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What would you most like to see implemented to SWTOR?


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TSW/mystery style missions.



Imagine a locked vault that you can't hack without destroying the contents. You need the password but the only person who knows is dead. All you know about him is that he was a musician of the highest calibre. The house is ransacked and there are no clues in your mission log. You turn on a player piano and it starts repeating a short series of chords. You spend twenty minutes looking around before you suddenly realize the music might be a clue and either write the sheet music via ear or by watching which keys are being pushed down. Eureka! You did it! The vault opens and you get the key to completing your Tatooine class mission:D



You're on Makeb and being attacked by an Isotope-5 powered droid that keeps fixing itself and becoming slightly stronger (1% hp and 1% dps everytime it reboots). There's a Isotope-5 turret that could destroy the droid before it becomes too powerful for you to defeat, but it's password locked. You notice a keypad blinking on the ground. It's morse code! You figure it out and activate the turret (Doctor Oggurobb later reveals he was making it blink).:D

Edited by AshlaBoga
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There seems to be a lot of negativity towards SWTOR and game content etc recently!


I thought it would interesting to hear what others would like to see implemented and what would keep you playing SWTOR for the forseeable future. All ideas and suggestions welcome!


Personally, my key ideas are:


1) More Character Customisation - For me this is a biggie. I don't really have any motivation to start any of the same old characters anymore. I've recently succumbed and started a Chiss Bounty Hunter, as I find Chiss the most unusual and not as common as other races, but now I have 3 chiss! The world of SWTOR isn't as diverse as you think it would be. I can think of many races I would love to see in the game!


2) New Classes - I suppose this ties in with number 1, although I imagine not as easy to implement! For me it's all about customisation. Having more classes would make each individual class uniquie and give players a sense of pride whilst playing a certain role with a certain class. Again, I've had this game well over a year now and I have no motivation at all to create a new character at the moment. Adding more classes/customisation would bring so much more life to the game!


3) More content - You simply can't go wrong! I'm not a HUGE gamer but I personally didn't find it too hard levelling up my toons, nor exploring what SWTOR has to offer. Givingg us players more to explore and making the game harder to conquer would be awesome! I'm sure with time more will be added to the game, however that is certainly one thing I would love to see.


What about you guys?!


1: more class specific, non-group orientated content.


2: purchasable alternate animations (red sorcerer lightning, missiles for commando, etc.)


3: advanced mods, offhands, earpieces/relics/implants, and gear available from the CM similar to the CM crystals. items should not be superior to anything available without paying money and not findable in the collections tab. this whole 'cosmetic' thing with the CM and all of you people whining about "pay to play" can suck it.


4: more unique warzones (the 'capture-and-hold' system seen in 'Gree Hypergate', 'Alderaan Civil War', GSF 'domination mode', and 'Novare Coast' is extremely old) and a system to keep players from doing the same warzone multiple times.

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A dev staff that listens to customer feedback and suggestions when it comes to adding major features to the game.


Case in point, GSF and GS, where in my opinion the very players they are trying to appeal to have been and are being ignored in most cases.


That is what I would most like to see.

Edited by LordArtemis
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