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How much do you trust you Guild/Guild-leader = 50 million Credits?


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Let preface by saying that 50M credits is not a lot on a personal ground, But do I/You trust your guild leadership. After talking with a few people on the forums and seeing the current fleet chat. I do believe that 50M credits is a bit much. Yes, Guild Ships should have to be earned.


But, a significant and more moderate middle ground should be found. I do not see why EAware after spending a great deal of time would price a feature so far out. On one hand it probably is done to space out content which is understandable. But, there are far better ways to do so.

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Been with my guild leader since last year. I trust her with 50 Million for a guild ship, but I still think it's too much.


I have been with my guild leader for 30yrs(My wife). But, you do understand how some may have a bit of trepidation with doing so.

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Well, I am a deranged hater or so I have been told.:cool:


Naw we all disagree argue back and forth then have fun with jokes in another topic or sometimes the same topic. :p


On Topic: 50 mil is way to expensive and I wouldn't feel comfortable donating that much even 25 seems a bit much for me.

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I trust both of my guild leaders a lot, they are the reason i became subscriber in the 1st place, they are very nice poeple. ever since i heard about guild ship i have been donating all the creds i make in guild bank. i don't regret giving my creds to the guild i care for.
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I trust both of my guild leaders a lot, they are the reason i became subscriber in the 1st place, they are very nice poeple. ever since i heard about guild ship i have been donating all the creds i make in guild bank. i don't regret giving my creds to the guild i care for.


But, you do see how some might?

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But, you do see how some might?

Of course i do. and that is where i want to ask them : why did you join the guild? why did you even subscribe in an mmo if you don't want to establish friendly relation with people? To me the only reason a game is worth subscribing if there are people in the game i care about or i have friends playing the game. Look at the history of mmo : people started to play mmo because they were sure they would meet people just like them; gamers, when they were shunend socially they got to live a social life in mmo. Back then the only reason to play mmo was to be social and have fun playing it while being social. it is still the same for me. I took nearly 8 month break from swtor and went to play Rift; which frankly is a far better game in quality but i missed my guild here and came back and became sub so that i can play with everyone without constraints. if that is not how someone feels, if someone is playing mmo just to be a snob, then of course they will feel hesitated to hand out their "prestige"(read creds if you want) to the guild.

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Let preface by saying that 50M credits is not a lot on a personal ground, But do I/You trust your guild leadership. After talking with a few people on the forums and seeing the current fleet chat. I do believe that 50M credits is a bit much. Yes, Guild Ships should have to be earned.


But, a significant and more moderate middle ground should be found. I do not see why EAware after spending a great deal of time would price a feature so far out. On one hand it probably is done to space out content which is understandable. But, there are far better ways to do so.


I absolutely trust my guild leader with 50 million. That said, I will be donating far less than 50 million. On the infinitesimal chance that I find my trust misplaced, I will not be losing overly much in the way of credits.


I do not anticipate seeing too many guild leaders absconding with either the 50 million or the guild ship. In fact, I would be surprised if any guild leader was guilty of such conduct.


Frankly, to be completely honest, I find the this thread to be a huge stretch and a desperate attempt to foment dissent over the price of guild ships. There are already a number of threads already complaining about the price tag being too high, and a large number of posters in those threads feel that the price is reasonable. Unfortunately, it seems that since BW is not simply handing each guild a guild ship, or charging a pittance for them, the cost is "far too high" for many.

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I would trust anyone with it. It's not real money.


I can make 50mil in about 3 months. On my own. If I lost that much, I'd be irritated, but hardly for long.


To be completely fair, I'm more put out that I lost out on the Red Sphere by 5 points on the Need roll than I would be about losing a few million credits.

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I absolutely trust my guild leader with 50 million. That said, I will be donating far less than 50 million. On the infinitesimal chance that I find my trust misplaced, I will not be losing overly much in the way of credits.


I do not anticipate seeing too many guild leaders absconding with either the 50 million or the guild ship. In fact, I would be surprised if any guild leader was guilty of such conduct.


Frankly, to be completely honest, I find the this thread to be a huge stretch and a desperate attempt to foment dissent over the price of guild ships. There are already a number of threads already complaining about the price tag being too high, and a large number of posters in those threads feel that the price is reasonable. Unfortunately, it seems that since BW is not simply handing each guild a guild ship, or charging a pittance for them, the cost is "far too high" for many.


I am glad that you do. I myself have way more then 50m and have told our guild we will have one. but I have spent a lifetime defending the other guy. I have made no such assertion that guild leaders would or will absocnd with the funds. But real life happens, Sometimes things are beyond a person control.



Thank you, for you input and abundant compassion for those that may not have as deep pockets as you or myself.

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I am glad that you do. I myself have way more then 50m and have told our guild we will have one. but I have spent a lifetime defending the other guy. I have made no such assertion that guild leaders would or will absocnd with the funds. But real life happens, Sometimes things are beyond a person control.



Thank you, for you input and abundant compassion for those that may not have as deep pockets as you or myself.


You may not have made a direct assertion to that effect, but your OP definitely implies that, IMO.


I never said a had tremendously deep pockets. I said I would trust my guild leader with 50 million, but I would actually be contributing far less.


Forgive me for not breaking my leg in a mad rush to defend those who want to complain that 50 million credits, which are easy to make in this game, is far too much for a GUILD ship.

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Let preface by saying that 50M credits is not a lot on a personal ground, But do I/You trust your guild leadership. After talking with a few people on the forums and seeing the current fleet chat. I do believe that 50M credits is a bit much. Yes, Guild Ships should have to be earned.


But, a significant and more moderate middle ground should be found. I do not see why EAware after spending a great deal of time would price a feature so far out. On one hand it probably is done to space out content which is understandable. But, there are far better ways to do so.


It's Bioware. Be more considerate.


Also, no one is being compelled or forced to give away 50 million credits last I checked. I've already suggested this earlier...




And that's with ten people(!) only. If you have like twenty people, only one million each. If you have thirty people, which is personally my ideal of a guild, 500k or so(?).


That's like 72k that each Guild member has to donate to the Guild Bank. It doesn't really sound that much truth be told and 2.9 is four weeks away. Plenty of time to get started.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This is a great topic and worthy of discussion.


No matter how much I like my current guild, people leave the game for all kinds of reasons, leadership changes from time to time...


My current guild was doing raids 4 nights a week 6 months ago, today, we did 1 this week. The leadership has changed 3 times in 6 months, it is a new guild for all intents and purposes.


Would I kick in 200K to see it happen? Sure... 2 million? No. Not without a way to ensure I had some say in the guild, but only the leader has that power, so it falls on the leader to put most of the money up.

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I would trust anyone with it. It's not real money.


I can make 50mil in about 3 months. On my own. If I lost that much, I'd be irritated, but hardly for long.


To be completely fair, I'm more put out that I lost out on the Red Sphere by 5 points on the Need roll than I would be about losing a few million credits.


While I agree, that it is not real money. there are those that have put time and effort in acquiring it.


If you lost it would you be significantly irradiated? :p Three months for some, its a bit of time.


Considering that the majority of players are causal, Some may not have the bonds with guild-mates you or I may have.

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I'm sure we'll see some shenanigans after 2.9 with shady GMs asking for then embezzling funds intended for capital ships. In large zerg guilds where I don't know anyone, I wouldn't donate.


Luckily I'm in a guild with more than enough funds, with a GM I completely trust.

Edited by Projawa
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I'm sure we'll see some shenanigans after 2.9 with shady GMs asking for then embezzling funds intended for capital ships. In large zerg guilds where I don't know anyone, I wouldn't donate.


Luckily I'm in a guild with more than enough funds, with a GM I completely trust.


I usually trust Game Masters. I didn't even know this game had one.

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It's Bioware. Be more considerate.


Also, no one is being compelled or forced to give away 50 million credits last I checked. I've already suggested this earlier...




And that's with ten people(!) only. If you have like twenty people, only one million each. If you have thirty people, which is personally my ideal of a guild, 500k or so(?).


That's like 72k that each Guild member has to donate to the Guild Bank. It doesn't really sound that much truth be told and 2.9 is four weeks away. Plenty of time to get started.


Sorry, for me BioWare died the day the Doc's packed up and left. That is a topic for another day. I have never said people would be compelled, But this is a highly anticipated feature.



I saw your guide and thought it was good. Perhaps you could talk with Dulfy and have it place on the site as a guide. But as you see from the poster below you, Some people do have a bit of trepidation.

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Sorry, for me BioWare died the day the Doc's packed up and left. That is a topic for another day. I have never said people would be compelled, But this is a highly anticipated feature.


Doesn't hurt to be respectful of the people still there though.


I saw your guide and thought it was good. Perhaps you could talk with Dulfy and have it place on the site as a guide.


Unnecessary mockery I'd say. Was merely pointing out an example, not to mention a valid strategy.


Just as people are expected to gear up appropriately for certain pieces of content, they are ALSO expected to work together and amass enough credits to purchase a Guild Flagship.


It's an MMO after all. If some of the stuff that I mentioned there is a huge "NO" for some people, then looking for another guild should be a priority.


But as you see from the poster below you, Some people do have a bit of trepidation.


What I said earlier already covers that.


If people don't trust their GM, they're in the wrong place I reckon. It's not the game or the developers' fault.

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Price a feature so far out?


First of all the true value of the Guild Flagship will only be known when more is disclosed about the Guild conquest system.


Second, how much does it cost to unlock all the Guild bank tabs these days? Last time I checked it was 60 million.


Third, it's amazingly easy to earn credits in SWTOR these days, loads of dailies with a weekly bonus, crafting mats that can be purchased with redundant basic coms (isotope-5 vials) not to mention the cash alternative of buying Cartel Market packs/unlocks and selling them on the GTN.


Fourth, it's not 50 million per character, it's 50 million all in, and at least 3 weeks to earn it in if you want the Flagship on day one of release.


Lastly, if you are in a small guild and don't trust the Guild leader enough to contribute your fair share are you sure you're in the right guild for you?

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Doesn't hurt to be respectful of the people still there though.




Unnecessary mockery I'd say. Was merely pointing out an example, not to mention a valid strategy.


Just as people are expected to gear up appropriately for certain pieces of content, they are ALSO expected to work together and amass enough credits to purchase a Guild Flagship.


It's an MMO after all. If some of the stuff that I mentioned there is a huge "NO" for some people, then looking for another guild should be a priority.




What I said earlier already covers that.


If people don't trust their GM, they're in the wrong place I reckon. It's not the game or the developers' fault.


If you took what I said about you guide as mockery, it wasn't. I thought it was well thought out, And while I do not agree with it 100% I do think it is a very good guide.

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