get perfection....





please people its the first week....lets give it time for the love of god.....

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+10 STO, for all its flaws, had some fun Space Combat. If SWTOR modeled after that game this would be a great game!


If only there was somewhere to put this suggestion where it would actually get seen and noticed as I would be so happy if they went in that direction.

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But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's)


Lol, your funny. Wrong, but funny. It depends on the MMO. I could name plenty of MMOso where pvp is loved as a whole. But what your saying it's that in a story strong game you only want to play 1/8 of it?

Don't tell me it's because you don't have time. Most of us that work full time are around 20ish-30. Give bio ware a break lol, maybe they want a vacation after making this. Theyll ad more eventually

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At first I didnt want to side with the OP, I know If I craft, and do this and that, I can drag hitting 50 for about a month, maybe 2. But still, thats much too soon. In a way, it reminds me of what happened to STO. I really do hope they do something about it, and DONT GO FTP, or Im out.
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My opinion on this matter is....




I play the most out of all my friends who got this game, and im barely level 32.

you dont HAVE to play lol.


My biggest complaint on the game is lack of Armor.

I've had one complete set of armor on me, once this entire time, and it was from the tattooine bonus series.


Now that I've done other planets bonus series, and not received any armor, i am quite disappointed. I figured when my bounty hunter became a mandalorian, i would get there armor. I mean its suiting for playing all the way through act 1. It doesnt have to be powerful, just suiting for the level. I mean why does my character look like a space hobo? I check the market all the time, and the vendors have poo for armor lol.

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My opinion on this matter is....




I play the most out of all my friends who got this game, and im barely level 32.

you dont HAVE to play lol.


My biggest complaint on the game is lack of Armor.

I've had one complete set of armor on me, once this entire time, and it was from the tattooine bonus series.


Now that I've done other planets bonus series, and not received any armor, i am quite disappointed. I figured when my bounty hunter became a mandalorian, i would get there armor. I mean its suiting for playing all the way through act 1. It doesnt have to be powerful, just suiting for the level. I mean why does my character look like a space hobo? I check the market all the time, and the vendors have poo for armor lol.


Bounty Hunter as well.....couldn't have said it any better.

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ok i will say something. First the OP, you don't have a grip on the MMO community. I to have played games sense well before they where MMOs and I have to say this game is fine and dandy. it is what you pay for, a mmo set in the star wars worlds.


You want X-wing vs Tie fighter? buy that, it's cheep and i am sure you will have fun with it.


Right now though space sims are not in style. When was the last good hard core space sim released and how did it do?


Think about it...


I do not speak for the community just myself.

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Ok, I'll tell you why you ARE the enemy.


Firstly, there's a stupendous arrogance in the first post that you make here. You set yourself up as a voice of the people, then spout nonsense about "people you know" that have hit 50 without spacebarring and that "people don't enjoy PvP".


After this, you then proclaim that "the game would have stood out in front of others" and "they wouldn't lose subs" if they would JUST do the X, Y and Z that you personally would like. I mean, hell, you obviously have knowledge much more in depth than any of us and anyone at Bioware (y'know the professional game developers and if they'd just listened to you in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess now.


Later, you write that anybody who disagrees with you is either "a WoW-like fanboi" or "doesn't understand that point" which is a ridiculous strawman set up to utomatically deride any counterargument to your obvious awesomeness.


I would imagine that this is why you were ridiculed. Here's a protip for you; you have no special insight into games. Your experience of playing MMOs means exactly squat in predicting subscription rates and their rise and fall. And most importantly, THIS GAME WAS NOT BUILT FOR YOU. I do wish that every single person would bear this in mind. This is not your personal MMO, and thus every single one of the features or expectations or mechanics that you enjoy may not be in the game. This doesn't make it a bad game.




Now that's out of the way, to address your point specifically, I current have over 130 hours /played on one character and am at level 44 on Voss. I have this amount of playtime because I didn't take advantage of the broken PvP XP system to powerlevel myself way past where the story expects me to be at then faceroll through planets. The game is fun, interesting and challenging when you level within the level ranges of the planets.


The game is 4 days old and you are already screaming for new content. This is even more stupid because they announced on the main blog YESTERDAY that new content will be available next month. At this point, your "fears" and "concerns" are massively misplaced and you need to have a look at yourself.


You sir just won the thread




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